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SunJan 26

National Spouse Day – January 26, 2025

National Spouse Day is finally here! Other than Valentine’s Day, this is the only worldwide holiday that gives couples a chance to spoil each other, to take time out of their busy schedules, and to tend to their love. It’s a chance to celebrate your spouse and show your better half that they are indeed appreciated. Let’s admit, sometimes married couples need reminders to leave the hamster wheel that is everyday life. January 26 however is the remedy to all couples’ woes. Though the day is named National Spouses Day and seemingly refers to married couples only, nowadays, this day can also be linked to many people who are not married. What’s better than feeling appreciated by your soulmate? So, let’s celebrate happiness on this love filled day.

History of National Spouse Day

The origin of National Spouse Day is unknown, but it is assumed that a married person came up with the idea. Some say it originated from the establishment of Military Spouses Day which was created in 1984, but only started becoming popular around the millennium. The day is celebrated as a national holiday on January 26 officially in the USA and UK, but many other countries celebrate it too.

The foundation of this day derives from the idea of showing thanks to your partner. Some workplaces even encourage couples to go on leave to celebrate the day and spend some quality time with their spouses.

Unlike Valentine’s day, this is a day created for giving time rather than gifts and celebrating your spouse. Due to this, couples are encouraged to spend alone time and to reflect on their journey so far. Scientific research has shown that twenty minutes of holding hands with your partner or cuddling even, can release hormones that leaves you both happier and feeling good. In turn, this relieves stress and makes you feel closer to one another.

National Spouse Day has become well known for igniting many media sources to survey couples’ behaviors and relationships and has managed to find out many interesting facts. This includes the fact that two million people get married every year in the U.S alone. Also, that 17% of them have previously been married.

Many couples have expressed feeling as though life can get too busy, and so a day like National Spouse Day is key to revitalizing relationships at the start of the new year. Others feel that your spouse should be celebrated everyday, but that an official day to commemorate your husband or wife is also seen as an honor.

National Spouse Day timeline

It Must Have Been Love

Couples were known to generally get married for the sake of shelter, protection and food.

Vision of Love

The first known observations of National Spouse Day begin.

We Found Love

In Japan, National Good Husband and Wife Day has been celebrated since 1994.

My Heart Will Go On

#NationalSpouseDay is used on twitter to tag photos of spouses and Dr Phil’s wife, Robin Mcgraw, joins in.

National Spouse Day - Survey Results

Data was gathered by a top Millennial Marketing Agency as they surveyed 1,035 married Americans about their spouses. Here are the full results:


#1: My spouse has selective listening (40%)
#2: My spouse snores (39%)
#3: My spouse can be a control freak sometimes (26%)
#4: My spouse is not as financially responsible as I am (20%)
#5: My spouse has bodily quirks (e.g. nose picking, farting, burping, etc.) (19%)
#6: My spouse doesn’t contribute enough to household chores (18%)
#7: My spouse is a slob (e.g. doesn’t wash dishes, leaves dirty clothes on floor, etc.) (17%)
#8: My spouse works too much (16%)
#9: My spouse doesn’t get along with his/her in-laws (8%)
#10: My spouse always forgets our anniversary (5%)


#1: My spouse is a hard worker (60%)
#2: I can be myself around my spouse (56%)
#3: My spouse makes me laugh (56%)
#4: My spouse is smart (52%)
#5: My spouse is supportive of my goals and desires (48%)
#6: My spouse is a great parent (45%)
#7: My spouse is sexy (44%)
#8: My spouse is good with money (31%)
#9: My spouse does the dishes (29%)
#10: My spouse buys me things (28%)


#1: My spouse and I celebrate Valentine’s Day (45%)
#2: My spouse gets on my nerves sometimes (44%)
#3: My spouse and I evenly split the household chores  (32%)
#4: Valentine’s Day was a way bigger deal before I got married (19%)
#5: My spouse is a slob (e.g. doesn’t wash dishes, leaves dirty clothes on floor, etc.) (17%)
#6: My spouse and I argue on a regular basis (16%)
#7: I wear the pants in the relationship with my spouse (13%)
#8: I love my spouse, but sometimes I wish I were single so I could experience dating again (10%)
#9: Between the two of us, I’m better-looking than my spouse (9%)
#10: In my marriage, I’m always the one who walks the dog (9%)


While 44% of husbands say they evenly split the household chores with their wives, only 26% of wives say the same.

National Spouse Day FAQs

What other fun things can you do on National Spouse Day?

You can share loving quotes with your spouse by text, you can make heart shaped treats through recipes online, or try playing the Newlywed game which tests your knowledge on your spouse.

How do we share what we are up to on Nations Spouse Day social media?

You can take photos and share on Instagram or twitter with the hashtag #NationalSpouseday.

What day will National Spouse Day fall on in 2020?

This year, National Spouse Day on January 26 will land on a Sunday.

National Spouse Day Activities

  1. Visit the place you first met

    Revisit the location of the first place you met. It’s something about the nostalgia that can help recreate how you used to feel. There’s nothing wrong with reminding each other of your history together, and where it all began.

  2. Cook for your spouse

    Food has a way of making anyone happy. Surprise your partner by cooking a classy meal and eat at the table if you’re a couple who doesn’t usually. Use cookbooks or YouTube to find recipes, or simply think of your spouse’s favorite meal and do your best to make it.

  3. Look back on your wedding day

    This game is all the more fun if you're not a newlywed. You may live together, but how well do you and your spouse actually know each other? If you don't have the board game, find some Newlywed Game questions online.

5 Facts About Spouses That Will Blow Your Mind

  1. Eat, drink and be married

    Research shows that year three of marriage is usually the happiest for the majority of couples.

  2. Marriage has a nice ring to it

    300 couples get married in Las Vegas every day.

  3. Bride and gone to heaven

    In France, it's actually legal to marry a dead person.

  4. Divorce of habit

    100 couples are said to be getting a divorce in the U.S every hour.

  5. A love date relationship

    There is a phobia known as ‘Gamophobia’ which is a fear of commitment.

Why We Love National Spouse Day

  1. It’s a reminder of your love

    The reason behind this day should allow for special quality time that many couples crave. It can ignite memories of your first date, your wedding, your first vacation, and even possibly the birth of your child. All of this reminds you of why you chose your partner in the first place and why you are so compatible.

  2. It’s inclusive

    This day is inclusive to boyfriends, girlfriends, fiancés, and newlyweds. It does not discriminate and is not just for married couples. National Spouse Day is devoted to all types of couples. Therefore, you get to celebrate your best friend or your soon to be legal partner and you can spend quality time honoring each other.

  3. It slows down our busy lives

    In this day and age, we sometimes don’t have time to stop and show appreciation for our partner or to slow down. This day works across the board for people in differing situations. Those away from their partners, those working a lot, mothers on maternity leave maybe. This day is for them, to get the chance to be appreciated.

National Spouse Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 January 26 Sunday
2026 January 26 Monday
2027 January 26 Tuesday
2028 January 26 Wednesday
2029 January 26 Friday