
National Resurrect Romance Week – August 3-9, 2025

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National Resurrect Romance Week is celebrated every year in the second week of August, six months after Valentine’s Day. It takes place from August 3 to 9 this year. This week-long celebration is aimed at shining the spotlight on romance. There are a plethora of ways we can be romantic with our partner, be it big or small. A simple romantic gesture could make someone’s day or even their week. What matters most is that it comes from the heart and is filled with real emotion.

History of National Resurrect Romance Week

When people first get into new relationships, they are romantic and go out of their way to show their love for each other. There is a whole day dedicated to love and romance and that is Valentine’s Day. However, over the years, the essence of the spirit of the event has been somewhat tainted. National Resurrect Romance Week was created as an “anti-commercial” holiday in 1995 by Michael Webb, the United States’ premiere romance expert and author of over 10 books on love, dating, romance, and relationships.

His vision to start this week-long celebration dedicated to romance was because he believed Valentine’s Day had been placed on a commercial scale and romance took a back seat. He wanted to encourage people to celebrate from the heart and show that the best gift we can give to our partners is showing them the true meaning of love.

He has been quoted as saying “The purpose of the week is to place the emphasis back on our hearts and off of our wallets. To designate just one day for romance seems bewildering to me, so I am hoping that people will make an effort to do something romantic each day for an entire week. If people do that, they will see an amazing change in their relationship and will be more motivated to become a year-round romantic.”

National Resurrect Romance Week is now celebrated across the globe by millions of people. You too can be a part of this event that focuses on love and romance and rekindling your existing relationships.

National Resurrect Romance Week timeline

The Taj Mahal

Mughal emperor Shah Jahan begins building the Taj Mahal palace in India for his wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died giving birth.

Richard Wagner’s Christmas Present

Wagner assembles a 15-piece orchestra on the staircase of their house for his wife.

Choosing Love Over the Throne

King Edward VIII abdicates the throne to spend the rest of his life with his love, Wallis Simpson.

An Argentinian Farmer’s Gesture

Pedro Ureta begins to create their ranch in the shape of a guitar to honor the memory of his late wife.

National Resurrect Romance Week FAQs

How do you revive romance?

You can try various things to resurrect romance in your relationship, such as holding hands more often, carving out time to spend with each other, going out on date nights, bringing them a sentimental present, talking to your partner, cooking a meal for them, etc.

Is it normal to lose the spark in your relationship?

It is possible to lose the spark in a relationship over the years. People tend to put in less effort as a relationship progresses. However, the spark can be ignited again through romantic gestures.

What are some romantic gestures?

You can show your love for your partner through many gestures such as taking them on a trip, buying them a present, making something for them, listening to them, etc.

National Resurrect Romance Week Activities

  1. Plan a romantic getaway with your partner

    National Resurrect Romance Week would be the perfect opportunity to finally go on that long pending trip with your partner. Look up romantic destinations nearby and enjoy a week full of love and sweet nothings. Dress up for each other, have meaningful conversations, and express how you both feel about each other.

  2. Replicate your first date with your partner

    Have you been dating your partner or been married for a long time now? You can use this week to replicate your first ever date with your partner. Go to the same place you met each other and do everything that was done on the first date. Why not add a twist to it too? It will be a fun way to celebrate your relationship and fill it with romance.

  3. Set up a candlelit dinner for your parents

    Candlelight dinners evoke a sense of romance in every way possible. During National Resurrect Romance Week, you can set up a candlelight dinner for your parents at home. Dim the lights, organize a pretty table, decorate the house with red roses, play romantic music, and serve up your parents’ favorite meals.

5 Interesting Facts About Love And Romance

  1. Hugging relieves stress

    According to a study at the University of North Carolina, when couples hug, it increases their oxytocin levels, which helps to lower stress levels and uplift mood.

  2. Eye gazing is more than romantic

    When two partners in a relationship gaze into each other's eyes, their heartbeats start to sync.

  3. Joe DiMaggio’s romantic gesture

    DiMaggio got flowers delivered to Marilyn Monroe's grave for 20 years.

  4. Three feelings in one

    Love is considered to be three feelings in one emotion and these are attraction, lust, and attachment.

  5. Romantic love changes

    Romantic love lasts for approximately a year into the relationship, beyond which it changes into committed love.

Why We Love National Resurrect Romance Week

  1. It makes romance the hero

    National Resurrect Romance Week aims to make romance the focal point again. While there is a day for love and romance already, it has become far too commercialized according to the creator of this week. It’s time that romance is given its due importance and celebrated in all its glory.

  2. It brings back the spark in a relationship

    When people are in a relationship for a long time, they might get comfortable in a routine and the spark may diminish. A relationship requires both the partners involved to put in the effort. National Resurrect Romance Week can be a starting point to bring back the missing spark.

  3. It brings extra love into our lives

    Who doesn’t love love? It makes us feel happy, accepted, comfortable, and special. National Resurrect Romance Week brings all that extra love into our lives through romantic gestures and even allows us to make our partner feel special.

National Resurrect Romance Week dates

Year Date Day
2022 August 7 Sunday
2023 August 6 Sunday
2024 August 4 Sunday
2025 August 3 Sunday
2026 August 2 Sunday