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TueNov 25

Shopping Reminder Day – November 25, 2025

Shopping Reminder Day is held annually on November 25, and we won’t let you forget it. On your marks, get set, shop! After you’ve enjoyed the turkey and cranberry sauce on Thanksgiving, it’s time to make sure you are fully prepared for Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa and finish any last-minute shopping.

History of Shopping Reminder Day

We’re not 100% sure about the origins of Shopping Reminder Day, but it’s likely linked to Black Friday.

The first recorded use of the term ‘Black Friday’ was applied not to holiday shopping but the financial crisis: specifically, the crash of the U.S. gold market on September 24, 1869. Jay Gould and Jim Fisk, two notoriously unmerciful stockbrokers on Wall Street, worked together to buy up as much of the U.S.’s gold as they could, hoping to drive the price as high as possible and sell it for staggering profits. On that fateful Friday in September, the scheme was finally brought to light, causing the stock market to spiral downward and bankrupting everyone from farmers to Wall Street tycoons.

The most well-known story behind the Black Friday tradition following Thanksgiving connects it to retailers — after a whole year of operating at a loss (or being “in the red”), on the day after Thanksgiving, shoppers splurged so much on marked down products that stores actually made a profit (or went “into the black”). Though retail companies indeed used to record losses in red and profits in black when doing their accounting, this version of Black Friday’s origin is the officially sanctioned — but inaccurate — story behind the tradition.

By the late 1980s, Black Friday had stuck and became something positive. 

If you have holiday shopping to complete, this day is here to remind you: 

  • There are 30 days until Christmas.
  • There are 31 days until the start of Kwanzaa.
  • There are 30 days until the start of Hanukkah.

Shopping Reminder Day perfectly coincides with Black Friday, so you can get great deals on your last-minute shopping. 

Shopping Reminder Day timeline

September 24, 1869
Black Friday is Born

The first recorded use of the term ‘Black Friday’ is applied to the crash of the U.S. gold market.


The police in the city of Philadelphia use the term ‘Black Friday’ to describe the chaos that ensues on the day after Thanksgiving.

Black Friday Becomes Positive

Retailers reinvent Black Friday and turn it into something positive.

Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday is created by retailers to encourage people to shop online.

Shopping Reminder Day FAQs

Do I have to go to the mall?

No, you can go to any store. You can even shop from the comfort of your couch. Deals are even easier to find on the internet.

When is Shopping Reminder Day?

Shopping Reminder Day is on November 25 to serve as a reminder that the festive season is one month away.

Where are the best deals?

Larger stores like Target, Walmart, and Best Buy have great deals on electronics. Department stores like JCPenney and Macy’s will have great deals on clothing and home goods. A quick Google search will provide all of your answers. 

Shopping Reminder Day Activities

  1. Go on a shopping spree

    We’re reminding you to go shopping so grab some friends and go to the mall. Grab last-minute gifts or indulge and treat yourself.

  2. Remind a friend

    Maybe your friends missed the memo. That’s okay because you can remind them. Leave no friends behind.

  3. Give a donation

    Instead of shopping for yourself, you can take the opportunity to give back. Grab a few gifs to donate to a shelter or organization in need. That’s the holiday spirit.

5 Facts About Christmas That Will Blow Your Mind

  1. Christmas fires

    Burning Christmas trees caused 170 U.S. house fires in 2015.

  2. Christmas wasn’t really on December 25

    Most historians posit that Jesus was born in the spring.

  3. "Jingle Bells" was for Thanksgiving

    James Lord Pierpont wrote a song called “One Horse Open Sleigh” for his church's Thanksgiving concert.

  4. Christmas was illegal

    From 1659 to 1681, anyone in Boston caught making merry would face a fine for celebrating.

  5. X-mas

    ‘Christianity’ was spelled ‘Xianity’ as far back as 1100 — X, or Chi, in Greek, is the first letter of ‘Christ’ and served as a symbolic stand-in.

Why We Love Shopping Reminder Day

  1. Shopping, duh!

    Who doesn’t love shopping? Even if you hate physical shopping, you can do it online from your couch.

  2. Deals

    Since Shopping Reminder Day coincides with Black Friday, there are great deals to be found. Clip coupons or do whatever it takes to find those deals!

  3. The holiday spirit

    Shopping for gifts is a good way to get you in the holiday spirit. ’Tis the season for walking around the mall, watching the ice skaters, and smelling the freshly baked goods.

Shopping Reminder Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 November 25 Tuesday
2026 November 25 Wednesday
2027 November 25 Thursday
2028 November 25 Saturday
2029 November 25 Sunday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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