SunAug 10

Update Your Bio Day – August 10, 2025

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Update Your Bio Day is celebrated on August 10 every year. This holiday is a fun celebration twofold: first, people are encouraged to self-reflect and assess their own accomplishments, skills, and experiences thus far. It’s a way to recenter your confidence by reminding yourself that you are good enough to achieve your goals. What’s more, it’s also a way to prepare for future employment. Updating your bio or your resumé means taking a step forward to your future goals, getting nearer to your dream job, and planning for a better future. Learn more about the ways you can celebrate Update Your Bio Day.

History of Update Your Bio Day

While it seems like a 21st-century invention, bios or resumes have existed way back in the 15th century. It was Leonardo Da Vinci who sent the first resumé in recorded history back in 1482 when he sent a letter to a regent in Milan, Italy. His letter contained a breakdown of his skills, expertise, and experiences for an engineering job post he was applying for. Historians note that he even hired a professional writer to craft the resumé for him to make it look decent. However, he didn’t get the job. But the landscape of job hunting and applications has changed forever.

In the 16th century, a land surveyor from England named Ralph Agas also developed and improved upon Da Vinci’s concept of a resumé by making his version more detailed, specific, and easy to read. This was the start of the modern resumé structure we know today. However, the term ‘resumé’ is French, which is why other historians claim that its country of origin is France.

By the 20th century, applicants began writing down a series of information relevant to the jobs they are applying for. Some details included a brief bio (name, birthday, birthplace, address), educational background, skills, and past experiences. As years went by, companies started to require applicants to have a bio/resumé with a neat cover letter expressing their intent to apply. By the late 20th century, resumes evolved into printed form, making them cleaner, sharper, and more professional.

As soon as the 21st century hit, resumés started going online. In fact, companies now use their websites to gather a pool of candidates for potential employment. Others would simply temporarily upload their resumés in their personal job hunting accounts and update them from time to time.

Update Your Bio Day timeline

15 Century
Leonardo Da Vinci Writes the First Bio

Leonardo Da Vinci sends a letter to a regent in Milan, detailing his job experiences for potential employment.

16th Century
The Modern Bio

Ralph Agas from England improves upon the details included in a resumé.

20th Century
Companies Now Require Resumés

Corporations now require resumés and cover letters from individuals applying for a job.

21st Century
Digital Bio/Resumé

Bios/resumés now exist in the digital sphere as traditional written resumes go extinct.

Update Your Bio Day FAQs

What should I put on my social media bio?

Keep it light, relatable, friendly, and above all, true to yourself. Be sensitive to others and try to avoid divisive statements.

How many pages should a resumé have?

The ideal number of pages of a resume is two, or 1.5. Keep in mind that the shorter the better.

Is a C.V. the same as a resumé?

A C.V. is a lengthy version of a resume that includes full academic background and credentials. A resume is shorter and sharper, focusing on your work experiences.

Update Your Bio Day Activities

  1. Update your social media bio

    Update Your Bio Day is not just about job hunting; it’s also a social activity! Go ahead and update your hobbies, interests, passion, and pronouns!

  2. Upload your latest resumé

    It’s time to freshen up that resumé and upload it to your job hunting site. Whether you’re actively or passively looking for a job, there’s no harm in keeping things up to date.

  3. Do a self-reflection

    If you haven’t updated your bio for a while, then maybe it’s time to do a little self-assessment first. Try to meditate, learn more about yourself, and write the things that you think are new to you.

5 Interesting Facts About Bios/Resumés

  1. Keep it simple

    It’s a fact that employers are after your skills and experiences, not the design of your resume.

  2. The shorter the better

    Keep it concise as most employers don’t have time to read through everything!

  3. Conceived by Dr. Jason Jones

    Update Your Bio Day is founded by Dr. Jason Jones, Director of Computational Social Science of Emerging Realities Group.

  4. Video bios are the future

    Video resumés and bios are gaining popularity, especially in the creative industry.

  5. H.R. assesses your social media bio

    As part of their background investigation, some human resource officers assess your social media bio to see if you fit in with their company culture.

Why We Love Update Your Bio Day

  1. It gives us confidence

    It’s confidence-boosting just to look at your skills, experiences, and qualifications. If you’re feeling down about yourself, update your bio and remind yourself of your value.

  2. Seeing how far you’ve come

    Updating your bio is a good reminder of seeing how far you’ve come and how much you have accomplished. You’ll also be surprised how much you’ve grown throughout the years.

  3. it’s a chance to delete unwanted details

    Be the boss of your own bio and get rid of unwanted details, old descriptions, and outdated statements. It’s time to start fresh.

Update Your Bio Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 August 10 Sunday
2026 August 10 Monday
2027 August 10 Tuesday
2028 August 10 Thursday
2029 August 10 Friday