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Create a Great Funeral Day
WedOct 30

Create a Great Funeral Day – October 30, 2024

If you follow our tips and plan for Create a Great Funeral Day on October 30, you wouldn’t need to dread not knowing how to organize your loved ones’ funerals. On Create a Great Funeral Day, you can also let others in on how you would like to be sent off. Likewise, it is essential for you to know how your near and dear ones want to bid their final farewell.

History of Create a Great Funeral Day

Stephanie West Allen was greatly overwhelmed during her husband’s funeral when he met with an untimely demise in 1988. She found herself underprepared and emotionally scarred. A decade later, she found her second husband struggling to come to terms with preparing for his mother’s funeral when she passed away. He was caught between his responsibilities of organizing a decent burial and a need to grieve in peace. She observed that in both cases, it would have helped if the person who passed away could have left some directions on how they wanted to be consigned to the powers beyond.

These experiences prompted Allen to dedicate a day towards planning for the funerals of our near and dear ones to prevent the bereaved from having to run from pillar to post to bid the departed a decent farewell. She wanted to inspire people to sit beside their loved ones and talk about how they would like to leave the world, so she decided to register October 30 as Create a Great Funeral Day.

The aim of Create a Great Funeral Day is to develop an environment where people feel comfortable enough to think and talk about how they would like to be remembered and to allow the peace of mind that comes from knowing the departed soul’s final wishes have been fulfilled. With everything planned much in advance, funerals will not add to the stress of loved ones who are already struggling with their bereavement. Planning your funeral ahead of time, irrespective of age or state of health is also an excellent way to dwell on your legacy and on leaving good memories behind.

Create a Great Funeral Day timeline

At Her Husband's Funeral

Stephanie West Allen is completely undone as she arranges her husband's funeral amidst the grief of his untimely demise.

A Sense of Déjà Vu

10 years later, she finds herself at a similar juncture when she watches her husband struggle to put together a decent funeral for his mother.

A Day For Planning Funerals

Stephanie West Allen decides to register October 30 as Create a Great Funeral Day to prompt loved ones to sit together and talk about what kind of funeral they want.

October 30, 2000
The First Create a Great Funeral Day

The first Create a Great Funeral Day is observed across the United States and Canada.

Create a Great Funeral Day FAQs

What is a funeral day?

A day in which a ceremony is held to bury or cremate the body of a dead person. The ceremony could include a procession accompanying the dead body to be ‘laid to rest’, a religious service, a wake, and/or a memorial event, on the same day or different succeeding days.

Why is it called a funeral?

The root of the word ‘funeral’ is the Latin ‘funus’ which had many meanings, including the dead body and the funerary rites.

Why are funerals three days after death?

In the past, dead bodies had to be buried quickly because of decomposition, but today’s advancement in preservation technology gives families more time to get their affairs in order, pick a suitable day, and make the necessary arrangements.

How to Observe Create A Great Funeral Day

  1. Talk about it

    Gather your loved ones and have a casual discussion about the best ways to go about a funeral. Try to keep the tone of the discussion light as the subject of death makes people clam up. Dwell on how to make your funeral memorable by incorporating aspects of your life in it.

  2. Visualize your funeral

    Sit in a quiet place with some soulful music and visualize how you would like people to bid you farewell. Draw a picture in your mind of a peaceful funeral in which people remember you for what memories you have left behind.

  3. Eliminate the fear of death

    A significant reason people don't discuss death is the uncertainty and untimely nature of losing a loved one. Discuss your funeral with your loved ones so that whenever it happens, they won’t grapple with the fear of having to live without you. No amount of preparation can help deal with bereavement, but this will reduce the fear around it.

5 Amazing Books On Planning Funerals

  1. "Creating Your Own Funeral or Memorial Service"

    Stephanie West Allen, the founder of Create a Great Funeral Day, wrote this workbook based on her personal experiences.

  2. "The Party of Your Life"

    Author Erika Dillman penned a lively guide to making funerals light-hearted and stress-free.

  3. "A Good Goodbye"

    In his book, Gail Rubin, a death educator, provides information, inspiration, and tools for giving creative and meaningful send-offs to your loved ones.

  4. "Death Warmed Over"

    A book about funeral customs, rituals, and traditions from across the world.

  5. "How To Plan A Funeral"

    Jay Ryman presents a practical guide that helps to navigate funeral planning.

Why Create a Great Funeral Day is Important

  1. It prepares us for the inevitable

    While nobody likes to talk about death, we know it is inevitable. By preparing for it in advance, we remove the stress associated with a final send-off for our loved ones. On Create a Great Funeral Day, we can have a relaxed conversation about funerals, knowing it does not have to be done tomorrow.

  2. It gives a level of closure

    Knowing how our loved ones want to depart from this world helps us give them the best farewell, leaving us to grieve in peace while they rest in peace, and providing some proper closure.

  3. It reduces the anxiety associated with death

    Most people fear death because of the anxiety associated with it. Discussing death and preparing for your funeral in a light tone, brings some certainty to what happens after such an untimely event, reducing the anxiety.

Create a Great Funeral Day dates

Year Date Day
2024 October 30 Wednesday
2025 October 30 Thursday
2026 October 30 Friday
2027 October 30 Saturday
2028 October 30 Monday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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