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SatMay 10

Mother's Day Mexico – May 10, 2025

We are celebrating Mother’s Day in Mexico on May 10. This is one of the most important days in everyone’s life. No one loves a child as much as a mother does. It is the most selfless, kind, and unconditional love. It is the purest form of love, and there are no words that can clearly define its value or meaning. Rafael Alducin, a Mexican journalist, advocated for it to be a national holiday in Mexico. The day is well-known to many communities and homes and is considered one of the most important national holidays. If you want to make Mother’s Day extra special and buy a gift, then check out our gift guide.

History of Mother's Day Mexico

Mother’s Day is one of the most important days in every country, and it is no different in Mexico. The day is celebrated the world over, but the date may vary according to the country. Mothers are the most important part of any person’s life. From the day we are born, our mothers cherish and nurture us. They are central to the family. But Mother’s Day is not just about biological mothers. It is to focus attention on motherhood as a concept.

The celebration can be traced back to ancient civilizations. These were not celebrations similar to modern Mother’s Day. They were more a notion of motherhood and the goddesses that represented it. In ancient cultures and religions, goddesses were sacred figures held in high regard. A few examples are the goddess Rhea, known as the ‘mother of the gods,’ and the Greek goddess, Cybele, called Great Mother by the Romans. The origin of the day also has religious roots. The Christian concept of Mothering Sunday is a day to return to the mother church where the person received the sacrament of baptism.

In Mexico, the Alvaro Obregon government imported the Mother’s Day holiday from the U.S. in 1922. The holiday received a massive promotional campaign from the newspaper “El Excélsior.” They tried to use the day to promote the conservative role of mothers in families. These attempts were met with backlash from socialist groups and severely criticized. The Cardenas government had tried to promote the day to highlight the importance of the family for the nation. However, they wanted to create new morals for Mexican women, but, most importantly, to reduce the influence of the church over women. While there are several Mexican holidays held during May, Mother’s Day in Mexico reflects the most treasured values in the country

Mother's Day Mexico timeline

Mothering Sunday

Beginning of the tradition of visiting their mother church on the fourth Sunday of Lent in England.

Moms On A Mission For Peace

Julia Ward Howe, a suffragette, writes the Mother’s Day Proclamation, calling on mothers to band together for peace.

Mother’s Day In The United States

Anna Jarvis organizes the first observance of Mother's Day to honor her own mother.

Mother's Day In Mexico

Rafael Alducin advocates for Mother's Day celebration in Mexico.

Mother's Day Mexico FAQs

Why is Mother's Day different in Mexico?

Mother’s Day in Mexico reflects the familial and religious values of its Catholic heritage. In the U.S., the day falls on the second Sunday of May, whereas it is fixed on May 10 in Mexico. In Mexico, it is one of the most important days of the year.

What is Mother's Day called in Mexico?

‘El Dia de la Madre.’

What country first observed mother's day as a national holiday?

Through the initiative of Anna Jarvis, the United States started the modern version of Mother’s Day dedicated solely to celebrating motherhood.

How to Observe Mother's Day Mexico

  1. Send self-made cards to your mother

    Send a personal self-made card to your mother. Explain in detail how important she is in your life and how much she means to you.

  2. Take your mother on an outing

    Take her out and give her a memorable day. Spend the day with her and enjoy a movie or anything else that she wants to do with you. Take photographs and create beautiful memories that she can cherish forever.

  3. Write a story about your mother

    Write a story about the life of your mother. Every mother will have a story of a great sacrifice that needs to be appreciated. Let her know how much you admire and love her.

5 Interesting Facts About Motherhood

  1. Mothers in the U.S. and the world

    There are roughly 82.5 million mothers in the U.S. and more than two billion worldwide.

  2. The birth rate

    The U.N. projected 17.668 births per 1,000 people in 2022, a 1.15% decline from 2021.

  3. Longest pregnancy

    The longest pregnancy ever recorded lasted 375 days, which is around 100 days longer than a regular one.

  4. The first sound

    The first sound a baby vocalizes is usually the 'ma' sound.

  5. The heart beat

    The fetal heart beats faster while hearing the voice of its mother compared to that of a stranger.

Why Mother's Day Mexico is Important

  1. Motherhood is beautiful

    Motherhood is the most important and beautiful stage of life. Raising a child is no simple task, and we appreciate the sacrifices mothers have to make for a better future for their kids.

  2. It’s a day dedicated entirely to mom

    In our busy lives, we barely have time for anyone. But a day dedicated to being with your mother can bring a smile to her face. Mothers do not ask for anything but your love and time. Even when you have no time, she understands. We love how understanding and unconditional mothers are, and they deserve the best we can provide.

  3. It’s a day to show appreciation

    There are people out there who do not know their mothers, and there are mothers out there who have lost their kids. This day can also be used to show them an appreciation for what they endure. We can spend the day with them to make them feel better.

Mother's Day Mexico dates

Year Date Day
2025 May 10 Saturday
2026 May 10 Sunday
2027 May 10 Monday
2028 May 10 Wednesday
2029 May 10 Thursday