ThuFeb 27

National Protein day – February 27, 2025

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Our bodies crave protein. It’s a “macronutrient” after all. National Protein Day, on February 27, focuses on the health benefits of one of the body’s most basic building blocks.

Remember, protein helps develop bones, skin, cartilage, and blood — while promoting weight loss and increased muscle mass. It can also help us stay fit throughout all stages of life. High-protein foods include everything from salmon to pumpkin seeds. Are you getting enough? Here’s your fun guide to this crucial nutrition source.


National Protein day timeline

Protein's First Mention

Dutch chemist Gerardus Johannes Mulder described proteins for the first time.

Carl von Voit Champions Protein

Germany's Carl Von Voit, an early nutritional scientist, believed that protein was the most important nutrient for maintaining the structure of the body.

Protein Identified for Weight Loss

A federal study put 12 healthy women on a high-protein diet, resulting in "greater feelings of fullness and less hunger."

Protein Trumps Calories

Researchers at Wake Forest University found that "a high-protein, low-calorie diet helped overweight older adults lose more pounds, maintain more muscle mass, improve bone quality, and lose 'bad' fat."

National Protein day - Survey Results

According to one of the top Health and Wellness Marketing Agencies:

National Protein day Activities

  1. Try an alternative protein source or two.

    Lean meats and eggs are great sources of protein, but why not branch out a bit this Protein Day. Give quinoa a try, or lentils, edamame, or even tofu. The fact is that there are tons of protein-packed foods that can be prepared in delicious ways. Expand those protein horizons.

  2. Eat the right amount

    Ideal protein intake varies by weight. Nutrition experts recommend around 46 grams per day for women, and 56 for men — but age, activity level, muscle mass, physical goals, and your current health all play an important role.

  3. See a doctor or nutritionist

    Examine your diet and seek advice on how much protein you need. The National Academy of Medicine actually sets a wide range —anywhere from 10 to 35 percent of calories each day.

5 Foods Protein Lovers Obsess Over

  1. Eggs

    Protein from egg whites are considered a "perfect" protein. That's because an egg white contains all the essential amino acids (protein building blocks) that your body doesn't produce.

  2. Fish

    Added benefit: Seafood is generally a lean source of protein. Much of the fat in fin fish comes from omega-3 fatty acids (that's the good kind).

  3. Quinoa

    Not easy to pronounce, but super healthy all the same. What else would you expect form a modern-day superfood?

  4. Broccoli

    Is there anything this powerhouse veggie can't do? There are so many delicious ways to prepare broccoli, we're running out of excuses.

  5. Pumpkin seeds

    Hint: If you're looking to lose weight, skip the oil-roasted pumpkin seeds and choose dry-roasted instead. Remember this next Halloween!

Why We Love National Protein day

  1. It's everywhere

    We have protein throughout our bodies. Muscles? Definitely. But also in our bones, skin, hair, and virtually every other body part or tissue. That's why protein intake is so important to maintaining good health.

  2. Protein helps us lose weight

    Since protein increases metabolism, it provides energy to help us naturally burn calories. Replacing fat and carbs with protein suppresses appetite-increasing hormones — steering us away from those ominous late-night snacks.

  3. It's readily available

    Sources include fish, poultry, beans, nuts, dairy, vegetables and more. Three Bridges offers certain dishes specifically designed to help increase protein consumption.

National Protein day dates

Year Date Day
2025 February 27 Thursday
2026 February 27 Friday
2027 February 27 Saturday
2028 February 27 Sunday
2029 February 27 Tuesday