MonOct 13

World Thrombosis Day – October 13, 2025

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World Thrombosis Day is observed by the entire world on October 13. The International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis created the World Thrombosis Day campaign in 2014 to bring awareness to the frequently disregarded and misunderstood condition of thrombosis. Globally, thrombosis-related disorders cause one in every four deaths. And, astonishingly, blood clots affect up to 900,000 people in the United States alone each year; about 100,000 of them will pass away, which is greater than the total annual death toll from AIDS, breast cancer, and automobile accidents.

History of World Thrombosis Day

As scientists, researchers, and healthcare professionals, you are aware that heart attack, stroke, and venous thromboembolism are the top three causes of cardiovascular death worldwide. Thrombosis is the most common disease-causing these events (V.T.E.). Many of these deaths can be prevented, though.

Thrombosis is a medical disorder that occurs when blood clots clog blood vessels. Venous thrombosis and arterial thrombosis are the two forms of thrombosis. When a blood clot stops a vein, this is known as venous thrombosis. When a blood clot plugs an artery, this is referred to as arterial thrombosis.

Thrombosis affects up to 900,000 people in the United States alone each year. Many people who have venous thrombosis will have long-term consequences. Some of these symptoms include swelling, discomfort, and skin discoloration. Each year, up to 100,000 individuals in the United States die as a result of thrombosis. On a worldwide scale, one in every four people dies as a result of thrombosis-related illnesses.

The first World Thrombosis Day will be held on October 13, 2014, to raise awareness of this critical health concern. World Thrombosis Day is an educational project led by the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (I.S.T.H.) and overseen by prominent medical and public health specialists to lower the considerable illness burden caused by thrombosis.

The goal of World Thrombosis Day is to raise global awareness of thrombosis, including its causes, risk factors, signs and symptoms, and evidence-based prevention and treatment. Finally, the effort aims to minimize the number of people who die or are disabled as a result of the condition.

The World Thrombosis Day mission supports the World Health Assembly’s worldwide goal of lowering noncommunicable disease-related premature deaths by 25% by 2025, as well as the World Health Organization’s global action plan for noncommunicable disease prevention and control between 2013 and 2020.

World Thrombosis Day timeline

First Well-Documented Case of Thrombosis

Raoul experiences unilateral edema in the ankle that spread to the leg.

Clots Forming in Blood Vessels

Mercurialis notices clots occurring in blood vessels at normal body temperature.

Blood Circulation Study

William Harvey, an English physician, presents the first research on blood circulation.

Educational Initiative

The first World Thrombosis Day is held on October 13 to raise awareness about this significant health concern.

World Thrombosis Day FAQs

What color ribbon is used to identify blood clots?

The awareness ribbon color for blood clots, especially D.V.T., is deep red. The color of the P.E. awareness ribbon is red and white when combined.

What causes thrombosis?

Anything that prevents your blood from flowing or clotting properly might cause a blood clot. D.V.T. is mostly caused by damage to a vein caused by surgery or trauma, as well as inflammation caused by infection or injury.

Who is at risk of developing thrombosis?

Deep vein thrombosis is more common in adults over the age of 50. It is also more prevalent in those who are overweight or obese, or if you are pregnant or in the first six weeks after giving birth.

How to Observe World Thrombosis Day

  1. Learn more about thrombosis

    Learn more about thrombosis and discuss the dangers with your doctor. Learn about renowned thrombosis survivors, including Hillary Clinton, Serena Williams, and James Stewart.

  2. Share it on social media

    If you have survived thrombosis, please share your experience with others by using #WorldThrombosisDay. You can ever share symptoms and what to look for on your social media.

  3. Participate in an event

    Live webinars, instructive seminars, distinguished speakers, and a design contest are among the events. Interviews with thrombosis survivors and medical experts are also included.

5 Facts About Thrombosis

  1. May have no symptoms

    Blood clots might be asymptomatic or cause your limb or arm to enlarge and ache.

  2. Blood clots can break loose

    Blood clots can break free and move to your lungs (pulmonary embolism), causing breathing issues and perhaps death.

  3. Some patients are more vulnerable

    People with autoimmune illnesses, such as lupus, and those living with H.I.V. are also at an increased risk for V.T.E.

  4. No routine screening

    Routine screening tests for common illnesses such as diabetes and high cholesterol are available, but there are no evidence-based screening tests for blood clots.

  5. Lifestyle is important for prevention

    Some risk factors, such as age or family history, are unchangeable, but behaviors are.

Why World Thrombosis Day is Important

  1. It raises awareness

    Increase public and health professional knowledge of the prevalence and hazards of thrombosis, as well as take action. You can do this through educational programs throughout the year.

  2. It links to people who are experiencing the same issue

    World Thrombosis Day encourages individuals to live a healthier lifestyle. Individuals begin to encounter new people who can connect with and understand them by watching the day and participating in healthy activities.

  3. It brings us together for a good cause

    People throughout the world are united by the shared goal of improving health. This is encouraged and should be done regularly.

World Thrombosis Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 October 13 Monday
2026 October 13 Tuesday
2027 October 13 Wednesday
2028 October 13 Friday
2029 October 13 Saturday