Each year, the Philippines celebrates Children’s Week in the fourth week of January. This year, it takes place from January 25 31. It’s a week-long celebration of Filipino culture and values to instill these qualities in youngsters. It’s a chance for Filipino cultural arts to shine, as traditional folktales and classic Filipino literature are transformed and presented in new ways. Storytelling, live performances, movies, and other culturally intensive activities are provided for the children. Any nation’s main worry is usually its children because their future dreams are dependent on them. As a result, Diosdado Macapagal, the President of the Philippines at the time, established the last week of January as Children’s Week to promote children’s welfare and citizenship.
History of Children’s Week
“There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than how it treats its children.” — Nelson Mandela. We assume that the late Filipino president, Diosdado Macapagal, was inspired by Mandela’s sentiments when he established Children’s Week in 1964. This was accomplished by the president’s Proclamation No. 190, which established the fourth week of January as Children’s Week in the Philippines, to recognize children’s rights and responsibilities as future citizens of the country.
Children’s well-being is always a worry, as they are the most vulnerable (and, some might argue, valuable) members of any society. Children as assets to be protected and invested in may appear utilitarian, but most governments feel that children have the right to enjoy happy lives free of fear and exploitation. Governments can use education and social welfare as the main vehicles to guarantee that children are allowed to take steps toward a better life. As a result, this concern is far more than a purely nationalistic initiative on the side of world authorities.
The United Nations has a critical role to play in this step toward celebrating and protecting the rights and wellbeing of children. The 1925 Convention on Child Welfare established several observances, such as World Children’s Day, and is responsible for one of the most widely ratified human rights treaties to date. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (U.N.C.R.C.) was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1989.
It acknowledged that every child has the right to be safeguarded and to have the opportunity to thrive and participate in society. The Philippines was one of the first countries to ratify the U.N.C.R.C. in 1990 and has since worked to guarantee that all of its children have these rights.
Children in the Philippines suffer the greatest challenge — violence against them, whether at home, at school, or in their communities. According to statistics, 80 % of Filipino children have experienced violence at some point in their lives. It’s no surprise that children’s well-being is still a hot topic today.
Children’s Week timeline
The U.N. declares the first World Children’s Day at the Child Welfare Convention in Geneva.
Dr. C Henry Kempe brings child abuse to the forefront in his paper ‘The Battered Child Syndrome,’ which is published in ‘The Journal of The American Medical Association.’
Filipino president Macapagal establishes Children’s Week as an annual observance in the Philippines.
The Philippines adopts the UNCRC tenets and strives to uphold them.
Children’s Week FAQs
What is the role of a child in society?
While this varies by country, there are a few universal assumptions. The first is that youngsters will grow up to be responsible, patriotic citizens. They must realize their full potential in terms of assisting their country’s development and progress. They are also obligated to their families, elders, communities, and authorities by obligation and respect.
How is childhood different today?
Children today are more constrained than they were in ancient times when they enjoyed a lot of free play. Their play is also less open and unstructured than it was previously. There is a lot more supervision these days, and children are doing adult-like things. Technological advancements also have a significant impact on what children are exposed to and how their development is affected.
What are the five most influential children’s rights?
The top five children’s rights include their right to education, a family, play and recreational activities, health, and protection from abuse and harm.
How to Observe Children’s Week
Dive into Filipino culture
Every country has a proud history of tradition and culture, and the Philippines is no exception. Cultural exploration and respect are always suggested, whether Filipino or not. This week is an excellent opportunity to accomplish precisely that, as well as to learn more about the Philippines' literary art and rich traditions.
Read up on children’s rights
Only the top of the iceberg has been brought to your attention. We have finally succeeded in eradicating the outdated notion that children should be 'seen, not heard,' and it is now everyone's job to guarantee that these — and all other — rights are not infringed upon in any manner. The best place to start is to learn more about themes like children's rights and welfare and how to combat infringement.
Volunteer to help educate
It's time to teach them what you've learned. Educating children about their rights is a good place to start. There are many ways to become engaged — all it takes is a simple search. Alternatively, speak with your local community about fun ways to teach children about their rights and duties.
5 Facts About Child Development They Didn’t Teach Us
Laughter, the best medicine
Babies and young children can laugh up to 300 times a day.
Inside-out expansion
Children, like their organ systems, develop from the inside out.
The U.S. has a southpaw majority
Even though 90% of infants are born right-handed, the United States has the most left-handed children.
Billions of brain cells
Between the ages of one and two, a child’s brain develops two million brain connections per second.
It’s black and white
Newborn babies only see in black and white — and shades of gray — as color vision develops with growth.
Why Children’s Week is Important
It highlights child rights issues
When it comes to enforcing children's rights, the Philippines faces its own particular set of challenges. This week has the potential to bring these issues to the forefront of the collective national consciousness, especially because it intends to assist children in developing morally and as good citizens.
It educates children on values and responsibilities
There are many creative ways in which children are taught the core tenets of what it means to be a child in their nation. In the Philippines, Filipino children have their rights and responsibilities set by the Council for the Welfare of Children. Many organizations come together to make this week an engaging and fruitful one for children.
It’s a week dedicated to children
Children are taught the fundamentals of what it is to be a child in their country through a variety of imaginative methods. The Council for the Welfare of Children in the Philippines establishes the rights and obligations of Filipino children. Many groups collaborate to make this week fun and educational for children.
Children’s Week dates
Year | Date | Day |
2022 | January 23 | Sunday |
2023 | January 22 | Sunday |
2024 | January 28 | Sunday |
2025 | January 26 | Sunday |
2026 | January 25 | Sunday |