ThuFeb 13

Lailatul Barat – February 13, 2025

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Lailatul Barat is a 2-day procession done by the Islamic community and this year it takes place from February 13 to 14. In the Islam calendar, the holiday is celebrated on the the14th and 15th night of the month of Sha’aban, which is the eighth month of the Islamic calendar. The holiday represents fortune and forgiveness and is also called Shab-e-Barat. Muslims see this night as a time of profession as Allah decides people’s fortune for the year ahead and decide whether they will have the opportunity to perform Hajj.

History of Lailatul Barat

On Lailatul Barat, Muslims believe God descends from heaven and forgives sins very generously. Thus they spend the night in prayers and fasting till the next day. Muslims are directed to fast for at least six days this month. Muhammad dissuaded his companions from fasting before the 15th of Sha’baan because he worried about their physical health.

Lailatul Barat happens in the middle of the month of Sha’ban, which is the month before Ramadan. It is regarded as the holiest night on the Islamic Calendar. On this night, at sunset, Allah comes to the nearest heaven and announces: “Is and are no one asking forgiveness that I may forgive him? Is there no one asking provision that I may grant him provision? Is there no one afflicted that I may relieve them? Is there not such and such?” And so the night starts up at sundown on the 14th and eventually ends at dawn on the 15th of Sha’ban. Women who menstruated in Ramadan have the opportunity to make up for it this month.

The Islamic tradition remembers Muhammad, who had been prostrating in prayer for so long that his wife worried he might have died. When she made sure he wasn’t dead, she went to bed and reassured her she lay in bed, reassured of his health. When praying, Muhammad explained to his wife that he was observing a holy night when God forgives believers and releases countless people from hell.

On Lailatul Barat, festivities, cooking, and staying up the entire night in prayer are all part of the observances. Schools are given a holiday, so young children can have a chance to recuperate. In some parts of the world, people visit graves and commemorate their ancestors on this night. Apart from worshipping all night, Islamic traditions also prompt Muslims to fast on the 15th of Sha’ban.

Lailatul Barat timeline

570 A.D.
Muhammad is Born

Muhammad is born in Mecca.

610 A.D.
Allah and the Quran

Allah reveals the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad.

632 A.D.
Muhammad Dies

Muhammad passes away in Medina after serving as the holy messenger of God.

Lailatul Barat

Islamic devotees light candles, fast, and pray to Allah.

Lailatul Barat FAQs

What prayer do you use on Lailatul Barat?

The best dua is the one that the Prophet taught to his wife, Aisha. He told her: “Say ‘Oh Allaah, You are forgiving and You love to forgive, so forgive me.”

Can you sleep on Lailatul Barat?

Similar to Ramadan, on this day, many Muslims do not drink, eat or indulge in sexual relations during the hours of the night on this day. You may pray, read the Quran, rest, or sleep during daylight.

Why is Lailatul Barat so significant?

Lailatul Barat commemorates the night the Quran was first shown to Prophet Muhammad by Allah. Muslims consider this an important event in history, as the holy book describes it as a more powerful night than 1,000 months. It is also the night angels descend to earth.

How to Observe Lailatul Barat

  1. Give to the needy

    No matter the current hardships you face, always remember that someone out there is probably worse off. This sentiment helps you appreciate the small things and allows you to openly share even when the circumstance is not in your favor. On this day, don't just aim to receive, give and experience the joys that come from giving on this Lailatul Barat.

  2. Seek forgiveness

    Start with asking for forgiveness from people around before seeking divine forgiveness. You would be forgiven and divinely rewarded if you were truly repentant.

  3. Practice holiness

    Be good to others, show them kindness and love, recite the Quran, remember Allah, and do not curse or swear. It's a day to practice holiness, and we want to go all the way to make sure our sins are truly forgiven, and we're given a fresh start.

5 Amazing Facts About Lailatul Barat

  1. There are visitors from the heavens

    On Lailatul Barat, angels descend to the earth and give greetings to believers.

  2. Barat in Arabic

    'Barat' in Arabic stands for salvation and forgiveness.

  3. It is the holiest night

    Lailatul Barat is considered to be the holiest night of the Islamic calendar.

  4. It has other names

    Lailatul Barat is also called Shab-e-Barat, Barat Night, Cheragh e Brat, Berat Kandili, or Nisfu Syaaban.

  5. It also celebrates the Quran

    Lailatul Barat marks the night the Quran was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad by Allah.

Why Lailatul Barat is Important

  1. We are forgiven

    As the Quran puts it, "Verily Allah the Glorious and Majestic look at His servants on the night of mid-Sha`ban, and He forgives those who ask forgiveness, and He bestows mercy on those who ask mercy, and He gives a delay to the people of envy and spite in their state." This day is one for which we are forgiven.

  2. We forgive others

    With the spirit of forgiveness still bubbling in us, we forgive others who might have wronged us and include them in our plans for celebrating the day. So let's go flexing a forgiving spirit this holiday.

  3. It is a day of joy

    After we forgive and are forgiven, only great joy and peace fill us up and make us whole again. That way, we enjoy the true love and harmony that comes from a forgiving heart.

Lailatul Barat dates

Year Date Day
2022 March 18 Friday
2023 March 7 Tuesday
2024 February 26 Monday
2025 February 14 Friday
2026 February 3 Tuesday