FriMar 7

National Be Heard Day – March 7, 2025

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Celebrated March 7, National Be Heard Day is an occasion for small businesses owners and aspiring owners to make their voices heard. The day celebrates small businesses and encourages them to stand up for themselves and their ideas and lay claim to their share of the market. So do you want your business ideas taken seriously? Are you the next Mark Zuckerberg or Oprah Winfrey, but maybe no one knows it yet? Does your business idea blow everything in the App Store out of the water? Use National Be Heard Day as your excuse to draft out that business plan, write that communications strategy, and set the groundwork to get your big ideas heard around the world.

National Be Heard Day timeline

Support Small!

The observance of National Small Business Week begins.

Who You Gonna Call?

The Ghostbusters become the quintessential small business.

Make Some Noise!

Shannon Cherry creates National Be Heard Day for small businesses to get noticed.

Smart Shopping

As consumers become more aware of ethical business practices, support for small businesses significantly increases.

National Be Heard Day Activities

  1. Make your presence known

    Do one thing today to make your voice heard. Maybe it’s sharing a business idea with a friend, writing a letter to the editor of a local paper, writing a blog post, or even writing a Tweet. There are so many ways to connect with people online and in person, and National Be Heard Day is a great reason to start.

  2. Improve yourself

    Your success as an entrepreneur and business owner starts with your own personal growth. Do one thing today that will help you in your own personal development. Some suggestions: write a list of goals; read a book about self-improvement; or schedule a meeting with a mentor or person in your field that you admire. Small steps today can set you on the path for success tomorrow.

  3. Tell your story

    National Be Heard Day is a perfect time to craft your refined pitch, story or idea in order to communicate your ideas effectively. If you already have a business but think you could tell your story better, try writing or narrative, or reach out to a communications professional to help you tell — and promote — your story.

Why We Love National Be Heard Day

  1. We love talking about ourselves

    It's biological! Ever notice how good you feel after talking about yourself with a friend, or complaining to your mom about how hard you day was? Researchers have found that certain parts of the human brain are more active when we talk about ourselves!

  2. We hate public speaking

    The number one fear in America isn't death, and it isn't spiders — it's public speaking! How ironic, that we love talking about ourselves, but hate doing it in front of crowds. A big part of embracing being heard is finding the solution to that disconnect. Can you practice speaking in front of a mirror, or join a speaking club? What if you challenge yourself to make an announcement during your next big meeting?

  3. We’re natural storytellers

    Everyone is a storyteller, and everyone has a story worth sharing. Humans have been telling stories since the beginning of recorded history, and even before — it's one of the things that makes us distinctly humans. It's only natural that we should want to add our own stories to this great tapestry of stories and that we should want as many people to know or stories as possible. It's the human way.

National Be Heard Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 March 7 Friday
2026 March 7 Saturday
2027 March 7 Sunday
2028 March 7 Tuesday
2029 March 7 Wednesday