October25–November 1

International Brain Tumor Awareness Week – October 25-November 1, 2025

Want to sponsor International Brain Tumor Awareness Week? Learn more

International Brain Tumor Awareness Week takes place in a week during October and November from — from October 25 to November 1 this year. A brain tumor is a mass or development of abnormal cells in your brain that causes symptoms such as headaches and nausea. There are several distinct forms of brain tumors. The majority of brain tumors are noncancerous — benign — although a small number of brain tumors are cancerous — malignant. Brain tumors can start in the brain itself, or they can start in other parts of the body and spread to the brain, which is often called secondary or metastatic brain tumors.

History of International Brain Tumor Awareness Week

The two legacy organizations, the National Brain Tumor Foundation and the Brain Tumor Society were founded in the 1980s. In 2008, the two organizations merged to become the National Brain Tumor Society, which boosted their joint efforts. The National Brain Tumor Foundation (N.B.T.F.) was founded in San Francisco in 1981 by a small group of healthcare practitioners and others whose lives had been impacted by brain tumors. The foundation’s mission was to provide comprehensive resources and support services to the brain tumor community. Throughout its nearly three decades of operation, the group has built several significant community activities, including the first national conference for persons with brain tumors, as well as a nationwide volunteer network of support.

In 1989, the Brain Tumor Society (B.T.S.) was formed in Boston. Bonnie and Sid Feldman formed the group alongside Richard B. Ross and other dedicated volunteer leaders after their son Seth died of a brain tumor. Following its founding, the B.T.S. was essential in garnering cash for brain tumor research grants. The B.T.S. has supported groundbreaking research by more than 90 scientists— a ‘who’s who’ of brain tumor specialists — during its 20-year history. Scientists were able to understand more about how brain tumors work and how to treat them thanks to B.T.S. funding.

The Kelly Heinz-Grundner Foundation (K.H.G.) — a Delaware-based nonprofit dedicated to raising brain tumor awareness — amalgamated with N.B.T.S. in March 2010 — two years after the two organizations merged. Kelly passed away in September 2004 after a two-year battle with a brain tumor, and K.H.G. was founded in her honor. International Brain Tumor Awareness Week was established in 1997 to educate the public and highlight the need for additional funding for brain tumor research.

International Brain Tumor Awareness Week timeline

The N.B.T.F. is Formed

The National Brain Tumor Foundation is created by a small group of healthcare practitioners and others whose lives have been damaged by brain tumors in San Francisco.

The B.T.S. is Formed

A group of volunteers and individuals affected by brain tumors form the organization.

International Brain Tumor Awareness Week is Created

International Brain Tumor Awareness Week is designated to educate the community and highlight the necessity for research funding on brain tumors.

The N.B.T.F. and B.T.S. Merge

The two organizations merge to become the National Brain Tumor Society, which bolsters their combined efforts

International Brain Tumor Awareness Week FAQs

What is usually the first symptom of a brain tumor?

Seizures are often the initial indication of a brain tumor, although they may occur at any stage.

Is a brain tumor a death sentence?

If you are diagnosed, have no fear— more than 700,000 Americans presently live with a brain tumor and it is not always fatal.

What causes brain tumors?

As with other cancers, brain and spinal cord tumors are generated by alterations in the D.N.A. within cells.

How to Observe International Brain Tumor Awareness Week

  1. Wear orange or gray

    Wear orange and gray this week. It’s a show of love and support for brain tumor patients worldwide.

  2. Share on social media

    Use the hashtags #braintumor #OrangeandGray #BrainTumorAwarenessWeek #IBTAWeek to post on the National Brain Tumor Society's Facebook page or your social media. Spreading awareness is paramount.

  3. Organize a fundraising activity

    Make plans to organize a fundraising walk, run, or other activity in your area. The money raised will benefit a brain tumor charity.

5 Fascinating Facts About Brain Tumors

  1. Brain tumor classifications

    There are about 100 different forms of primary brain tumors — each of which has its set of symptoms, therapies, and prognosis.

  2. Primary brain cancer is uncommon

    A primary malignant brain tumor is a rare type of cancer that accounts for about 1.4 percent of all new cancer cases in the U.S.

  3. The cause of brain cancer is unclear

    The majority of people who are diagnosed with a primary brain tumor have no recognized risk factors.

  4. They may develop at any age

    Primary brain tumors may occur at any age, although they are more frequent in children and the elderly.

  5. The chances of survival vary

    There are various types of primary brain cancer, and survival rates vary greatly depending on the type.

Why International Brain Tumor Awareness Week is Important

  1. It creates awareness

    International Brain Tumor Awareness Week creates awareness about the disease. This helps reduce the stigma associated with tumors.

  2. Raises funds

    During the week, funds are raised for research into new and more effective treatment therapies. This is vital.

  3. It shows support

    The week enables the whole world to show support to people affected by brain tumors. Join the cause.

International Brain Tumor Awareness Week dates

Year Date Day
2022 October 29 Saturday
2023 October 29 Sunday
2024 October 26 Saturday
2025 October 25 Saturday
2026 October 31 Saturday