MonJul 14

National Nude Day – July 14, 2025

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Nudist groups around the world celebrate National Nude Day by going “au naturel” on July 14.

Nudism is the act of practicing nudity, or arguing for the right to do so. Most — although certainly not all — nudism occurs on private or specifically designated property. While not all nudists share the same philosophy, many espouse the belief that the human body is inherently beautiful, and that clothes enforce artificial and destructive social boundaries.

Think of all the resources we would save without doing laundry every week.

What could be more natural than that?

When is National Nude Day 2025?

The beauty of the human form in all its splendor is celebrated on National Nude Day on July 14.

History of National Nude Day

National Nude Day is celebrated all around the world on July 14. As the name suggests, people remove all articles of clothing on this holiday. Many perceive this as a perverted notion, but the day celebrates freedom and the aesthetics of the human body. There is an entire movement devoted to this concept, known as naturism or nudism (although the two slightly differ). The holiday started in New Zealand, and from there it spread to other Western countries.

National Nude Day came into being when former-rugby-player-turned-television-presenter Marc Ellis dared viewers to streak in front of New Zealand’s former prime minister, Helen Clark, some time at the beginning of the 21st century. The holiday is now celebrated in over 30 countries worldwide. 

Nudists believe that the human body is at its most beautiful when it is completely in its natural form. This is debatable and often frowned upon but, like it or not, nudists encourage others to free themselves from the confinements of clothing. The health benefits of going nude are undeniable, however. Many studies prove that walking barefoot potentially decreases the risk of Alzheimer’s, as the neurons in the brain are stimulated. The skin is exposed to sunlight and, hence, the body stores higher levels of Vitamin D. Fitted clothing restricts circulation, which is another reason to go without it. Benjamin Franklin was apparently aware of all these benefits, as he would reportedly enjoy ‘air baths’ near an open window, allowing fresh air to envelope his uncovered body. 

National Nude Day timeline


The act of running naked publicly, or streaking, is first recorded when a man runs naked through London in exchange for 10 guineas.

The First of its Kind

The first naturist resort is established in Aquitaine, France.


Freikörperkultur — the ‘free body culture,’ starts as a movement promoting social nudism in Germany.

Streaking, but on Wheels

The World Naked Bike Ride is initiated and becomes an annual tradition.

Traditions of the Day

The traditions followed on National Nude Day are observed in a polite manner. Most public spaces abide by the laws of public indecency, so it’s best to enjoy this holiday within the parameters of your property. There are some resorts and private places, however, in which clothing is optional, so you may want to check those out. 

The most important thing to remember is to wear sunblock when you’re going to strip down to your birthday suit outdoors. Also be mindful of poison ivy, thorns, and insects. If there is an activity like skateboarding that you want to enjoy in the nude, remember to at least wear protective gear.

National Nude Day By The Numbers

1929 – the year when the term ‘nudists’ appeared in print in “TIME” magazine.
1771 – the year when the term ‘birthday suit’ appeared in Tobias Smollett’s book “The Expedition of Humphry Clinker.”
6 – the age up to which children didn’t wear any clothes in ancient Egypt.
1926 – the year when Alfred Koch founded the Berlin School of Nudism.
25 – the decreased percentage difference in DNA fragmentation of men who slept naked at night, according to a 2015 study.
10–15 – the number of minutes of sunshine necessary to be absorbed outdoors in the nude for it to be beneficial and a mood booster.

National Nude Day FAQs

What is July 14 the national day of?

National Nude Day, National Mac and Cheese Day, National Tape Measure Day, and Bastille Day are celebrated on July 14. 

When is National Nude Day?

National Nude Day is celebrated annually on July 14. 

What does ‘au naturel’ mean?

1: cooked or served plainly. 2a: being in natural style or condition. b: nude,” defines the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

National Nude Day Activities

  1. Join a local AANR club

    The American Association for Nude Recreation has hundreds of chapters which allow nudists to meet and practice.

  2. Read some Elton Raymond Shaw

    Elton Raymond Shaw was a groundbreaking methodist churchman and naturist, who wrote extensively on the subject of societal taboos.

  3. Practice some heliotherapy

    Many believe the sun's rays have many healing properties. A day out in the sun, minus clothes, may help your body as well as your mind! Tip: Bring the sunscreen.

5 Family-Friendly Facts About Nudity

  1. Rite of passage

    In ancient Egypt, children didn't wear any clothes until they were six years old.

  2. Competing in the nude

    In ancient Greece, the athletes participating in the Olympic Games were usually completely naked — married women were forbidden from viewing these games.

  3. Japan is progressive

    There are bathhouses in Japan that allow nude public bathing.

  4. A better shopping experience

    According to a survey done by PayPal, 11% of online shoppers shop naked.

  5. Sleep like a baby

    According to a survey by the National Sleep Foundation, 30% of the people living in the United Kingdom sleep naked.

Why We Love National Nude Day

  1. It's way cool(er)

    Mid July is the height of summer, so what could feel better than shedding the outer layers and cooling off the old fashioned way?

  2. It's older than you think

    While the origins of National Nude Day are unknown, the practice of nudism — revolving around the philosophy of naturalism — is thousands of years old. Alexander the Great encountered wandering bands of naked holy men in the 4th century BC!

  3. You have plenty of options

    The U.S. alone is home to hundreds of nude beaches. Make sure you research your intended spot on the American Association for Nude Recreation website to celebrate so you don't break any laws!

National Nude Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 July 14 Monday
2026 July 14 Tuesday
2027 July 14 Wednesday
2028 July 14 Friday
2029 July 14 Saturday

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