ThuSep 18

National First Love Day – September 18, 2025

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On September 18 we celebrate National First Love Day. This day specifically reflects the first butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling, the first date, and that first spark with a romantic partner. We all encounter love with someone we admire and this is the day to look back on the first time we ever did. It’s a bittersweet day that can be celebrated in multiple ways. Do you remember who your first love was?

When is National First Love Day 2025?

The unforgettable, indescribable feeling of first love is reminisced on National First Love Day on September 18.

History of National First Love Day

National First Love Day began in 2015 and continues to be celebrated every year throughout the nation. The holiday started in the United States and is celebrated nationally every year. There’s no saying as to who created this day or why. All we know is that someone must have been remembering their first romantic partner in order to it. It is the sweet melancholy of memories that helped begin this national holiday.

Before the holiday was established, there were already holidays to celebrate love like the well known Valentine’s Day on February 14th and National Love Day on September 30th. These holidays both represent a day for their current partner, or someone in their life currently that they have love for. National First Love Day can be celebrated the same way, but it is more of a trip down memory lane.

It was created to remind us where it all started in our own lives and in the lives of others. One reason it was created was to bring up those reminders of the first time we felt love in a romantic relationship. These reminders could be good or bad. Last year, “Entertainment News” had an article on National First Love Day highlighting celebrities and their first loves, which is a great example on how to celebrate the holiday.

Love has no start date, but it began when the first human took their first step into this world, because it comes naturally. Love is a feeling and emotion we can give to others and can be reciprocated back to us limitlessly; but this day was created explicitly to remember our first love.

National First Love Day timeline

430 B.C.
​Love is powerful

The Greek philosopher, Empedocles, argues that earth's four elements - water, air, earth, fire - are acted upon by the powers of love and strife.

Love story

English poet and playwright, William Shakespeare, publishes his play “Romeo and Juliet” about two star-crossed lovers.

The official “first love” song

Barry White released his song, "You're The First, The Last, My Everything," which hit No. 1 on Billboard's Hot Soul Singles chart.

Love language concept

A marriage counselor, Gary Chapman, comes up with a new concept on love in his book, “The Five Love Languages”.

Traditions of the Day

Passionate, overwhelming, and powerful, the spark of first love is unlike anything else. It may be a painful memory to some and, for others, a joyful one as they are lucky enough to still be with their first sweetheart! 

Lovers take a trip down memory lane and revisit wonderful memories of first love. Some even take another shot at it and drop their first love a message. Nostalgia compels many to reach out to check up on their first loves and may even get hopeful. The lucky ones who are going strong with their first and only, celebrate by going on dates, making more memories, and cherishing one another.

By The Numbers 

88% – the percentage of Americans who get married for love.

61% – the percentage of men and women who say they want to get married for love.

19% – the percentage of teens who are in a romantic relationship.

97% – the percentage of people who married their first love and think they will be with them until they die.

14% – the percentage of teens who are in a relationship that they consider to be serious.

19% – the percentage of first-love marriage partners who thought about leaving their partner.

National First Love Day FAQs

What if someone is single on National First Love Day?

They should treat themself! They can reminisce on how they loved someone and give that back to themself as self-love. They could also spend the day with someone they love like a relative or close friend.

Is this holiday celebrated worldwide?

National First Love Day is only celebrated in the United States. It originated from the United States and is celebrated nationally every year.

What are some good places to celebrate?

Take your partner out to a restaurant that has food you both enjoy. The movie theater is another recommendation since watching a romantic movie is a way to celebrate as mentioned above. Any romantic outing is a perfect way to celebrate.

National First Love Day Activities

  1. Write a poem or song

    Use your thoughts and write them down in the form of a poem or song. Share it with someone to express your love for them!

  2. Go on a date

    Show your appreciation for your partner by taking them on a romantic and fun date. Gifts could also be given.

  3. Watch a romantic movie

    Sit back, relax, and watch a romantic flick of your preference. To spice things up add a glass of wine, if you’re of age of course!

5 Facts About First Love

  1. Romeo and not Juliet?

    In the Shakespeare story, Romeo was actually in love with Juliet’s cousin, Rosaline, but is never actually seen in the play.

  2. Fight or flight

    According to research when you are attracted to someone it triggers your heart to beat faster and faster, known as the “fight or flight” reaction.

  3. Love never dies

    Bob Humphries and Bernie Bluett were childhood sweethearts who lost touch during World War II, but they reunited 70 years later.

  4. Broken hearts are real

    Having a broken heart isn’t just a feeling, but a health risk that can cause shortness of breath, chest pain, low blood pressure, and heart failure.

  5. Breaking records together

    ​Zelmyra and Herbert Fisher earned the Guinness World Record for longest marriage at 84 years.

Why We Love National First Love Day

  1. It was the best of times

    Our first love introduces us to a whole other world we may not be able to find in someone else. It is the beginning of new things and that is something beautiful you are able to share with someone important in your life.

  2. It was a lesson learned

    Most first loves end up being our first heartbreak, but that is why we take what our first love taught us and apply it to our growth. It shapes us and makes us better for the next time we fall in love.

  3. They are memories and stories worth sharing

    Experiences make us who we are and out of that could come sad, happy, or even funny stories. It is the memories that can never be replaced, but can be remembered and told to the younger generations when asked about our own personal love experience.

National First Love Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 September 18 Thursday
2026 September 18 Friday
2027 September 18 Saturday
2028 September 18 Monday
2029 September 18 Tuesday

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Here are some special hashtags for the day.

#NationalFirstLoveDay #FirstLoveDay #FirstLoveStory #OurLoveStory #FirstLove #FirstLoveQuotes #FirstLoveNeverDies