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World Pollution Prevention Day
MonDec 2

World Pollution Prevention Day – December 2, 2024

World Pollution Prevention Day is observed around the glove on December 2. With eye-opening movements like ‘Fridays for Future’ taking charge, the world today doesn’t need many reminders to realize the consequences of climate change. However, it’s important to note that each individual has a huge role in this fight against pollution. A clean environment cannot be achieved with the efforts of a selected few. Small acts such as planting a sapling, dumping garbage at the right place, recycling plastic items, e.t.c., are the first steps to turning our planet into a sustainable place to live. So, start today!

History of World Pollution Prevention Day

This day is created to instill awareness on environmental pollution and its negative impacts on our health and the planet. The most hazardous type of pollution that has taken the world by storm is plastic pollution. From degrading soil quality to killing marine life, plastic pollution will soon become a bane to our existence.

International organizations such as the United Nations (U.N.), the World Health Organization (WHO), Greenpeace, and others have been urging countries all over the globe to take precautionary measures to control pollution. However, the responsibility does not lie only on our governments; individuals must come forth to make every possible effort to reduce environmental pollution.

Based on research and various surveys, it has been estimated that air pollution is posing serious health problems for people worldwide, but it affects those in low- and middle-income countries the most. In fact, death rates due to air pollution have surged drastically in recent years. Owing to this concern, WHO has imposed strict air quality norms for countries like India, Bangladesh, Qatar, Indonesia, Afghanistan, and Mongolia, to name a few.

While most of us are aware of the preventative measures that we can take, we also must enlighten those who are ignorant. People must be familiarized with the fatal repercussions of pollution to make them realize the gravity of the situation. Besides, these measures can start right from your home. So, if you wish to create a sustainable future for your kids and the younger generation, don’t delay and take action right now!

World Pollution Prevention Day timeline

The Birth of the P2 Act

The U.S. Congress, in collaboration with the Environment Protection Agency, passes the Pollution Prevention Act.

Global Congregation for Pollution Control

Ministers of the environment from countries across the globe come together at the United Nations Environment Assembly to work towards a pollution-free planet.

Conference On Pollution Prevention

WHO hosts the first Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health in Geneva.

A New Day To Celebrate Pollution Prevention

The U.N. Environment Programme (UNEP) advocates the observance of the International Day of Clean Air for blue skies.

World Pollution Prevention Day FAQs

How harmful is air pollution?

Air pollution can severely affect your lungs and cause breathing issues. If not treated in time, it can even lead to fatal consequences.

What can we do to prevent pollution?

Pollution prevention is not a one-man job. It requires collective efforts from every individual. You can start with simple acts like eliminating the use of plastic, choosing to walk short distances instead of driving, using eco-friendly materials like wood, cane, glass, not burning garbage, planting trees, and so on. 

How is the pollution situation in the world currently?

It’s definitely worse than you can imagine. Climate change is real, and as per a 2019 WHO report, 99% of the world’s population resided in places that didn’t meet WHO’s air quality guidelines. 

How to Observe World Pollution Prevention Day

  1. Plant trees and vegetation

    If you’re looking for a sustainable solution to pollution control, planting trees is what you need to do. It’s an age-old method and the most effective! Go on, make your neighborhood green.

  2. Recycle, reuse, reduce

    Think twice before throwing away those plastic containers and bottles next time. As you know, plastic is non-biodegradable and poisonous to the environment. So instead, try to reuse or recycle them.

  3. Say no to plastic

    Actually, why not stop using plastic altogether? Instead, opt for cloth bags, glass bottles, wooden or bamboo toothbrushes, and fabric tissues to start with.

5 Important Facts About Pollution

  1. Plastic pollution

    Eight million tons of plastic waste goes into our oceans every year!

  2. Killings by polluted air

    In Africa, air pollution kills more people than poor sanitation or malnutrition.

  3. Zone of death

    Currently, there are around 500 dead zones in the world where no living organism can live.

  4. Marine deaths

    Every year, 100,000 marine mammals lose their lives because of plastic pollution.

  5. CO2 producer

    China tops the list when it comes to carbon dioxide production in the world — the U.S. ranks second.

Why World Pollution Prevention Day is Important

  1. To create a sustainable world

    Climate change is the most burning topic of the hour, and it’s not something to be dismissed. If we can’t save the world single-handedly, we can at least do our bit.

  2. To save the ones who are not responsible

    Pollution is man-made, and it’s killing marine organisms and animals on the land as much as it’s killing humans. So it’s high time we take charge and reduce, if not stop, further deaths. Making a difference lies in our hands!

  3. A reminder of the harmful impact of pollution

    As much as it sounds depressing, it’s true that half the world is damaged due to pollution. This day reminds us to be more sensible and take precautions to rescue ourselves from the mess we created.

World Pollution Prevention Day dates

Year Date Day
2024 December 2 Monday
2025 December 2 Tuesday
2026 December 2 Wednesday
2027 December 2 Thursday
2028 December 2 Saturday