February Birthdays
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February 21st Birthdays

We have 9 birthdays listed for February 21.

February 21st is the fifty-second day in the Gregorian calendar. On this day Steve Fossett became the first person to cross the Pacific Ocean in a balloon; major figures in the Watergate scandal were sentenced to prison, and The New Yorker published its first issue. Famous February 21st birthdays include Nina Simone, David Foster Wallace, and Anais Nin. Today is National Sticky Bun Day.

Nina Simone’s Birthday

Learn more about this multi-talented blues-folk singer’s rich, versatile story right here!


Solar’s Birthday

This talented singer is creating a legacy that will stand time’s test.


Jordan Peele’s Birthday

This multi-talented Hollywood personality is cementing his success one shot at a time.


John Lewis’s Birthday

Learn things you probably didn't know about American politician John Lewis right here!


Giveon’s Birthday

He’s a talented singer and songwriter who topped the charts and won hearts.


Blanket Jackson’s Birthday

For this budding media personality and young artist, success is just around the corner!


Alan Rickman’s Birthday

Learn more about the actor who played Severus Snape in the “Harry Potter” film series!