WedJun 18

National Black America’s Day of Repentance – June 18, 2025

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National Black America’s Day of Repentance is observed annually on June 18. Founded by Sister Yvonne Roberson, the purpose of the holiday is for Black Americans to be healed through reflection and repentance.

On the holiday, people fast, pray, and reflect on their errors from dawn till sundown. They abstain from food, drink, sex, alcohol, and drugs and limit their use of electronics and work. The strenuous fast is broken by praising God before a light meal.

History of National Black America’s Day of Repentance

Repentance is considered a stage of salvation in which a person turns away from sin. In Catholic, Lutheran, Orthodox, and Anglican theologies, the role of repentance is vital in Confession and Absolution. In the Hebrew Bible, repentance comes from the Hebrew word ‘teshuvah,’ meaning ‘return.’ In the New Testament, repentance was called for in the speech of John the Baptist, and Jesus, when he proclaimed the Gospel, also called for repentance. Repentance was also a focal point of the preaching of Peter and Paul the Apostle.

For Emanuel Swedenborg and Jonathan S. Rose, repentance includes any actions that stop us from committing evil acts, which are sins against God. In Roman Catholicism, repentance is fundamental to forgiveness. One of the most important documents of the Protestant Reformation, a religious reform movement in the 1500s, is the Augsburg Confession, in which repentance is divided into two parts: “One is contrition, that is, terrors smiting the conscience through the knowledge of sin,” and “The other is faith, which is born of the Gospel, or of absolution, and believes that for Christ’s sake, sins are forgiven, comforts the conscience, and delivers it from terrors.”

According to John Calvin, in the Reformed tradition, repentance can be defined as the actual conversion of our life to God, which arises from fear of God. In contrast, repentance is considered necessary for salvation and new birth in evangelicalism.

National Black America’s Day of Repentance timeline

1,200 — 165 B.C.
The Old Testament Calls for Repentance

In the Hebrew Bible, the word 'teshuvah,’ meaning ‘return,' calls for repentance.

16th Century A.D.
The Reformers Define Repentance

The Reformation defines repentance as the true conversion of our life to God.

18th Century
Theologians Explain the Meaning of Repentance

According to Emanuel Swedenborg and Jonathan S. Rose, repentance depends on our will.

19th Century
Reptance Becomes Essential for Salvation

Evangelicalism considers repentance necessary for salvation and new birth.

National Black America’s Day of Repentance FAQs

When was National Black America’s Day of Repentance founded?

It was founded in April 2021 by Yvonne Roberson.

What is Repentance Day?

Repentance Day is a day of prayer and a public holiday in Germany. It is similar to National Black America’s Day of Repentance.

Is Repentance Day an international holiday?

It is not an international holiday.

How to Observe National Black America’s Day of Repentance

  1. Learn about repentance

    Religious repentance has a long and varied history. So, research repentance and learn what it means for different religions.

  2. Participate in the fast

    Participate in the fast and reflect on any errors you’ve made. Think about how you could improve yourself and repent to God.

  3. Spread awareness

    Spread awareness about National Black America’s Day of Repentance. Make people aware of the importance of repentance.

5 Facts About Repentance

  1. It elicits change

    Repentance means to have a change of mind.

  2. It is the heart of belief

    When John the Baptist spread the message of Christ’s first coming, he urged people to repent as “the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

  3. It is essential to great commission

    In the great commission of Christ, he is bodily absent from the world but is present in the hearts of his disciples, and through them, he calls for repentance for the Kingdom of God.

  4. God commands repentance

    According to Calvinists, repentance is not a free choice but a command.

  5. It is a gift

    God gives the gift of repentance as an opportunity, and it is up to the people to take it.

Why National Black America’s Day of Repentance is Important

  1. It is a day for repentance

    National Black America’s Day of Repentance celebrates repentance. It breaks down barriers around repentance and encourages people to try it.

  2. It has a noble cause

    The holiday has a noble cause because it aims to provide peace to people. National Black America’s Day of Repentance helps people find God's grace.

  3. It purifies people

    Keeping the fast on National Black America’s Day of Repentance gives people peace. It also purifies their spirits.

National Black America’s Day of Repentance dates

Year Date Day
2025 June 18 Wednesday
2026 June 18 Thursday
2027 June 18 Friday
2028 June 18 Sunday
2029 June 18 Monday