We have 25 holidays listed for May 8.
Iris Day
We’re getting ready to stop and smell the irises on this fragrant holiday!
Jamestown Day
Take a day to reflect on colonialism, life in 17th century Virginia, and Native American cultures.
Make a Book Day
Celebrate the ability of books to open doors to other realms and alternate realities!
National Amyloidosis Day
Let us join hands and hearts in solidarity with the patients and families affected by amyloidosis.
National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day
Circumstances may compel you to act. Plan ahead of time for yourself and your beloved pets!
National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day
Get ready to spend a day with children as their mental support structure.
National Coconut Cream Pie Day
A day devoted to the ultimate custard-and-cream concoction.
National Dakota Day
Dakotas, are you ready to celebrate and be celebrated by the whole world?
National Give Someone a Cupcake Day
Get your frosting and toppings ready for National Give Someone a Cupcake Day!
National Have a Coke Day
If the very thought of Coke makes you want to break into song, you’re not alone.
National Maria Day
This National Maria Day, honor the 18th most popular name in the United States.
National Nova Day
Nova is a unique name that deserves to be celebrated this National Nova Day!
National Report Government Contractor Fraud Day
Catching fraudsters, helping the government, saving taxpayers’ money — sounds like a real job!
National Student Nurse Day
Let’s get ready to celebrate the determination and achievements of student nurses.
No Socks Day
Keep reading to find out who created No Socks Day and why!
Reward Yourself Day
Take a break, indulge in some self-care, and celebrate all the healthy habits you've kept up with!
Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for those who Lost their Lives during WWII
We need to work through the past to understand the present and build the future.
Truman Day
Join us as we commemorate Harry S. Truman's birth and honor him!
Victory in Europe Day
Relive the Allies’ victory over Nazi Germany this Victory in Europe Day.
White Lotus Day
White Lotus Day celebrates theosophists and commemorates the death of the co-founder of the Theosophical Society.
World Donkey Day
Learn more about the strong, resilient, friendly, and helpful animal known as the donkey.
World Ovarian Cancer Day
Learn about ovarian cancer and its diagnosis with our article on World Ovarian Cancer Day.
World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day
Let’s celebrate the spirit of peace and honor the pathway of truces.