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MonOct 7

You Matter To Me Day – October 7, 2024

You Matter To Me Day on October 7 may not seem like a big deal to many. But do you know how many individuals have lost their loved ones without being given a chance to tell them how important they are? Yes, expressing your feelings regularly is one of the most critical and essential aspects of any relationship. If you haven’t been open to your loved ones in recent times, use this day as an opportunity to tell them how much they matter to you. In fact, you can even tell those who aren’t close to you how much their existence matters. Go all out and spread the love!

History of You Matter To Me Day

Relationships are essential for everyone. Unfortunately, while relationships with friends, family, and lovers fuel our lives, we often tend to ignore the people we love the most. We don’t show the people we love enough affection, nor do we truly express how much they mean to us. The result? We don’t realize our mistakes till it’s too late. To avoid this very feeling of hopelessness and guilt, You Matter To Me Day was created. The day was formed in 2010 by Linda Jew, who experienced an incident that shook her to the core.

Linda had a friend who was important to her. But like all of us, she never expressed her feelings towards her friend and his son. One day, both of them passed away in an accident, and Linda was left with the desire to show them how much they meant to her one last time. Unfortunately, you can’t turn back time and people don’t return from the dead. To make sure no one would ever feel the regret that she felt, Linda began telling people around her that they mattered. She had acknowledged the fact that life is short and we must utilize each day to express what we feel so we wake up without any regrets. Linda said to everyone: “You matter to me.” And this is how the day was created. The date of the day was also chosen keeping in mind the astrological charts that showed a New Moon in Libra, i.e. a time that represents new beginnings. The motto of You Matter to Me Day is “Because everyone matters to someone, and someone matters to you.”

You Matter To Me Day timeline

Feeling It

Thomas Brown coins the word ‘emotion.’

Spreading Love

Lucien Febvres suggests emotions are relational and contagious.

The New World

Peter Stearns and Carol Stearns create the term ‘Emotionology.’

The Deep Analysis

Lisa Feldman Barrett writes the book “How Emotions Are Made.”

You Matter To Me Day FAQs

What is the meaning of “You matter to me”?

The phrase means that someone, in particular, is important to you and has an impact on your life.

What does it mean when you really matter to someone?

This means that your existence is significant in someone’s life and they are willing to make sacrifices to keep you happy.

How do you say “You matter to me”?

You can show someone they matter by sending them postcards, calling them, saying thank you, and giving gifts.

How to Observe You Matter To Me Day

  1. Tell someone they matter to you

    Use this day as the perfect opportunity to list down the people that matter to you. Now grab your phone and start calling them.

  2. Celebrate with your family

    The best way to celebrate the day is to have a small gathering with your family members who are with you through thick and thin.

  3. Send cards to your friends

    Missing your friends who you don’t get to speak to often? Use this day to let them know how important they are by sending them cards in the mail.

5 Fun Facts You Need To Know About Healthy Relationships

  1. The impact of happy relationships

    Happy relationships influence your health.

  2. Close relationships over money

    A study revealed that relationships are what keep people genuinely happy, rather than money.

  3. Women in relationships

    A study found that women close to their partners were less depressed.

  4. Reduces cholesterol level

    According to research, those satisfied in their relationships at age 50 were the healthiest at age 80.

  5. Relationships over others

    Happy relationships contribute to a longer life span.

Why You Matter To Me Day is Important

  1. It builds relationships

    The day is essential since it helps in improving relationships and ensuring people are more expressive towards their loved ones.

  2. It makes you happier

    Since the day encourages affection, it leads to making several people happy. This includes parents, partners, and even siblings.

  3. Brings people closer

    Just telling someone they matter to you has a great impact on a relationship and it tends to bring people closer together.

You Matter To Me Day dates

Year Date Day
2024 October 7 Monday
2025 October 7 Tuesday
2026 October 7 Wednesday
2027 October 7 Thursday
2028 October 7 Saturday