ThuApr 17

Malbec World Day – April 17, 2025

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Malbec World Day or Dia Mundial del Malbec is observed every year on April 17 to commemorate the day the first agronomy school was founded in Argentina for the study of European grapes, including the Malbec grape. This took place on April 17, 1853, the same year that Argentina’s president, Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, asked a French soil expert to bring new grape varietals to his country. In 2011, Wines of Argentina established April 17 as Malbec World Day.

History of Malbec World Day

In 1853, Argentina’s president, Domingo Faustino Sarmiento began implementing plans to reform Argentina’s wine-making industry. He approached Michel Aime Pouget, a French soil expert, and asked him to import new French grapevine cuttings into Argentina. One of the varietals brought back by Pouget just so happened to be the Malbec grape. On April 17, 1853, the first agronomy school in Argentina was founded, to learn how to adapt European grapes to Argentinian soil.

The Malbec grape is used in making red wine. It is an inky purple, thick-skinned grape that originated in France. However, a French viticulturist and ampelographer claim that the original name of the grape was ‘Cot’ and that it haled from northern Burgundy. Malbec creates such an intense, dark red wine that it is sometimes blended with wines such as Merlot or Cabernet Sauvignon.

Though Malbec originated in France, it experienced a decline in popularity in its home country, especially after a frost occurred in 1956, destroying 75% of the Malbec vineyards. Now Malbec is more prominent in Argentina, becoming an emblem of the nation’s wine industry, where it established a strong foothold during the twentieth century. Today, over 75% of all Malbec grapes are grown in Argentina and Malbec wine has gained popularity not just in Argentina but in countries all over the world. In 2011, the fifth largest wine producer in the world, called Wines of Argentina, established April 17 as Malbec World Day.

Malbec World Day timeline

The Malbec Grave Enters Argentina

Malbec grapes are introduced to Argentina.

The Malbec Vineyards are Wiped Out

Over 70% of the Malbec vineyards in France are destroyed by frost.

The Malbec Grape is Planted Widely

Over 10,000 acres of Malbec grapes are planted in Argentina.

The Malbec World Day is Established

Malbec World Day is established by Wines of Argentina on April 17.

Malbec World Day FAQs

How many grapes are needed to make a bottle of wine?

On average, it takes between 400 to 800 grapes to make a bottle of wine. It, however, also depends on the type of grape and other factors of production.

How many grapes are on one cluster?

A cluster of grapes contains about 70 to 100 grapes.

What is the most expensive wine grape in the world?

The Cabernet Sauvignon grape is the most expensive wine grape in the world.

Malbec World Day Activities

  1. Go to a wine tasting

    Indulge your fancy side on this special day. Attend a wine tasting with a few of your friends.

  2. Buy Malbec grapes

    Sample some Malbec grapes and see for yourself what all the noise is about. Thank us later!

  3. Use the hashtag

    Spread the fun. Use the hashtag #malbecworldday to let everyone know why we’re celebrating.

5 Amazing Facts About Grapes

  1. They are 65 million years old

    According to a scientific review published in “Trends in Genetics,” grapes have been in existence for about 65 million years.

  2. Over 8,000 varieties of grapes exist!

    There are 8,000 grape varieties known to man, most of which come from the Americas and Europe.

  3. Grapes have natural yeast

    Yeast organisms grow naturally on the skins of grapes.

  4. Grapes have vitamin C

    Grapes are high in vitamin C and they contain over a quarter of our bodies’ daily recommended dose of vitamin C.

  5. Raisins are grapes

    Raisins are just grapes that have been left out to dry.

Why We Love Malbec World Day

  1. It highlights the Malbec grape

    Though Malbec is well-known in Argentina, it has not yet enjoyed the acclaim of other popular wines around the world. Malbec World Day is a great opportunity to highlight and create awareness about this rich, fruity wine.

  2. It celebrates Argentina’s wine heritage

    Malbec wine has become one of Argentina’s wine champions. Malbec wine is a globally-recognized wine thanks to the vision and hard work of former president Domingo Faustino Sarmiento and soil expert, Michel Aime Pouget.

  3. It appreciates the work of vintners

    Vintners are the unseen people that turn grapes into the delicious wine we see in stores. Today is a good day to appreciate all the hard work that goes into the wine-making process.

Malbec World Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 April 17 Thursday
2026 April 17 Friday
2027 April 17 Saturday
2028 April 17 Monday
2029 April 17 Tuesday