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ThuMar 27

Major League Baseball Opening Day – March 27, 2025

Working today? Please! There’s something a bit more important happening.

All 30 MLB teams are in action as it celebrates Opening Day!

Too soon? Well, in case you’re wondering — yes, this is (sort of, but not technically) the earliest Opening Day ever. (Seattle and Oakland played a pair of games in Tokyo last week.) This season is especially exciting because it will mark the first time since 1968 that all teams begin play (in the U.S.) on the same day — March 27.

Remember, it’s not springtime until Major League Baseball says it’s springtime. Today is your day!

Major League Baseball Opening Day timeline

The first pitch

The first Major League Baseball game ever played was on April 22, 1876.

A president throws the first pitch

William Howard Taft threw out the first pitch attended the home opener in DC in 1910, making him the first president to throw out a first pitch.

The first opening night game

In 1950, the St. Louis Cardinals became the first MLB team to open their season with a night game.

National Holiday petition

In 2014, Budweiser and Ozzie Smith started a petition to make Opening Day a National Holiday.

Major League Baseball Opening Day Activities

  1. Go to a game, of course

    If there’s a ballpark in your town hosting a game, go! There's nothing like the excitement of Opening Day, and it has to be experienced to be believed. No stadium? No problem. Make a date with your TV and watch your favorite team, or better yet, head to a favorite sports bar to enjoy the camaraderie.

  2. Wear a hat

    Each year MLB encourages baseball fans to wear their team’s hat on Opening Day, regardless of whether they can make it to a game or not. So wear your favorite hat and show your team pride!

  3. Cook up some hot dogs

    Make it a true party and eat like you’re there. Boil some hot dogs, steam the buns, grab a cold beer and snack on peanuts. Don't forget the fixin's: yellow mustard, ketchup, relish and onions.

Take the Cracker Jack Prize Quiz

5 Facts About Cracker Jacks That Will Blow Your Mind

  1. They date back to 1872

    Frederick Rueckheim began selling popcorn from a cart in Chicago in 1872. He and his brother, immigrants from Germany, tinkered with the popcorn to make it stand out. The came up with Cracker Jacks, a hit at the 1893 World’s Fair.

  2. The packaging sealed the deal

    They were one of the first companies to use wax-sealed cardboard containers, allowing them to distribute their product all over the country.

  3. Coupons, not prizes were first found inside

    Today we love those prizes inside, but when Cracker Jacks first started out, they put coupons in the boxes. These coupons could be collected and redeemed for a variety of goods (like jewelry and housewares).

  4. Cracker Jack baseball cards are worth a pretty penny

    In 1914 and 1915, Cracker Jack offered sets of baseball cards. Have one? Today a set of those cards are worth as much as a hundred grand, with individual cards worth as much as $40,000.

  5. While the Cracker Jack name was registered in 1896, the mascots weren’t introduced until 1916.

    The boy on the box is Sailor Jack, and with him is his dog, Bingo. Sailor Jack is modeled after Frederick’s grandson.

Why We Love Major League Baseball Opening Day

  1. The Met's in 1969

    One of baseball's all-time great comeback stories took place exactly 50 years ago as the "miracle" New York Mets shook off seven terrible years to win the 1969 World Series.

  2. It's practically a national holiday

    In 2014 Budweiser, and Ozzie Smith, started a petition to get MLB Opening Day recognized as a national holiday. It didn’t work, but we agree. Why shouldn’t we all have the day off to enjoy America’s favorite pastime?

  3. The pageantry is intoxicating

    While every baseball city seems to have its own special way to celebrate Opening Day, Cincinnati’s parade dates back the furthest. The Findlay Market Parade has been held annually since 1920.

Major League Baseball Opening Day dates

Year Date Day
2023 March 30 Thursday
2024 March 28 Thursday
2025 March 27 Thursday
2026 March 26 Thursday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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