MonOct 13

National No Bra Day – October 13, 2025

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What is National No Bra Day?

October 13 is National No Bra Day, also known as: “the moment we get home from work day. Today is not just about comfort, though. National No Bra Day, which falls right in the middle of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, is a time for women (and men!) to learn about breast health. It helps remind people that breast cancer is a potentially fatal disease, but also highly detectable and treatable. National No Bra Day is all about learning to spot early warning signs and get an edge in the fight against cancer. 

History of National No Bra Day

National No Bra Day’s origins can be traced back to two days in history: July 9, 2011 and October 19, 2011. The latter was founded in Toronto, Canada where it was originally titled BRA Day by Dr. Mitchell Brown. BRA (Breast Reconstruction — An Event of Learning and Sharing) Day was celebrated to raise awareness for women who undergo a mastectomy and encourage self examinations. In July that same year, a person using the pseudonym Anastasia Doughnuts conceived National No Bra Day to raise breast cancer awareness, along with a website to help promote the event’s occurrence. Three years later, the two days were combined and pushed to October 13 to be celebrated during National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

National No Bra Day timeline

1600 BC
First Recorded Instance of Cancer

The first case of any cancer was mentioned in Egypt on The Edwin Smith Papyrus. It described eight different cases of growths and ulcers found within the breast.

First Radical Mastectomy

The Halsted Mastectomy (which is considered the first radical mastectomy) was performed by American surgeon William Halsted. 

Breast Cancer Awareness Week Launches

A weeklong organized event occurred in the United States in order to spread breast cancer awareness.

Pink Ribbons Become Symbol of Breast Cancer Awareness

The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation began handing out pink ribbons to breast cancer survivors running in its Race For The Cure event. 

National No Bra Day FAQs

When Day Is No Bra Day 2020?

National No Bra Day is celebrated annually on October 13.

What is the meaning of No Bra Day?

No Bra Day is a female health holiday focusing on breast cancer prevention. It was created to raise awareness of breast cancer, promote self examination, and early detection.

When is Breast Cancer Awareness Month?

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is celebrated annually during the month of October.

How to Observe National No Bra Day

  1. Learn how to perform a breast self-examination

    According to Johns Hopkins Medical Center, “40 percent of diagnosed breast cancers are detected by women who feel a lump,” and the key to beating cancer is to catch it early.  There are helpful infographics on the internet about self examination, and you can also consult a physician for further details. If you feel a lump or notice any irregularities (such as discharge, dimpling, or puckering), consult your doctor immediately. 

  2. Participate on social media

    Share your support for your lawless, bra-less comrades by documenting your experience on social media. Connecting with others who are also observing this holiday can lead to helpful conversations, tips on great cancer charities, or even new friendships!

  3. Buy a new bra

    Maybe it's counterintuitive, but National No Bra Day is a great excuse to treat yourself to a more comfortable bra. A bra that doesn't fit can be a real pain, so use the spirit of the day to treat yourself to comfort!

Why National No Bra Day is Important

  1. It raises breast cancer awareness

    Since it is customary for people with breasts to wear bras every day, setting aside a day for purposely not wearing a bra helps make people more aware of breasts in general. Cancer, as a disease, relies on people not paying attention to it until it’s too late. But by paying attention and being aware of your breasts, you minimize the risk that you will be severely affected by breast cancer.

  2. It raises breast awareness

    We're just going to say it—breasts are a taboo subject. But, if no one talks about them, how are we ever going to lower the risk of breast cancer? National No Bra Day is a day where it's okay, and even encouraged, to talk about breasts. This normalizes them, and de-stigmatizes getting checked for cancer.

  3. It’s the most comfortable day of the year

    Non-bra-wearers may not realize this, but bras have a tendency to be hideously uncomfortable. National No Bra Day is a great excuse to throw convention to the wind and go without a bra! (Only if you want to, of course.)

National No Bra Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 October 13 Monday
2026 October 13 Tuesday
2027 October 13 Wednesday
2028 October 13 Friday
2029 October 13 Saturday