SunOct 5

Change A Light Day – October 5, 2025

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Change A Light Day is on the first Sunday of October, making it October 5 this year. The day raises awareness on light-saving and energy-saving techniques related to light bulbs. Thomas Edison, one of the most renowned names in the scientific arena, invented the light bulb back in the 1800s. It was a revolutionary moment for the world as people did not have to rely on candles, lanterns, and fires anymore to create light during the night hours. However, while the invention of the light bulb was a cause of celebration, it did not come without its share of disadvantages. Light bulbs, apart from emitting UV emissions and radiation, also consume a lot of energy, which inevitably increases their carbon footprint. A great alternative is LEDs that not only consume less energy but also run for a much longer time as compared to normal light bulbs.

History of Change A Light Day

Change A Light Day came into existence in 2005. The Kentucky Office of Energy Policy was behind the idea for the day, and in order to reach a wider audience, the Office approached the governor, Ernie Fletcher and his wife, Glenna Fletcher, to spread the word to the rest of Kentucky. Before long, the First Lady commemorated the day in an official event. She decreed the day to be celebrated on the first Sunday of every October. In the first event, students and energy-saving organizations like Energy Star participated to raise awareness about the growing need of switching to LEDs, short for light-emitting diodes, from the traditional incandescent light bulb. Over the years, Kentucky alone has saved a lot in terms of energy and electricity. Many people living in the state now use Energy Star LED light bulbs for their everyday use. This is good news for the environment as it directly translates into less energy being consumed and a lower carbon footprint overall. LEDs have also allowed people to save money being spent on electricity bills.

Before LEDs were invented, the world used Edison’s incandescent light bulb. This type of light bulb was considered revolutionary because many before Edison had tried to create something similar. However, the problem was none of the other light bulbs were efficient enough to run for a long time. Edison’s invention changed that. As more and more research went into the light bulb industry, the LED was finally invented in the 1960s by Nick Holonyak, Jr. His invention led to him being known as the “Father of the Light-Emitting Diode.” In the following years, different types of LEDs were invented using Holonyak’s model. Some of the most promising features were LEDs consuming less than 90% of the energy consumed by the regular light bulbs and having an average life expectancy of 11 years if run continuously. Such features not only meant cheaper light equipment in the long run but were also good for the environment.

Change A Light Day timeline

Edison’s Light Bulb Moment

Thomas Edison invents a long-running and more efficient light bulb than his predecessors.

First Infra-Red LED by Accident

Robert Biard and Gary Pittman accidentally invent the first infra-red LED, which is invisible to the human eye.

First Visible LED

Nick Holonyak, Jr. creates the first LED that is visible to the human eye.

LED Becomes the Main Source of Lighting

LEDs are now being used as the main source of lighting, replacing fluorescent and halogen bulbs.

Change A Light Day FAQs

What are LEDs used for?

LEDs are used in several objects. They are used in calculators, computers, lamps, car brake lights, billboards, and ceiling lights.

What are the benefits of LED lights?

LEDs consume less electricity, emit less heat and radiation, and are generally sturdier as they are made with epoxy lenses, which are breakage resistant.

How does a LED work?

An LED works by allowing the electric current to pass through its semiconducting material (the diode). This leads to the diode emitting photons, which is light, through the electroluminescence principle.

How to Observe Change A Light Day

  1. Change a light

    If your house has any other lighting system apart from LEDs, work with your electrician to change them all to LEDs. You will be able to save tons of money on your electricity bill as well as on buying bulbs in the long run because LEDs are just THAT amazing.

  2. Advocate for LEDs

    Spread the good word about LEDs amongst your family and friends because why should you have all the fun? The more people use LEDs, the more benefit our environment gets. You will become part of the generation that did something to protect the only home, also known as planet Earth, we know and love.

  3. Switch off unnecessary lights

    If a light is not being used, then be sure to switch it off to save energy and money. Installing motion sensors on the staircase or even the porch will help those who need light only when the moment calls for it.

5 Facts About LEDs That Will Blow Your Mind

  1. Use almost 100% of energy

    As compared to an LED, a fluorescent light bulb will only use about 9 to 10% of the energy that is being produced.

  2. Highly recyclable

    An LED bulb is 95% recyclable, with no mercury, and releasing a lot less waste.

  3. Great for fresh produce

    If you want your fruits and vegetables to be healthier to eat, then shine an LED bulb on them as it has been proven that light from such a bulb eliminates bacteria.

  4. A lower number of bugs

    You can switch to an LED porch light to attract fewer insects to your porch as other types of bulbs emit UV radiation and heat, both of which work to attract the creepy-crawlies.

  5. Almost a billion dollars in savings

    In 2012, 49 million LED installations in America led to about 700 million dollars being saved in the energy sector.

Why Change A Light Day is Important

  1. It’s a celebration of science

    LEDs are evidence of humanity’s constant advancement towards civilized living. Starting from fires, lanterns, and candles to light bulbs and LEDs, we have come a long way in terms of finding ways to light up the darkness. No doubt, the future will only become brighter and brighter with each passing day.

  2. It’s a celebration of energy-saving techniques

    Our environment needs us to act now, and changing our light bulbs is one fantastic way to do just that. By saving energy and reducing our carbon footprint, we will collectively be able to bring a positive change to our environment not only for ourselves but our future generations as well.

  3. It’s a celebration of money-saving techniques

    October 3 has another reason for being celebrated as it also happens to be the official Frugal Fun Day. Being frugal with your money is a smart move as it helps you prioritize the important things in life, and changing your light bulbs to LED bulbs is an amazing idea to save money. You are getting the maximum amount of light you can get for a smaller amount of money. Now that’s a bargain!

Change A Light Day dates

Year Date Day
2021 October 3 Sunday
2022 October 2 Sunday
2023 October 1 Sunday
2024 October 6 Sunday
2025 October 5 Sunday