SatMay 10

Martin Z. Mollusk Day – May 10, 2025

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Martin Z. Mollusk day is celebrated every year on the Saturday of the first full week of May. This year, it falls on May 10. This event is observed in Ocean City, New Jersey, at the ninth Street Beach, and is considered a local version of Groundhog Day. People from all over the city gather around to see if mascot Martin Z. Mollusk will be able to see his full shadow on the beach sand.

History of Martin Z. Mollusk Day

In 1975, the former public relations director of the Ocean City resort in New Jersey, Mark Soifer created Martin Z. Mollusk Day, a Groundhog Day-like event in which the resort’s mascot Martin Z. Mollusk would go out to the nearby beach and try to spot his shadow a few days before the beginning of summer. The idea was to bring more tourists and attention to the small town. Ever since then, the event has grown massively, and more and more people join the celebrations every single year.

Martin Z. Mollusk Day features the Ocean City High School Band, which escorts the mascot to the beach. Other mascots join him in the adventure, such as Dr. Ernest Frankenstein, Trash Buster, and Shelley the Mermaid. The event has grown to also raise environmental awareness, making sure that the beach remains clean all through the celebrations. It’s become a big tradition in the city and everyone joins in to celebrate!

The main attraction of the event is Martin Z. Mollusk. He is not really a mollusk, though. He’s a hermit crab! The idea is that if Martin sees his full shadow on the ground, then it means that summer will arrive a week earlier than usual for the people of New Jersey. The only time he didn’t get to see it was when he only saw half his shadow in 1985 and summer arrived only three days sooner, instead of a week.

Martin Z. Mollusk Day timeline

First Martin Z. Mollusk Day

Mark Soifer founds the event on a Thursday.

No Full Shadow

This is one of the very few times Martin didn’t see his full shadow.

Day Change

The event is celebrated on a Saturday.

Online Event

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Martin Z. Mollusk has to do a live stream on his page, so people could watch the celebration from home.

Martin Z. Mollusk Day FAQs

What happens in the summer season?

Usually, the weather gets warmer and the sun stays out for longer during the day, which helps plants stay healthy before Fall.

Why is it called summer?

‘Summer’ is a word that comes from the old European word for ‘together.’

What is the first day of summer?

In the northern hemisphere, summer begins on June 21 and ends on September 22. In the southern hemisphere, it begins on December 21 and ends on March 20.

Martin Z. Mollusk Day Activities

  1. Attend the event

    You can always attend the celebration at ninth Street Beach and take a bunch of pictures with the mascot! Invite your friends and family to join in!

  2. Post on social media

    If you’ve attended the event before and have a picture of you and Martin Z. Mollusk, why not post it on social media in celebration? Use the hashtag #martizmolluskday

  3. Make a drawing

    Grab your best pencils and draw a picture of Martin Z. Mollusk to show all your friends and family! Hang it on your wall or just keep it as a memento.

5 Facts About Summer You’ll Love

  1. It’s not all about the heat

    In the summer, it rains a lot because of the amount of heat that evaporates the water in rivers, lakes, and oceans that form rain clouds!

  2. It helps the Eiffel Tower expand

    Because it is made of metal, it expands with the heat and grows just a couple of inches during summertime!

  3. It has the longest days

    The sun is at a favorable angle from the Earth, which allows it to spend a little more time in the sky.

  4. The sidewalk gets hot

    Did you know that sometimes during summer the sidewalk gets so hot you can fry an egg on it?

  5. Best time to see butterflies

    The monarch butterflies spend most of their summer traveling around the United States, making it the perfect time to see some.

Why We Love Martin Z. Mollusk Day

  1. It’s all about summer

    Celebrating the best time of the year is great, especially if it’s a week earlier than usual! Join in on the celebrations and start your summer off right!

  2. It brings families together

    Martin Z. Mollusk gets all families together to help him find his shadow and celebrate summer! What better way to start summer and have a great time doing so?

  3. It’s fun

    We get to have lots of fun at the beach and celebrate with friends and family! Go ahead, let loose and bask in the sunshine!

Martin Z. Mollusk Day dates

Year Date Day
2022 May 7 Saturday
2023 May 13 Saturday
2024 May 11 Saturday
2025 May 10 Saturday
2026 May 9 Saturday