MonNov 17

National Testosterone Awareness Day – November 17, 2025

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National Testosterone Awareness Day on November 17 is all about the primary male hormone for men. The anatomy of a man is fueled by testosterone, keeping us healthy and energetic. Anyone wanting to burn belly fat, lose weight, build muscle, improve libido, and overall have a healthier life needs to focus on naturally increasing their testosterone levels. National Testosterone Awareness Day celebrates the hormone and creates awareness about its importance. Unfortunately, as testosterone levels start to decrease by 1 to 2% every year once a person hits 30, this leads to a loss of mental, physical, and sexual health. This is accelerated by the stress of our modern-day lifestyles, which causes testosterone levels to dramatically drop even further.

History of National Testosterone Awareness Day

The hormone testosterone was first discovered in 1935. In the same year, scientists were able to successfully synthesize testosterone from cholesterol, leading to the beginning of modern androgen therapy. At the time, testosterone was taken orally as 17α-methyl-1-Testosterone, which came with dangerous side effects. The 1939 Nobel Prize in chemistry was awarded to Adolf Friedrich J. Butenandt and Leopold Ružička for their contribution to the study of sex hormones.

This propelled the “golden age” of steroid chemistry that continued until the 1950s. Extractions and synthesis of testosterone and its derivatives continued throughout the next decade. The hormone was found to be a potent booster of male libido, strength, energy, and more. Soon, it became known as the rejuvenating elixir; as dubbed by the French physiologist and neurologist Charles-Édouard Brown-Séquard.

In the 1950s, the injectable version enanthate became the go-to medication and therapy for testosterone. Further research focused on the chemical modification of the hormonal compound to enhance its anabolic properties. Anabolic steroids have become obsolete in clinical medicine, but are prevalent in drug administration. Testosterone undecanoate was added to the androgen spectrum in the 1970s.  

The WHO, FDA, and NIH hypothesized preparations of natural testosterone for maintaining serum levels in 1992. This was first achieved by a transdermal scrotal patch, which eventually evolved into transdermal testosterone gels in 2000. 

National Testosterone Awareness Day timeline

Testosterone Extract

Charles-Édouard Brown-Séquard injects himself with testosterone extract derived from animals.


A team of scientists identifies the male hormone testosterone.

Testosterone Treatment

The value of testosterone treatment is debated by doctors.

The First Transdermal Patch

The first testosterone transdermal patch becomes available, paving the way for wider use of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).

The First Observation

Over 40 Alpha and Funk Roberts Fitness sponsor National Testosterone Awareness Day and the first observation takes place. Want to be a sponsor: learn how.

National Testosterone Awareness Day FAQs

At what age is testosterone the highest?

Testosterone levels peak in the late teens but stay high for the next few decades.

What are symptoms of low testosterone?

Symptoms of low testosterone in men can include fatigue, depression, reduced libido, muscle loss, and difficulty concentrating.

How can I check my testosterone levels?

Testosterone levels can be measured through a blood test. If you’re experiencing symptoms of low testosterone, it’s important to consult a healthcare provider.

How to Observe National Testosterone Awareness Day

  1. Get educated

    Find out what testosterone is, why we need it, and what happens after the age of 40. It's important to understand how testosterone levels can affect energy, mood, muscle mass, and overall health.

  2. Supplementation

    Add supplements to your nutrition. Supplements such as zinc and vitamin D support healthy testosterone levels and improve overall well-being.

  3. Post on social media

    Use the hashtags #TestosteroneDay and #TestosteroneAwarenessDay to keep the discussion going. Discover information on testosterone, its intake, and therapy from people around the world.

5 Interesting Facts About Testosterone

  1. Increased weight and body fat

    Belly fat in particular is the biggest indicator of lower levels of testosterone.

  2. Low to no energy

    Constantly feeling fatigued despite adequate sleep and a proper diet.

  3. Mood swings

    Feeling depressed, irritable, and unmotivated as well as experiencing frequent emotional changes.

  4. Low sex drive

    Perhaps the most important sign—having a low sex drive is a clear indication that something is wrong.

  5. Development of breast tissue

    Another important sign of increased estrogen and decreased testosterone is the development of breast tissue in males.

Why National Testosterone Awareness Day is Important

  1. Testosterone is the ultimate male hormone

    It's the primary hormone encompassing male sexual characteristics. A day dedicated to all things testosterone is extremely important for men.

  2. Implementation of lifestyle changes to increase testosterone

    Signs of low testosterone, how it can be naturally increased, the best foods for maintaining testosterone levels, food to avoid, and more are widely discussed on National Testosterone Awareness Day. This provides a better understanding of the hormone and helps us make the necessary changes in our lifestyles.

  3. Progressing research

    The national observance of this hormone is just what is needed for further research on and the progression of hormone studies.

National Testosterone Awareness Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 November 17 Monday
2026 November 17 Tuesday
2027 November 17 Wednesday
2028 November 17 Friday
2029 November 17 Saturday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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