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SunJan 26

World Leprosy Day – January 26, 2025

World Leprosy Day, observed on the last Sunday in January annually, aims to create awareness about a disease that many people believe to be extinct, especially in developed countries. Leprosy, also called Hansen’s disease, is an infectious disease caused by a specific type of bacteria that targets the human body’s nervous system. It generally affects the hands, feet, and face. It is believed to spread through extensive exposure to the bacteria causing it. The day aims to not only educate people about the disease, but to draw attention to those afflicted by it. 

History of World Leprosy Day

Leprosy is a long-term bacterial infection that can lead to permanent and irreparable damage to the nerves, respiratory tract, skin, and eyes. The condition causes loss of sensation in the affected areas. Often, the afflicted person cannot sense pain in the affected area, leading to neglect towards injuries or unnoticed wounds, and resulting in the loss of limbs. An infected person may experience other indications, such as muscle weakness and poor eyesight. 

The disease is also called Hansen’s disease, named after the Norwegian doctor Gerhard Henrik Armauer Hansen, who is known for identifying the bacteria that causes Leprosy.

To create awareness about the disease, especially its socio-economic ramifications, French philanthropist Raoul Follereau established World Leprosy Day in 1954. In India, the day is observed on January 30 — the death anniversary of the apostle of world peace, Mahatma Gandhi, to respect his unflinching compassion for people afflicted with the disease.

Although easily curable today and rare in developed countries, such as the U.S, the disease is surrounded by stigma. This is true especially in India, Brazil, and Indonesia, where the maximum number of cases are found. Infected people are often discriminated against and ostracized, leading to a lack of access to appropriate medical care, treatment, and even denial of basic human rights.

Since Leprosy massively affects the underprivileged sections of the world’s population, the world is beginning to conveniently forget about the disease. World Leprosy Day aims to increase public awareness of Leprosy to enable people to seek treatment and live a life of dignity. 

World Leprosy Day timeline

The Bacterium Causing Leprosy Is Identified

Gerhard Henrik Armauer Hansen, a Norwegian physician, identifies the bacterium ‘Mycobacterium leprae’ as the principal bacteria that causes Leprosy.

The First World Leprosy Day

French philanthropist Raoul Follereau establishes World Leprosy Day, to be observed on the last Sunday of January annually, to increase public awareness about the disease.

Leprosy Affects People Worldwide

The WHO states that over 2.08 lakh cases of Leprosy were reported across more than 120 countries, with the maximum emerging from India, Brazil, and Indonesia.

The Day Celebrates 67 Years

This year, the theme for World Leprosy Day is ‘Beat Leprosy, End Stigma, and Advocate for Mental Well-Being.’

World Leprosy Day FAQs

Is January 30 observed as World Leprosy Day every year?

Internationally, World Leprosy Day is observed every year on the last Sunday in January. In India, it is observed on January 30 to commemorate the death anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.

Has Leprosy been eradicated in the U.S.?

Although the disease has not been eradicated, it is rare. The C.D.C. reports that the U.S. sees approximately 150 to 200 new cases every year.

Is Leprosy highly contagious?

No. Casual contact with an infected person — shaking hands, hugging, or sitting next to them — does not spread Leprosy. As a matter of fact, it is difficult to catch, and a person gets infected only with extensive contact with infected people for a prolonged period.

How To Observe World Leprosy Day

  1. Organize a community parade

    Walk through neighborhoods in your local community in groups. Carry placards and handouts that can educate about the day and the disease. Invite an N.G.O. working in the space of Leprosy eradication to chair a meeting at the market square at the end of the parade. You'll be doing yeoman's service when you spread awareness about the disease.

  2. Cheer up people diagnosed with Leprosy

    Visit a Leprosy care center and speak to patients there. Often, they feel neglected and ostracized by society. Make them feel a part of our beautiful world. You'll surely rack up blessings this way!

  3. Organize a social media campaign

    Post messages about Leprosy eradication on your wall. Tag your posts with links to stories and articles that can provide people with more information about the disease. Spread the message that Leprosy can be cured and people affected by it should be taken care of.

5 Facts About The Burden Of Leprosy Worldwide

  1. People living with Leprosy-induced disabilities

    Globally, an estimated two to three million people live with disabilities caused due to the disease.

  2. The number of children afflicted by Leprosy

    In 2019, nearly 15,000 children were diagnosed with Hansen’s disease.

  3. The geographic prevalence of the disease

    In 2018, cases were reported from more than 120 countries, with 80% of them emanating from India, Brazil, and Indonesia collectively.

  4. The number of new cases in the U.S.

    The United States sees roughly 150 to 200 cases in a year, as reported by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

  5. The hotspots in America

    California, Arkansas, New York, Florida, Hawaii, Louisiana, and Texas reported the most cases in the U.S. in 2018.

Why World Leprosy Day is Important

  1. To eliminate social discrimination of afflicted people

    The social discrimination of those who are infected has to be weeded out to allow patients to live with dignity. It is crucial to spread awareness about Leprosy for this reason. World Leprosy Day provides a platform for creating an inclusive society that treats the afflicted with the respect they deserve.

  2. To spread awareness about the treatment for Leprosy

    Leprosy can be cured with antibiotic treatment. However, most patients come from impoverished backgrounds and do not have the means to access treatment. Also, the stigma attached to the condition dissuades people from seeking treatment for the disease. The day helps make people aware that Leprosy can be treated.

  3. To bust the myths and misconceptions surrounding the disease

    There are too many misconceptions harbored by society about Leprosy. Many people feel that the digits of a person affected by Leprosy just "fall off" one day. Others feel that the disease is transmitted by sitting next to or shaking hands with an infected person. These myths can be busted on World Leprosy Day so that people living with Leprosy receive an equal opportunity to shine in society.

World Leprosy Day dates

Year Date Day
2023 January 29 Sunday
2024 January 28 Sunday
2025 January 26 Sunday
2026 January 25 Sunday