World Thinking Day
SatFeb 22

World Thinking Day – February 22, 2025

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World Thinking Day, celebrated on February 22, is a day of friendship, sisterhood, and empowerment where Girl Scouts and Girl Guides across the world speak out on issues that affect girls and young women. Did you know that this event raises funds for 10 million Girl Guides and Girl Scouts across the world? The theme for 2022 World Thinking Day is ‘Our World, Our Equal Future: The Environment and Gender Equality.’

History of World Thinking Day

The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), the Girl Scouts of the U.S.A., and other WAGGGS member organizations have been celebrating World Thinking Day since 1926. This is a day to celebrate being part of the diverse global sisterhood. The history of World Thinking Day is a fascinating story.

In 1926, delegates from across the world met at Camp Edith Macy — now named the Edith Macy Conference Center — in New York for the 4th World Conference and decided to create a day for guides and girl scouts. They selected the joint birthday of Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of the scout and guide movement, and his wife Olave as the Thinking Day.

Later in 1932, a Belgian delegate suggested that girls could raise funds, World thinking Day Fund for the organization, and show their thanks. Accepting this suggestion Lord Baden-Powell wrote a letter to all guides and girl scouts worldwide asking them to donate a penny since a penny was enough for a loaf of bread in those days.

In 1999, during the Dubai Conference, the name of the Thinking Day was changed to ‘World Thinking Day.’ Today, this has grown into a huge global event that encourages members of the movement to think about bigger issues.

The theme for the 2022 World thinking Day is ‘Our World, Our Equal Future: The Environment and Gender Equality.’ On account of the ongoing pandemic, WAGGGS is offering a free World Thinking Day live session hosted by WAGGGS world centers that enables girl guides and girl scouts all over the world to connect with each other.

World Thinking Day timeline

The First Thinking Day

The First Thinking Day is celebrated at Camp Edith Macy.

Funding for a Good Cause

The World Thinking Day Fund is started to help fund guiding around the world.

Thinking Day Gets a Rename

‘The Thinking Day’ is renamed ‘World Thinking Day’ to clearly emphasize the global nature of the celebration.

The Theme of Peace

The 2021 World Thinking Day is celebrated with the theme of peacebuilding.

World Thinking Day FAQs

What is meant by scouts and guides?

Scouting and guiding is an approved type of character training and preparation for good citizenship designed for the benefit of boys and girls.

What do scouts and guides do?

A scout/guide is a disciplined citizen who is a friend to animals and loves nature. They help protect public property.

Is a scout a boy or girl?

There are both boy scouts and girl scouts. 

How to Celebrate World Thinking Day

  1. Celebrate the theme

    Every year, this day is celebrated with a theme. The theme for 2022 is ‘Our World, Our Equal Future: The Environment and Gender Equality.’ So, think and take whatever steps you can about these big issues affecting the global community.

  2. Help them raise funds

    Girl scouts and guides might celebrate this day by holding events such as bake sales and sports days. Support them by making appropriate contributions.

  3. Take part in their celebrations

    You can also celebrate this day by taking part in wider events organized by the guiding and scouting communities, like campout events, hiking, and other challenges.

5 Thought-Provoking Facts About Thinking

  1. Girlguiding started with boys

    Girlguiding began when girls crashed a boy scout rally in 1909 — this inspired Baden-Powell’s sister Agnes to begin the Girl Guide Association.

  2. Big Gig is real!

    Big Gig is a huge concert organized by Girlguiding every year and famous stars like Ed Sheeran and Little Mix have performed there.

  3. Girl Guides were in both the world wars

    Girl guides provided valuable aid in both the world wars including passing secret messages, helping war prisoners escape, and more.

  4. There’s no age limit

    There’s no upper age limit to becoming a scout member — this promotes equal opportunities for adult members.

  5. World centers for members

    There are five world centers across four continents and five countries including Switzerland, the U.K., Mexico, India, and Africa where members can visit.

Why We Love World Thinking Day

  1. It is a meaningful day

    World Thinking Day is a meaningful day that doesn’t just celebrate the day itself, but also raises funds for the wellbeing and growth of girl scouts and guides worldwide.

  2. It empowers women

    The fact that World Thinking Day has grown as a big global event is because of the sheer effort of girl scouts and girl guides worldwide.

  3. It helps tackle world issues

    It provides an opportunity for girl guides and girl scouts to learn about and take action on issues that the world is facing. They have a theme each year that sheds light on various issues.

World Thinking Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 February 22 Saturday
2026 February 22 Sunday
2027 February 22 Monday
2028 February 22 Tuesday
2029 February 22 Thursday