MonSep 22

Hobbit Day – September 22, 2025

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Gandalf the Grey said it best: “Hobbits really are amazing creatures.” This September 22, celebrate National Hobbit Day by recognizing J.R.R. Tolkien’s most lovable and heroic characters. The date was chosen because September 22 is both Bilbo and Frodo Baggins’ birthday. Hobbits are shy, yet capable of great courage; reluctant to leave their homes, yet thirsty for adventure; quiet and peaceful, yet eager to host parties. With such wonderful characteristics, Hobbits have endeared generations with their affable complexities. (Here’s some Hobbit trivia: Tolkien envisioned these small people as a separate race, like the Elves and the Dwarfs. Therefore, Hobbit is always capitalized.)

This fall, enjoy one of Tolkien’s classic written works and let your imagination take you on an adventure alongside Frodo and Bilbo Baggins. Just remember: “home is behind, the world ahead” – J.R.R. Tolkien.

Hobbit Day timeline

​September 21, 1937
​The Hobbit emerges from Middle-earth

​On September 21, 1937, J.R.R. Tolkien’s classic, "The Hobbit: There and Back Again," was published. It opened to widespread critical acclaim.

​Tolkien sells his film rights

Tolkien sold the movie rights, plus rights to tie-in products, for "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings" to United Artists for £100,000.

​December 19, 2001
​Hobbits go Hollywood

​The first installment of The Lord of the Rings trilogy, "The Fellowship of the Ring," is released and introduces Hobbits to the big screen.

​December 6, 2012
"​The Hobbit" film is released

The film version of the original adventure of "The Hobbit" is released, grossing $37 million on opening night.

Hobbit Day Activities

  1. Have a feast

    Hobbits enjoyed as many as six meals a day, so make sure that your festivities include a good amount of food. Known for their well-stocked pantries, Hobbits never miss a chance to sit down among friends and share a good meal and lively conversation.

  2. Give a few gifts

    Represent one of the peaceful pursuits of Hobbits by giving gifts and sharing in the spirit of community. Simple, creative gifts, such as toys, jewelry and small musical instruments are perfect tokens for the festivities.

  3. Go on an adventure

    In the spirit of Hobbits, throw caution to the wind and step out from your cozy household. Whether it be a short walk in a new neighborhood or a trip to Cambodia, experience the thrill of the unknown — just like a Baggins. Explore the world!

​5 Film-making Magic Facts About "The Hobbit"

  1. ​It used an entire country’s paint supply

    "​The Hobbit" crew used up all of the gold paint in New Zealand when creating Smaug's lair. Later, they had to order more paint and get it flown in from Germany.

  2. ​It has the longest film battle in history

    ​"The Battle of The Five Armies" holds the world record for the longest fight sequence in a film, at 45 minutes in the theatrical version.

  3. ​It was a "hairy" business

    ​All of the dwarfs' beards and hair were made of real yak hair. Some of the wig and beard combinations cost the makeup department upwards of $10,000.

  4. ​A seven-year-old girl’s roar is pretty terrifying

    ​The first roar the audience hears from Smaug is actually a sound-bite of the SFX Director's seven-year-old daughter making a roaring noise. It was manipulated and corrected to sound like a dragon in the movie.

  5. ​The film broke more than box office records

    ​During a midnight screening in Sao Paulo, Brazil, one of the cinema's speakers broke after Smaug's first roar.

Why We Love Hobbit Day

  1. Hobbits are adventurers

    In the land of Middle-earth, filled with dragons, trolls, elves, magic and danger, there's never an end to the fun and trouble. Enjoy an adventure that will make your imagination explode!

  2. Hobbits are loyal

    No matter the challenges that befall its characters, "The Hobbit" always stays true to its main theme – friendship. Through every turn, every test and every trial, Hobbits remain steadfast in their love and loyalty to one another.

  3. Hobbits believe that good always prevails

    "The Hobbit" is a classic story about good versus evil. While those who fight for good certainly experience struggles and loss, their faith that good will triumph never waivers and, in the end, the Hobbits are victorious!

Hobbit Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 September 22 Monday
2026 September 22 Tuesday
2027 September 22 Wednesday
2028 September 22 Friday
2029 September 22 Saturday