MonJul 14

National Be Nice to Bugs Day – July 14, 2025

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National Be Nice to Bugs Day takes place on July 14. The holiday was created in an effort to highlight the importance of bugs in our ecosystem and stop their unnecessary killing. Many people are in the habit of squashing insects because they’re pestering them or for no reason at all. To conserve our natural environment, this needs to stop and although a spider might indeed look scary, it’s harmless if it hasn’t bitten you. If you let bugs be, they won’t attack you unless they feel threatened. So, the next time you find a wasp buzzing in your room, just open a window and leave the room until it eventually flies out.

History of National Be Nice to Bugs Day

Kiana Monson started this holiday in 2021 to remind people to give a second thought to killing bugs and insects. She encourages us to learn to respect and acknowledge their existence instead of swatting at them out of fear. They’re innocent beings who harmlessly go about their lives unless they are provoked.

There are many entomologists and bug collectors who study and deal with insects without getting harmed. Many people rear silkworms which, according to history, the Chinese started collecting as early as 3000 B.C. One of the most commonly domesticated insects is the honeybee and the Chinese also used to collect these between 3,500 and 4,000 years ago. So, weren’t they scared of getting stung by bees? Well, the trick lies in understanding insect behavior. Beekeepers are very cautious while handling the insects and are careful enough not to crush any bee or set off their alarm pheromones. Of course, this takes weeks and months of practice but once you learn how to read bees, you’d know how to deal with them. The same applies to other insects too.

Having said that, we’re not asking you to pet a tarantula to prove your love for insects. All you need to do is avoid harming them. Aside from doing your bit, you can do your part by spreading the word. Children especially tend to kill insects unknowingly and a quick lesson on being nice to bugs can prevent them from hurting more in the future.

National Be Nice to Bugs Day timeline

14th Century
The Bubonic Plague

The Bubonic Plague, spread by fleas traveling on rodents, drastically impacts the European socio-economic structure.

Late 17th Century
The Oldest Insect Collection

Renowned botanist, Leonard Plukenet, accumulates the world’s oldest surviving complete insect volume.

1812 — 1813
War Casualties Caused by Insects

Napoleon’s army loses thousands of soldiers to typhus, a disease spread by fleas and lice.

Late 1800s
A Bug Attack

A swarm of Phylloxera, a kind of aphid, attacks vineyards in France, devastating the French wine industry.

National Be Nice to Bugs Day FAQs

How can I be nice to bugs?

It’s pretty simple. Don’t squish or swat a bug the moment you see it. If you’re scared of insects, just move away from the spot and let the bug find its own way out. Don’t provoke insects for fun. Insects won’t attack unless they feel threatened.

When are bugs most active?

Most bugs are active during the night as the temperature of the ground stays warm and they can look for food without the risk of being eaten by predators.

Can bed bugs jump or fly?

Bed bugs can’t fly or jump, although they can crawl quickly and disappear before you catch them.

National Be Nice to Bugs Day Activities

  1. Learn about insects

    While we’re all aware of common insects like the honeybee, ladybugs, wasps, and ants, there are a multitude of exotic and interesting species that we don’t know about. Take some time out to read about bugs or watch a documentary on insects to know more about these fascinating beings.

  2. Spread awareness

    Kids often end up hurting bugs and tiny insects unintentionally while playing. This is a great day to teach your little ones to be more aware of their surroundings and show some kindness to these tiny beings. Remember, they won’t hurt you if you don’t hurt them.

  3. Visit an insect zoo

    While most of us have been to an animal zoo, exploring an insect zoo can be a novel and insightful experience. Take your children along for a fun outing.

5 Interesting Facts About Bugs

  1. What an appetite!

    On average, a ladybug consumes more than 5,000 insects in a lifetime.

  2. The busiest bugs

    A single colony of honeybees is capable of producing 220 pounds of honey in a year.

  3. Acute vision

    Caterpillars have 12 eyes, six on either side of their head.

  4. The grandparents of bugs

    Grasshoppers are older than dinosaurs.

  5. A no-bug zone

    Bugs and insects are found everywhere except Antarctica.

Why We Love National Be Nice to Bugs Day

  1. It teaches coexistence

    The world belongs to every other organism as much as it belongs to us. This day reminds us to exist with all the other inhabitants of Mother Earth, including bugs, in harmony.

  2. Protecting bugs is necessary

    From pollinating plants to maintaining soil structure, bugs play a key role in balancing our ecosystem. Did you know that if bees go extinct, our world will cease to exist? Once the rate of pollination stops, the availability of crops and diversity of fresh produce will decline substantially. Eventually, this will lead to a fall in human nutrition and affect our health.

  3. It teaches compassion

    Being nice to bugs simply means being kind to them. And kindness, in general, is a necessary virtue that can take you a long way in life.

National Be Nice to Bugs Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 July 14 Monday
2026 July 14 Tuesday
2027 July 14 Wednesday
2028 July 14 Friday
2029 July 14 Saturday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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