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WedMay 28

Amnesty International Day – May 28, 2025

Amnesty International Day is marked on May 28 every year. Amnesty International is continuously working hard to improve the globe. They seek to advocate for human rights and spread understanding of their violations and how our daily choices affect them. This day encourages people of all nationalities, cultures, and races to participate in a variety of global human rights events. A worldwide human rights organization, Amnesty International is active in topics such as war crimes and torture. This organization studies and campaigns to release individuals wrongly imprisoned, prosecute criminals, and fight all forms of abuse.

History of Amnesty International Day

Amnesty International was founded in the British capital of London in July 1961. When Peter Benenson, a British labor lawyer, learned about two Portuguese students who had been sentenced to seven years after “drinking a glass to liberty,” he was inspired to start this group. With Eric Baker of the Religious Society of Friends and many other members of the intelligentsia, including academics, writers, and lawyers, they wrote an article titled “The Forgotten Prisoners.” This was published in “The Observer” in May 1961 and garnered widespread attention.

This resulted in an appeal, which swiftly blossomed into an organization dedicated to changing the world and ensuring that everyone has access to a basic set of human rights for all people everywhere.

Since then, the diligent efforts of this group have played a crucial role in exposing breaches of human rights and striving to influence government policy concerning the preservation of those rights. Members of the group were accused of anything from spying in 1980s Russia to acting as a defender of the criminal underworld, and their activity was not always well-received.
In reality, they are advocates of the oppressed and the downtrodden, and they work tirelessly every day to ease the suffering of people all over the world who are suffering from famine, conflict, and asylum-seeking situations. By influencing governments and other powerful groups, and publicizing their transgressions, Amnesty International is a non-governmental organization dedicated to the defense of human rights worldwide.

Amnesty International Day timeline

The Founding of Amnesty International

Amnesty International is founded in London by lawyer Peter Benenson.

Amnesty International Day

The first Amnesty International Day is celebrated.

Campaign to Abolish Torture

The first campaign against torture is launched by Amnesty International.

First Death Penalty

Against the Death Penalty, the first Amnesty International Death Penalty campaign is launched.

Humans Rights are Women’s Rights

Human rights organization Amnesty International launches a big international campaign on women's rights under the slogan “Human Rights are Women's Rights.”

Amnesty International Day FAQs

What is the total number of countries that are part of Amnesty International?

Human rights organization Amnesty International is a worldwide movement with members in more than 150 countries and regions who struggle to put an end to human rights abuses.

Is Amnesty International a charity?

No, they are not, although they have a charity arm. Grant cash is used to support the organization’s charity operations.

What is the goal of Amnesty International?

The organization has more than seven million members and supporters around the world. The stated mission of the organization is to campaign for “a world in which every person enjoys all the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights instruments.”.

How to Observe Amnesty International Day

  1. Raise awareness

    You can raise awareness about Amnesty International Day with your friends, family, and even on social media. You can help amplify some challenges and human rights violations that are happening in the world.

  2. Read their cases

    You can read the past cases that Amnesty International has worked on. You can also read their current cases and sign a petition if you wish.

  3. Attend their events

    You can attend any of their events. There are fundraisers or a benefit to contribute to their causes. Show your commitment to the cause by also volunteering and making the world a better place however you can.

5 Interesting Facts About Amnesty International

  1. The logo

    According to a Chinese saying, “It is better to curse the darkness than to curse the light,” the inspiration for the organization's emblem was obtained.

  2. Comedy shows are hosted

    The fact that Amnesty International performs comedy shows may seem incongruous for a group with such a serious mission and such a heavy schedule, but they are hosted as fundraisers.

  3. Approves movies

    This list includes both fictional and documentary films that emphasize human rights and discrimination, according to Amnesty.

  4. Annual report

    Since its inception, Amnesty International has published a report annually.

  5. Information verification

    Before taking on a case or issuing a country report, the Amnesty International procedure has been to hire a research team to check the facts of the case.

Why Amnesty International Day is Important

  1. it protects all

    Amnesty International's importance cannot be overstated. Amnesty International works tirelessly to safeguard children, women, and men all across the world in situations where their right to truth, dignity, and justice have been violated or denied them.

  2. Justice for the exploited

    The group examines and publicizes incidents in which resources, people, and power have been exploited by those in positions of authority. Several of the cases on which they have worked are available for review.

  3. A safer world

    The organization is critical in the creation of a safer world and the transformation of societies that require assistance. They often get involved in human rights violations and ensure the world is safer for everyone.

Amnesty International Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 May 28 Wednesday
2026 May 28 Thursday
2027 May 28 Friday
2028 May 28 Sunday
2029 May 28 Monday