MonJul 14

International Non-Binary Peoples Day – July 14, 2025

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International Non-binary People’s Day is celebrated on July 14 globally. Someone who does not identify solely as a male or female is referred to as non-binary. Non-binary people can identify as both a man and a woman, or as someone who falls somewhere in between. Every day, non-binary persons demonstrate that knowing one’s self and identity is a tremendous tool that no one can take away. There’s still a lot of work to be done to ensure complete protection and rights for our non-binary friends, but we must also take time to celebrate them.

History of International Non-Binary Peoples Day

This day is commemorated annually to raise awareness of the difficulties that non-binary people face around the world. The inaugural commemoration of the day took place in 2012. This date was the most suitable to celebrate non-binary people as it falls between International Men’s Day and International Women’s Day. The Public Universal Friend, a genderless missionary who later discarded both birth name (Jemima Wilkinson) and gender pronouns, was the first person to identify as non-binary in 1776.

The Intersex and Genderqueer Recognition Project was founded in 2012 to campaign for gender options on official documents to be expanded. James Shupe became the first individual in the U.S. to have a non-binary gender on official documents in 2016. Between 2010 and 2014, the wider legal recognition of non-binary people in Australian law followed the recognition of intersex people in 2003, with transgender activist Norrie May-Welby taking legal action against the New South Wales Government Registry of Births, Deaths, and Marriages to recognize Norrie’s legal gender identity as non-specific. Argentina became the first country in South America to legally accept non-binary gender on all official documents on July 21, 2021, when it included non-binary gender symbolized as “X” on its national ID card.

While the U.S. does not recognize a non-binary gender identity on a federal level, Oregon was the first state to do so in 2016. Following Oregon’s lead, California approved legislation in 2017 that allows residents to declare themselves as non-binary on official documents.

International Non-Binary Peoples Day timeline

The First Non-Binary Person

The Public Universal Friend, a genderless missionary, discards birth name and gendered pronouns and becomes the first person to identify as non-binary.

The Recognition of Non-Binary People

Australian law recognizes the existence of intersex or non-binary people in 2003.

The First Non-Binary People's Day

The inaugural commemoration of International Non-binary People's Day.

Legal Official Documentation for Non-Binary Persons

Argentina becomes the first country in South America to legally accept non-binary gender on all official documents on July 21, 2021.

International Non-Binary Peoples Day FAQs

How old is the term non-binary?

Nonbinary gender has been documented in Hindu texts dating from 400 B.C. to 200 A.D. when Hijras were mentioned.

What is the total number of genders?

There are currently 74 genders but only a few are widely recognized.

What are neopronouns?

To accommodate those who do not identify as either male or female, neo-pronouns are employed to replace the standard her, him, she, and he.

How to Observe International Non-Binary Peoples Day

  1. Use generic terms

    Make every effort to use terms like 'friends' that are gender-neutral. You can also share your pronouns in your emails, signature, or social media pages.

  2. Remember proper pronouns

    Use the correct pronouns for people, whatever they are. Also, provide your name and pronoun in your introduction. Declaring your pronouns serves as a reminder to others that it is not always evident which pronoun someone uses.

  3. Spread the word on social media

    To demonstrate your support, create posts using the non-binary flag. If you're non-binary, you can use the hashtag #thisiswhatnonbinarylookslike to highlight that being non-binary doesn't need you to appear a certain way.

5 Facts About Non-binary People

  1. It's an umbrella term

    Other terms to describe non-binary people include genderqueer, gender fluid, agender, bigender, demigender, and pangender

  2. The non-binary flag

    Yellow, white, purple, and black horizontal stripes make up the nonbinary flag.

  3. It's not 50 percent masculine or feminine

    To be non-binary, you don't have to be equally "masculine" and "feminine."

  4. Non-binary gender identity

    Being non-binary does not rule out the possibility of having a different gender identity.

  5. Proper pronoun usage

    They/them pronouns are not used by all non-binary people.

Why International Non-Binary Peoples Day is Important

  1. It raises awareness

    In recent years, more people have shown support for the LGBTQIA+ community. However, the non-binary population is still stigmatized and discriminated against all across the world. This day contributes to raising awareness and shedding light on the problem.

  2. It acknowledges non-binary persons

    Having a day dedicated just to non-binary people gives them a sense of belonging. It's also a manner of recognizing, validating, and appreciating their contribution to society.

  3. It enlightens the general public

    Being non-binary isn't a fad. The International Day of Non-binary People educates the public on what it means to be non-binary, as well as the necessity of respecting and using the appropriate pronouns.

International Non-Binary Peoples Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 July 14 Monday
2026 July 14 Tuesday
2027 July 14 Wednesday
2028 July 14 Friday
2029 July 14 Saturday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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