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FriMay 9

Child Care Provider Day – May 9, 2025

Child Care Provider Day is celebrated every Friday before Mother’s Day annually, and this year, it falls on May 9. On this day, people from across the country come together to celebrate and raise awareness of the importance of child care and the people who work in this field every day in the hopes of raising healthier, safer, and happier children.

History of Child Care Provider Day

Child care has been a part of our society for a long time. For centuries, women had the responsibility to care for their children daily. Since they have been conquering more and more space within the community as workers, children have been entrusted to child-care providers. These are people who can engage with children and care for them, providing them with the best opportunities they can get for safety and health. They can work either at specialized facilities, such as daycares or schools, or the family’s home and act as nannies or babysitters.

When a child-care provider works at a formal facility, they must have experience with children and understand the basics of first aid and C.P.R. Not only that, but they go through extensive background checks and drug testing to ensure the children’s safety above all else. At daycares or schools, child-care providers act as educators and provide a learning environment for the children they care for. Parents can also find licensed professionals to work at their homes through recommendations.

Child-care providers not only keep company and ensure that a child is safe, but they perform tasks such as cleaning, feeding, and teaching them basic words and numbers. It’s important to remember that many factors contribute to a child’s development, such as cultural, biological, and psychological aspects.

Child Care Provider Day timeline

A Federal Funding System Launches

The Child Care and Development Block Grant Act enables low-income earners to get child-care aid.

The First Celebration

The first Child Care Provider Day is celebrated across the country!

Formal Child Care Spreads

Nearly 26% of families in America take their children to child-care facilities.

More Safety in Child Care

The Child Care and Development Block Grant reauthorizes broader security for children.

Child Care Provider Day FAQs

What are other names for a child care provider?

Other names for child care providers can be babysitter, caregiver, governess, nanny, and au pair.

How do you list a day-care provider’s roles on a resume?

It’s important to include your qualities as a worker that involve childcare-related skills, such as providing educational environments and being a nurturing and kind person.

What are the responsibilities of child-care providers?

Child-care providers are responsible for providing supervision and care to a child’s basic needs in different facilities or homes. They’re usually the ones who provide meals, create lesson plans and help with homework.

Child Care Provider Day Activities

  1. Thank a child care provider

    If you know anyone who works in child care, give them a call and thank them for the service they provide and their dedication to their work! They will surely appreciate it.

  2. Draw a card

    Have a child make a card for their child-care provider. They can use colored pencils, pens or paint. It’s important to be very creative and make something the child-care worker will be excited to display in their home!

  3. Bake a child-care provider a cake

    Why not bake a child-care provider their favorite cake? It’s a great way to show them your appreciation for their work and for them to have something to snack on after work!

5 Interesting Facts About Child Care

  1. Families can spend 12% of their income

    In rural areas in the U.S. parents spend an average of 12% of their annual income on child care.

  2. Day care is expensive

    On average, Americans spend $12,000 on daycare every year.

  3. Babysitters can make up to $16

    Across the country, babysitters make about $14 an hour and in big cities, it can be $2 extra.

  4. Its cost has increased

    The cost of child care in the country has almost doubled since 1985!

  5. It usually stays in the family

    Many families can’t afford childcare and use a family member to stay home with the kids.

Why We Love Child Care Provider Day

  1. It raises awareness

    It’s the perfect day to raise awareness of the importance of child care and everything that child care providers do every day to keep children safe and healthy! Do what you can to spread the word.

  2. It puts child care providers in the spotlight

    It’s not every day that we get to hear about childcare providers and their work, so it’s great that they get an entire day in the spotlight! Tell your friends and family about this day so they can appreciate it too.

  3. It’s all about children’s health

    Child care providers help keep the children around them healthy, safe, and happy. We love being able to celebrate that!

Child Care Provider Day dates

Year Date Day
2022 May 6 Friday
2023 May 12 Friday
2024 May 10 Friday
2025 May 9 Friday
2026 May 8 Friday