ThuMay 8

National Amyloidosis Day – May 8, 2025

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National Amyloidosis Day is observed on May 8 every year in Australia. The holiday was registered by Mrs. Trisha Gardiner-Wilson of the “Adam Gardiner Fund Incorporated (A.G.F),” in conjunction with the Westmead Amyloidosis Centre to create awareness about amyloidosis and raise funds for further research into the disease. Amyloidosis is a rare condition caused by the buildup of amyloid in certain parts of the body. Every year, amyloidosis claims one in a thousand lives.

History of National Amyloidosis Day

Amyloidosis is a rare disease that is caused by the buildup of an abnormal protein called ‘amyloid.’ Produced in the bone marrow, amyloid can be deposited in tissues and organs in other parts of the body. Organs that may be affected by the disease include the heart, liver, spleen, kidneys, nervous system, and digestive tract.

In 2016, Mrs. Trisha Gardiner-Wilson of the Adam Gardiner Fund Incorporated (AGF), in conjunction with the Westmead Amyloidosis Centre, registered the holiday as the Australian National Amyloidosis Day. The A.G.F. is non-profit incorporation that provides support and raises awareness for amyloidosis. They also raise funds to support the Westmead Amyloidosis Clinic.

Mrs. Gardiner-Wilson created the holiday in honor of her late husband who passed away as a result of amyloidosis. Jade Vincent — the daughter of Garry Paxton — who had been recently diagnosed with A.L. amyloidosis, also pitched in contributions to the holiday’s development. She proposed the adoption of a red ribbon with the words ‘Amyloidosis Day, May 8’ as a symbol for the holiday. Unfortunately, Vincent lost her father to the disease in 2018. Thankfully, the ribbon was quickly adopted by patients and family members affected by amyloidosis, one of whom made a box of red ribbons and sold for a gold coin to raise money for the Princess Alexandra Hospital (P.A.H.) Amyloidosis Centre research program.

National Amyloidosis Day timeline

Amyloidosis is Discovered

Amyloidosis is first discovered in the body of a young man.

The First International Amyloidotic Symposium is Held

The First International Symposium on Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy and Other Transthyretin Related Disorders takes place.

Westmead Amyloidosis Clinic Opens

The Adam Gardiner Fund opens the Westmead Amyloidosis Clinic.

National Amyloidosis Day is Registered

National Amyloidosis Day is registered by the Adam Gardiner Fund, in conjunction with the Westmead Amyloidosis Centre.

National Amyloidosis Day FAQs

Was Adam Gardiner a real person?

Yes. Adam Gardiner was a brave man whose life was claimed by amyloidosis at the young age of 35.

How is amyloidosis diagnosed?

Amyloidosis is diagnosed through biopsy tests.

Are biopsy tests painful?

With the administration of anesthesia, most biopsies are generally painless.

How to Observe National Amyloidosis Day

  1. Spread awareness

    More people need to be aware of amyloidosis and the challenges faced by the affected people. You can contribute your own quota by spreading awareness about amyloidosis and participating in both virtual and physical awareness campaigns.

  2. Provide support

    You can also contribute to the cause by volunteering or providing financial support to any amyloidosis foundation near you. Your support will be appreciated.

  3. Use the hashtag

    Spread the word about National Amyloidosis Day by using the hashtag #amyloidosisday. Let’s get more people talking about amyloidosis.

5 Important Facts About Amyloidosis

  1. Four types of amyloidosis exist

    The four most common types of amyloidosis are light chain (A.L.), inflammation (A.A.), dialysis-related (D.R.A.), and hereditary and age-related amyloidosis (A.T.T.R. and familial amyloid polyneuropathy).

  2. Amyloidosis has no cure

    Unfortunately, no cure has been found for amyloidosis.

  3. Amyloidosis can be treated

    Though there is no known cure for the disease, treatment is available to slow its progression.

  4. The onset age is high

    The onset age of amyloidosis is usually 55 to 60 years old.

  5. Cancer patients are at higher risk

    15% of patients suffering from multiple myeloma cancer are affected by amyloidosis.

Why National Amyloidosis Day is Important

  1. Amyloidosis is more publicized

    This awareness day educates people on the causes, symptoms, and effects of amyloidosis. It provides an avenue for people to learn more about this rare disease.

  2. Awareness raises financial support

    Thanks to National Amyloidosis Awareness Day, funds can be raised for the cause. These funds are often channeled towards amyloidosis research centers and financing amyloidosis clinics.

  3. Patients and families receive support

    The rare nature of amyloidosis might leave patients feeling isolated. This day assures them that they are not alone in their struggle.

National Amyloidosis Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 May 8 Thursday
2026 May 8 Friday
2027 May 8 Saturday
2028 May 8 Monday
2029 May 8 Tuesday