SatApr 26

Stop Food Waste Day – April 26, 2025

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Stop Food Waste day on April 26 aims to teach people ways to reduce food wastage. It’s crazy to think that around a third of the food produced on Earth goes to waste — either it’s lost or goes bad! This day aims to raise awareness of this shocking statistic. While so many on Earth go hungry, the issue of food waste is only growing.

History of Stop Food Waste Day

Humans, particularly in America, weren’t always responsible for the massive amounts of wasted food and food products. Centuries ago, before Europeans migrated and settled in the land occupied by Native Americans, food wastage was an unknown concept. Native Americans, who primarily hunted and gathered for their meals, were well-known to use every part of a slaughtered animal; hides were used for clothing and shelter, brains were used to tan the hide, and even bones were used for tools to sew or dig holes. Rarely did anything edible or usable go to waste.

The early pioneers echoed this story. Settlers moving westward in the new continent, the pioneers of the late 1800s, were faced with scarce resources and harsh conditions so they adopted many similar practices to eliminate food waste. The pioneers were sometimes even known to donate food, though before this they would use the lard for soap, and even make use of parts of an animal’s body like the head and feet.

The modern concept of food waste as we conceptualize it today was created in the boom before World War 1 — industrialization. Suddenly, food and goods that would have been challenging and expensive to obtain were being churned out and processed with such alarming speed that they lost their precious value. Industrialization made it easier for people to accept waste because they knew there would be more available the next day and, that too, at an affordable price. However, new sanitation systems still used food waste in creative ways, and people recycled what was possible, often out of necessity.

World War II, in many ways, marked the end of scarcity. Towards its end, rationing ended, the Depression was over, industry was booming, and new materials and waste disposal practices made it easy to chuck whatever you had, buy a new one, and feel secure with the “out of sight, out of mind” mentality. At this time, food waste began to take off — there was no longer a need to repurpose it, and disposal of perfectly good resources was becoming widespread.

Today, food waste is a rampant problem — almost half of the food produced in the United States goes to waste. This means there are 80 billion pounds of good food simply sent to the trash! With this trend came great inequities, since millions of people experience hunger and starvation every day. There are roughly 219 pounds of wasted food per person per year. How will you change your number?

Stop Food Waste Day timeline

Before European Expansion

Before the English came to America and set up shop along the East Coast, Native American tribes used the land to its fullest extent, rarely wasting any part of the animal they hunted or the food they gathered.

1856 – late 1800s
Pioneers Wasted Nothing

Similar to the Native Americans that they were ousting, the first settlers used the entire animal they hunted and killed.

Late 1800s – 1914
Change Before the First World War

Shortly before the First World War, the boom of industrialization changed not only America’s economy but the global one.


After the end of World War II, food became cheaper to produce and less expensive to waste.

Food Waste Today

Over 80 billion pounds of food is thrown away in the U.S. each year, and by some estimations, nearly 40% of food produced will go to waste.

Stop Food Waste Day FAQs

Are there any events for Stop Food Waste Day?

You’ll find several events that are regularly held, including teaching kitchens, culinary marketing summits, and workshops on tangible ways to reduce your personal food waste.

What will happen if we stop wasting food?

According to the United Nations, cutting down on wasting food by just a quarter would mean enough food for everyone.

How can I stop food waste?

There are many ways to reduce food wastage — start with not overbuying in the first place. It is also a good idea to check the expiration dates of food products when you buy them. Your freezer is your best friend in this case, as it will extend the use-by date and shelf life of many fresh food items and food products.

How to Observe Stop Food Waste Day

  1. Stock your refrigerator smartly

    Humans can’t help it, our animal instinct is to buy more food than we need. However, if we want to reduce our food waste, it’s our job to fight the instinct! Instead of buying in bulk, plan what you’ll need for the week and make sure you have the means to store it.

  2. Store food correctly

    Food spoilage accounts for over 60% of food waste! Learn to store your perishables correctly, or invest more heavily in frozen or nonperishable foods. Did you know that potatoes, tomatoes, and onion should never be refrigerated?

  3. Eat the extras!

    From leftovers to the skins on fruits and veggies, there is often so much more edible food in a meal than you think. Too often, skins on fruits, vegetables, and chicken are peeled off and go to waste — don’t miss out on the nutrients! Another great way to reduce your food waste is to feast on leftovers.

5 Interesting Facts About Food Waste

  1. There are millions starving

    If we lived in a world without food waste, experts believe we would be able to feed 3 billion more people — that’s a lot more than the 925 million who are estimated to go hungry today.

  2. Wasted water is expensive

    Annually, uneaten food wasted ¼ of our water supply — to the tune of $172 billion.

  3. Landfills create methane

    We’ve all heard of methane, the greenhouse gas that’s pumping the gas on global warming even more than carbon dioxide — food rotting in landfills produces a huge amount of this dangerous chemical.

  4. Fruits and vegetables are the most wasted

    Some of the most perishable foods — fruits, vegetables, roots, and tubers — go to waste more than any other variety of food.

  5. Ugly food gets tossed

    A significant portion of food that is wasted is done so simply because grocery stores don’t find it aesthetically appealing enough to shelve.

Why We Love Stop Food Waste Day

  1. It teaches us new things

    There are many ways to avoid food waste! This holiday makes us more aware of our habits and teaches us tips and tricks on where we can cut back wasteful practices.

  2. It reminds us to give back

    Food waste hurts the millions of people who go hungry every day and hurts the producers of food. There are ways to support these groups by donating your time or money! Today is a great day to look into helping those who don’t have enough on the table.

  3. It combats an important environmental issue

    Food uses a colossal amount of water, energy, transportation, and labor to produce, ship, and distribute. When food goes to waste, it creates a massive and completely avoidable loss of resources — not to mention the millions of people who go hungry every day.

Stop Food Waste Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 April 26 Saturday
2026 April 26 Sunday
2027 April 26 Monday
2028 April 26 Wednesday
2029 April 26 Thursday