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Foster Care Fortnight – May 9-22, 2025

Foster Care Fortnight is observed annually from the second full week in May an takes place from May 9 to 22 this year. This observance is among the most crucial foster care awareness campaigns in the U.K. Foster Care Fortnight was established by the Fostering Network, which is among the leading fostering charities in the country. The campaign, established in 1997, aims to showcase the role and dedication of the foster care system in giving children the life they deserve. Many children need the care and love of foster families each year. This observance was created to help these children find a loving home.

History of Foster Care Fortnight

Foster Care Fortnight is a crucial awareness campaign. It’s Fostering Network’s largest foster care awareness-raising initiative. It has been running for more than 20 years and honors foster caregivers’ outstanding commitment, enthusiasm, and dedication. Foster Care Fortnight is the world’s largest foster care awareness-raising campaign, organized by the Fostering Network, a major fostering organization. The campaign, which began in 1997, highlights foster caregivers’ commitment, passion, and dedication. It also assists fostering services in emphasizing the need for more foster carers.

Foster care is a state-authorized system in which a child or young person is positioned with a ward, foster family, or private house of a state-certified caretaker, referred to as a foster parent, or with a family member approved by the state. Normally, the child’s placement is organized through the government or a social service agency. Unless accompanied by a family member, the organization, or foster family, is compensated for expenditures with a grant.

Every year, thousands of new foster families are needed to care for children, with the largest need being for foster homes for disabled children, grouped siblings, older children, and unaccompanied asylum seekers. Foster Care Fortnight reminds us of the urgent needs of these children and directs us all toward answers. This holiday is the perfect time to explore the foster carer route. Learn more about what it means to be a foster carer and how the foster system works. Be proactive during the two weeks and learn how the fostering agencies and local authorities work together to place children in homes.

Foster Care Fortnight timeline

Legislation Governing the First Adoption

Western Australia approves the first adoption legislation.

The Adoption Act is Established

The Adoption Act is established in the U.K.

Child Welfare Becomes Paramount

The Adoption Act of 2002 prioritizes child welfare as a factor for adoption agencies to consider.

The Census Includes Foster Children

Census statistics begin to include children in foster care.

Foster Care Fortnight FAQs

How long can a child be fostered?

There is no specific period for a child to remain in foster care. The placement period will depend on the needs of the child and could be for a few days, months, or even years.

How can I become a foster parent?

Foster carers should be at least 21 years old, have a clean criminal record, and be in relatively good health. The most effective foster families are accessible, reliable, tolerant, and willing to experiment with various parenting approaches for children with varying needs.

Why do children end up in foster care?

Physical abuse, sexual abuse, mental abuse and neglect, parent incarceration, or abandonment are all examples of serious situations that put children in foster care.

How to Observe Foster Care Fortnight

  1. Spread the word

    Do your part in raising awareness regarding child welfare to help people understand the significance of this holiday. The more you share, the more likely it is to make an impact.

  2. Start a charitable fund

    You can donate or encourage people to give to any foster care to help children and youth make a difference and to help out in dangerous circumstances. Every effort counts.

  3. Become a foster carer

    Research the requirements for becoming a foster carer in your area. Give children the chance to develop in a loving environment.

5 Sobering Facts About Foster Care

  1. Poor odds

    Children in foster care are less likely to finish high school.

  2. Post-traumatic stress disorder

    Former foster adolescents are twice as likely as veterans to develop P.T.S.D.

  3. Full house

    According to the Fostering Network, on any given day, there are about 83,000 young people in foster care in the U.K.

  4. Youngsters

    Most of the children in foster care are between the ages of 10 and 15.

  5. Weekly allowance

    The government has specified a weekly allowance for children in foster care.

Why Foster Care Fortnight is Important

  1. Celebrating the foster care community

    It raises awareness about the importance of foster care and its impact on the community. The effort of carers and local authorities is recognized and appreciated during the observance.

  2. It contributes to saving children

    One of the main objectives that foster homes have today is to protect children from possibly dangerous social environments. This platform aids in the support and awareness of all foster care homes, as well as the provision of some necessary facilities.

  3. Making the world a better place

    Our world is much warmer and a little brighter when we stand up for those who need help. Foster Care Fortnight celebrates the spirit of love and inclusion.

Foster Care Fortnight dates

Year Date Day
2025 May 9 Friday
2026 May 9 Saturday
2027 May 9 Sunday
2028 May 9 Tuesday
2029 May 9 Wednesday