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ThuSep 4

Eat an Extra Dessert Day – September 4, 2025

The dictionary definition of the word dessert might mean “a sweet food eaten at the end of a meal,” but on Eat an Extra Dessert Day, celebrated on September 4, that description does not apply. So don’t hold back. You can indulge in dessert any time during the day and even sneak to the refrigerator after bedtime to have that last slice of cake.

History of Eat an Extra Dessert Day

We wish we knew who the creator of this delightfully sweet holiday was so we can thank them and give them a huge slice of cake. Unfortunately, the origins of this day are lost in time, but we can make up for it by enjoying the range of desserts on offer. For many, dessert is a much-anticipated highlight and a meal without some kind of mouthwatering finale seems incomplete. Some items are typical of the dessert menu. Cakes, pies, cookies, and ice cream are customarily served at the end of a meal, but if you plan on having sweet food any time of the day, then anything sweet will do.

The term dessert stems from the French word ‘desservir,’ meaning ‘to clear the table.’ After the main meal the table is cleared of used dishes and dessert is then served.

Sweet food items have been around forever and it is not clear which was the first dessert, but ice cream dates back to 3000 B.C. and is a possibility. The evolution of the dessert was propelled by the use of fruit and sugar. Sugar was used in India before 500 B.C., from where it made its way to China and Macedonia over the next 1,000 years. By the 12th century, the sugar trade expanded to Europe and dessert production rocketed after the Industrial Revolution when preservatives and the processing of food changed for the better.

Today, recipe development has reached new heights and there is a variety of interesting ingredients available. Visual presentation and colorful garnishing have become popular and important factors in raising baking and dessert making into a culinary art form.

Eat an Extra Dessert Day timeline

Apple of Your Eye

The first recipe for apple pie is printed.

Spice is Nice

Gingerbread is created by soaking breadcrumbs in spices and coating them with honey.

Sweet Creams

Topped with chocolate and filled with cream, cream puff pastry evolves gradually over several decades.

Small Wonders

Early cupcake recipes are recorded by this time.

Lemon Heaven

Lemon and meringue custard are popular, and the pie form is created during this time.

Eat an Extra Dessert Day FAQs

What day is dessert day?

National Dessert Day is on October 14.

What day is National Food Day?

National Food Day is on October 24 and focuses on healthy and nutritious food.

When is National Pizza Day?

National Pizza Day on February 9 is a day to celebrate pizza.

Eat an Extra Dessert Day Activities

  1. Indulge yourself

    Indulge in extra dessert today, and tell everyone else about this sweet holiday too. Post images online of the ones you try.

  2. Make dessert

    Spend time in the kitchen today whipping up some delicious desserts for your friends and family. Be generous. Make something special to give to your neighbor, or donate it to a care home or the elderly.

  3. Host a dessert party

    If you don’t want to prepare dessert, host a dessert party and ask someone to bring their favorite dessert. Play a taste-guessing game or have a friendly competition.

5 Facts About Desserts You Can Sink Your Teeth In

  1. Which came first?

    Chocolate chips were invented after chocolate chip cookies.

  2. The German chocolate cake is not German

    The word ‘German’ refers to Samuel German who worked at an American chocolate factory and developed a new kind of chocolate.

  3. Baked Alaska has a historical event

    Baked Alaska was named after Alaska’s annexation.

  4. The largest gingerbread house

    The world’s largest gingerbread house was 2,520 square feet in size and contained 35.8 million calories.

  5. Girl Scout cookies

    Girl Scout cookies were originally homemade.

Why We Love Eat an Extra Dessert Day

  1. You can indulge your sweet tooth

    Indulge in your favorite desserts guilt-free. It doesn’t get better than this. We can always go back to our diets tomorrow.

  2. Endless things to try

    The world of sugary delights is vast, and we love it. Chocolates, pastries, cakes, cookies, we can go on.

  3. Dessert helpings

    No one is going to judge us today for having extra dessert. Not even that aunt who is notorious for making subtle jabs.

Eat an Extra Dessert Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 September 4 Thursday
2026 September 4 Friday
2027 September 4 Saturday
2028 September 4 Monday
2029 September 4 Tuesday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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