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TueOct 1

National Fruit at Work Day – October 1, 2024

National Fruit at Work Day, celebrated on the first Tuesday of October, on October 1 this year, is a day set aside to encourage people to cut down their coffee and junk food consumption and embrace a healthier work lifestyle. Can you believe that National Fruit at Work Day has been a thing for over 21 years? Yes, it has been around for a while now. The day celebrates every fruit that has given us its delicious juiciness and boost in work performance. In fact, National Fruit at Work Day falls within that time when many fruits, known to boost productivity, come into season. That includes berries, bananas, and apples.

History of National Fruit at Work Day

The history of National Fruit at Work Day began during the dot-com era when the founder of The FruitGuys discovered the unhealthy eating behavior among employees in the San Francisco area. People were too occupied to get healthy meals, so they settled for coffee and junk food. That led him to establish The FruitGuys in 1998, which delivers fruits to people at their work across the United States.

In 2000, The FruitGuys announced National Fruit at Work Day as a day “to celebrate the importance of healthy snacking in the workplace and honor the food that successfully fuels a busy day.” Every National Fruit at Work Day, The FruitGuys offer interested companies in the U.S. a complimentary mini crate of fruit for their offices.

National Fruit at Work Day timeline

The FruitGuys is Established

The FruitGuys, which created National Fruit at Work Day, is founded by Chris Mittelstaedt in San Francisco.

National Fruit at Work Day is Born

The FruitGuys launch National Fruit at Work Day for the first time.

Fresh Fruits for Everyone

To commemorate National Fruit at Work Day, the FruitGuys provide interested companies in the U.S. a complimentary mini crate of fruit for their offices.

Last National Fruit at Work Day Celebration?

2019 is the last time The FruitGuys launch National Fruit at Work Day.

National Fruit at Work Day FAQs

How can you make fruit smoothies?

You need one peeled and sliced banana, a cup of milk, two cups of your favorite berry fruit, half a cup of vanilla yogurt, half a cup of freshly squeezed orange juice, and two tablespoons of honey for taste. Put all these together into a blender and blend them until it’s smooth. Your fruit smoothie is ready to be served.

Which fruits are best for work performance?

Fruits rich in vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, fiber, and antioxidants are known to contribute to improved work performance. That includes olives, berries, and avocados. 

Does an apple a day keep the doctor away?

That is true and not true. Research has shown that apples alone are not enough to maintain your overall health. But when eaten as part of a balanced diet, it can offer health benefits that may indeed lead to fewer doctor appointments.

National Fruit at Work Day Activities

  1. Take part in the National Fruit at Work Day diorama drama photo contest

    Do you consider yourself to be creative? Every National Fruit at Work Day, The FruitGuys organize a diorama drama photo contest where individuals can enter by submitting a photo of their fruit diorama. The winner gets free fresh fruit for a whole month! If you are interested, keep tabs on the National Fruit at Work Day website for this year’s contest and start working on your fruit diorama idea.

  2. Dress up as your favorite fruit

    We dare you! Really, we do. National Fruit at Work Day offers a unique opportunity to be your favorite fruit. If your workplace has relaxed dress codes, you can celebrate this day of fruitiness by dressing up as your favorite fruit to work. If not, you can host an after-work fruit costume hangout.

  3. Campaign for healthy snacking at work

    You can celebrate National Fruit at Work Day by raising awareness about healthy snacking at work and asking your employer to improve office nutrition. You can also share fresh fruits with your colleagues during lunch.

5 Facts About Fruits That Will Blow Your Mind

  1. Apples are more effective than caffeine

    An apple contains a high amount of natural sugar that can provide you with sufficient energy all day without the jolts and mood swings associated with caffeine.

  2. Pumpkins, cucumbers, and avocados are fruits

    Contrary to popular belief, pumpkins, cucumbers, and avocados are fruits, not vegetables.

  3. Purple and blue fruits enhance memory

    Research has shown that natural purple and blue fruits, like blueberries and concord grapes, help reverse memory loss and improve motor skills.

  4. Pineapples are berries

    Pineapples are not a variety of apples but a collection of fused berries.

  5. Mangoes are the most commonly eaten fruit

    Mangoes topped people’s favorites like apples and bananas, as the most commonly eaten fruit in the world.

Why We Love National Fruit at Work Day

  1. Fruit improves productivity at work

    According to research, eating vegetables and fruits throughout the day will help you maintain constant energy levels and mood and increase your focus and memory. These include fruits such as blueberries, strawberries, avocado, and eggplant.

  2. It encourages the need for a healthy work lifestyle

    We are what we eat. When making snacking decisions during working hours, most of us tend to go for burgers, French fries, or soda for that quick energy boost. But these foods only provide a short period of high energy followed by a big slump that leaves you entirely drained. To maintain the energy and health needed for your work performance, stock up on fruits and less on junk food!

  3. Fruit saves lives

    Fruits are a crucial element of a balanced diet. They contain the right amount of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and plant chemicals needed to safeguard you against the leading causes of death — heart disease, cancer, and high blood pressure.

National Fruit at Work Day dates

Year Date Day
2022 October 4 Tuesday
2023 October 3 Tuesday
2024 October 1 Tuesday
2025 October 7 Tuesday
2026 October 6 Tuesday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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