National Prayer Day on October 18 is a public holiday that is celebrated religiously in Zambia. Just like other countries, Zambia has its specific prayer-related holiday. This day is essential for everyone so they can get together to repent and pray. And since the day has been given a special status, it also encourages large religious gatherings where one can connect with their cultural and religious roots. To see how the day is celebrated in Zambia, visit the nation and connect with the Holy One.
History of National Prayer Day
Prayers have existed since religion started, and many have even found written sources of prayers that are over 5,000 years old. Though the world may have progressed, praying is an act that even Science can’t replace. This is because prayer is the only way in which people of all religions connect with God. Prayer is not only a request to God regarding a want or need. It can also be a form of repentance, a question, or a form of gratitude. Any act based on a region’s culture becomes a prayer as long as it aids in forming a connection with the almighty.
While there is no verbal reply to prayer, all religious individuals believe God gives an indirect reply to prayer — all you need to do is understand the signs. Hence, seeing the power of prayer, President Edgar Lungu of the Republic of Zambia declared October 18 National Prayer Day in 2015.
The day is supposed to be observed by fasting, repenting to God, and thanking Him. However, since the day was declared a holiday, the themes for the occasion also change every year. For instance, in 2019, the theme was ‘Receiving Times of Refreshing from the Presence of the Lord through Reconciliation with One Another and the Environment for a Prosperous Zambia.’
The celebration of the day was important to the leadership since Zambia is a Christian nation with 75% Protestants. On this special day, bars and eateries also shut down for a few hours so people can concentrate on seeking religious guidance.
National Prayer Day timeline
The Confessions of St. Augustine of Hippo is viewed as a prayer with the Creator.
The Kesh Temple hymn is regarded as a prayer addressed to the deities.
Prayer is viewed as a transition from the magical stage of religion to a "higher" place.
Admitting and repenting to sin becomes a form of prayer to become a Christian.
National Prayer Day FAQs
Is there a National Day of Fasting?
Yes. It takes place on June 1st.
How many national days of prayer are there?
America has over 140 national days of prayer.
How did National Day of Prayer start in America?
President Harry Truman signed a bill proclaiming the National Day of Prayer into law in the United States on April 17, 1952.
How to Observe National Prayer Day
Say a prayer
On this day, connect with God by saying a prayer. You can ask for forgiveness for the sins you committed, thank Him for his blessings, and even ask for that new car you need.
Reiterate the importance of prayers
It is also important to remind the youth of the importance of prayers on this day. Many of us have drifted away from our roots, hence these small reminders are necessary.
Read up on the history of religion
Each religion in the world has a vast history that is flooded with tales of miracles and bloodshed. Research all you can on your religion so you can understand the efforts of the Saints that came before us.
5 Important Facts About Prayers
Prayers in the “Bible”
There are 650 prayers listed in the “Bible.”
Prayers and mantras
The Hindu prayers include chanting mantras, alongside Yoga and meditation.
The ‘Book of Psalms’
It has 150 religious songs which are prayers.
The Lord's Prayer
In Christianity, it is the most common prayer.
People who pray
A study in America in 2014 revealed that about 55% of individuals pray daily.
Why National Prayer Day is Important
It builds spiritual awareness
Connect with God, pray to him, read the “Bible,” and observe similar acts that help you feel closer to him. If you truly concentrate on the prayers, you will begin to feel light and spiritual.
It encourages us to pray
The day is essential to be celebrated since it encourages everyone to pray, go to church, and connect with the Almighty. This practice aids in building a spiritual connection.
Creates awareness
The day is important because it creates awareness regarding the power of prayers and also discusses why it is crucial to keep connecting with God regarding different matters.
National Prayer Day dates
Year | Date | Day |
2025 | October 18 | Saturday |
2026 | October 18 | Sunday |
2027 | October 18 | Monday |
2028 | October 18 | Wednesday |
2029 | October 18 | Thursday |