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Noise Action Week – May 19-24, 2025

Noise Action Week is observed every third week of May and this year it will be held on May 19 to 24 in the U.K. During this entire week citizens all around Britain take time to consider the amount of noise they make on a day-to-day basis. Local authorities, landlords, and other service providers get oriented toward paying closer attention to noise complaints around their neighborhoods. This important week helps to create awareness of how harmful noise pollution is to humanity’s well-being.

History of Noise Action Week

To fight against noise pollution in the U.K., the Environmental Protection UK organization has been promoting Noise Action Week since 1996. During this event, resources are available to the population so everyone can get together and discuss the issues around noise pollution in their communities. Local authorities are also involved and are oriented to provide extra information about the topic.

A big issue with living in a big city is the noise. Those who have lived in urban areas know how much noise pollution can affect our daily lives. Airplanes, big trucks, cars, and motorcycles can make a lot of noise, especially if they’re all in the same area. Because cities are environments prone to big construction sites, lots of traffic, and even big-scale events, their populations are the main ones affected by noise pollution.

However, those are not the only sounds that can cause physical or emotional distress. Loud banging on the walls, heavy steps on the floor, laundry machines, microwaves, sound systems, and many others, all combined, can be a burden when heard all of the time. High blood pressure, stress, and even hearing loss have been linked with noise pollution in big cities.

Noise Action Week timeline

WHO Releases Recommended Guidelines

The World Health Organization announces guidelines for noise levels for different conditions.

The Noise Action Week Launches

Environmental Protection UK organizes the first-ever Noise Action Week.

Noise Pollution Becomes an Issue

The British Chief Medical Officer recognizes noise pollution as a health problem.

WHO Amends Noise Guidelines

WHO releases the latest version of recommended noise level guidelines.

Noise Action Week FAQs

What are the types of noise pollution?

The different types of noise pollution are transport, neighborhood, and industrial.

Why is it important to reduce noise pollution?

It’s imperative to improve people’s physical and mental health.

How does noise pollution affect the environment?

Some animals cannot find food, mates, or predators if they cannot hear. Noise pollution can decrease or even take away some animals’ hearing.

How to Observe Noise Action Week

  1. Take a vow of silence

    Why not take a few hours during this week to not make a sound? Try it and make this a time of introspection.

  2. Post about it

    Spread the word on your social media. Let all your friends know how they can participate in the events of this Noise Action Week.

  3. Talk to neighbors

    This week is a great opportunity to connect with your neighbors. Talk together about how much noise you are all making in your neighborhood.

5 Fascination Facts About Noise Pollution

  1. It is preventable

    Noise pollution is 100% preventable, and all it takes is the community coming together to help.

  2. You can help reduce it

    You can take action by searching for noise sources in your environment, home or work.

  3. It affects many people

    In the U.S. over 30 million people struggle with noise pollution in their workplaces.

  4. It’s the main cause of hearing loss

    Although we’d think that hearing loss is due to aging, the main issue is noise pollution.

  5. It can affect brain development

    Too much noise can impact children’s brain development negatively.

Why Noise Action Week is Important

  1. It improves our health

    Taking some time to care for our physical and emotional health is very important. This week reminds us to do just that.

  2. It encourages interaction

    When else would you go out of your way to talk to your neighbors about noise pollution? This week gives you the opportunity to do this.

  3. It raises awareness

    It’s a great week to remind us of how much noise we make and encourages us to be mindful beyond the day. This awareness will help us to change our ways.

Noise Action Week dates

Year Date Day
2022 May 23 Monday
2023 May 22 Monday
2024 May 20 Monday
2025 May 19 Monday
2026 May 18 Monday