ThuAug 14

National Creamsicle Day – August 14, 2025

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I scream, you scream, we all scream for National Creamsicle Day on August 14! Every year on this day, one of the most famous frozen desserts in history is honored, and just in time, since we are in the middle of the hottest month of the year. Whether you are making ice pops at home or listening for the bells and music of the ice cream truck, today is the perfect day to indulge in a cool, sweet treat.

History of National Creamsicle Day

Creamsicles date back to the early 20th century when Frank Epperson accidentally created what would later become known as the Popsicle. As the story goes, Epperson left a concoction of fruit juice and water outside overnight when the temperatures dropped below freezing. When he found the frozen mix the next morning, with a stir stick frozen in the middle, the Popsicle was born.

Epperson first began selling his frozen fruit juice treat to classmates and then friends throughout his community. He marketed his icy treat as a “frozen drink on a stick.” He was granted a patent years later in 1924. This was perfect timing for Epperson, given the fact it was discovered that a couple of guys had been similarly experimenting with ‘frozen suckers’ as far back as 1872, which they called the Hokey-Pokey.

During the Great Depression, the Twin Popsicle was invented and sold for only a nickel. This allowed parents to buy one ice pop and have two children share at an inexpensive price.

Today, the Creamsicle is a brand owned by Good Humor, a subsidiary of Unilever. Famous flavors besides the orange Creamsicle are cherry, grape, lime, blue raspberry, and blueberry. Now, you can find sugar-free Popsicles, 100-calorie Popsicles, and many new combinations of flavors.

Take a few minutes today to savor one of the summer’s small pleasures and celebrate the history of the Creamsicle!

National Creamsicle Day timeline

14th century
Ice Cream is Born

Evidence of ice cream can be traced back to Asia during the 14th century.

Selling the Hokey Pokey

Two men sell frozen ice-cream treats on a stick which they name the ‘Hokey Pokey.’

Popsicles Accidentally Made

Frank Epperson leaves a mixture of water and sugar flavorings with a stirring stick in a cup on his porch overnight as the temperature drops below freezing — and the rest is history.

The Ice Cream Man

Harry Burt of Youngstown, Ohio, is credited with the first ice cream truck and he is the creator of the Good Humor brand.

National Creamsicle Day FAQs

What’s the difference between a Creamsicle and a Dreamsicle?

Many people use these terms interchangeably, however, the original definition of a Creamsicle is a treat made with ice cream whereas a Dreamsicle is made with milk.

Does the ‘ice cream man’ still exist?

While not as prevalently found driving through neighborhoods, ice cream trucks still exist and have been joined by the food truck craze so you will see a variety of specialty ice cream trucks in most major cities at events where food trucks are commonly found or to rent for your own event.

Can you still buy double Popsicles?

Yes, some locations sell them seasonally or as a limited-edition special.

National Creamsicle Day Activities

  1. Make your own

    These are easy treats to make at home and would be a fun way for the entire family to observe National Creamsicle Day. In a large bowl, mix equal parts of orange juice and vanilla ice cream. You can use popsicle molds to make this simple but if you prefer to use small paper cups, pour the mixture into the cups and freeze it until partially frozen. Insert one popsicle stick into each cup and then put it back into the freezer until completely frozen. When frozen and ready to eat, peel the paper cup off the Creamsicle and enjoy!

  2. Look beyond the basic Creamsicle

    Many desserts and treats have been inspired by the Creamsicle. If the traditional ice cream Creamsicle treat is totally last year for your family, try one of these: Creamsicle Rice Krispies Treats, Creamsicle pie, cupcakes, cookie bars, or cheesecake. You could also see if the limited edition Creamsicle-flavored Twizzler is on sale at your local market!

  3. Toast the day with creamsicle mimosas

    Put an adult spin on this childhood favorite by toasting the day with Creamsicle mimosas. To make, mix 1/4 c. orange juice, 1 oz. vanilla vodka, and 1 tbsp. heavy cream in your champagne flute. Slowly add chilled champagne to the top of the glass. Garnish with an orange wedge and freeze it!

The Cold Hard Facts

  1. How many sold

    ​Over 2 billion Popsicles are sold annually!

  2. Favorite flavor

    Different surveys yield different results but the original Creamsicle seems to be the most popular with cherry flavored popsicles coming in second.

  3. Largest Popsicle ever

    ​The Guinness World Record for largest Popsicle is a 21-foot ice pop made in the Netherlands in 1997.

  4. How many eaten in one minute

    Kevin Strahle, from Ridgewood, New Jersey, claims to have eaten the most Popsicles in one minute — he ate 6 in only 60 seconds on December 7, 2017.

  5. Creamsicle speed eating

    ​Jimmy Prince, from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada holds the world record for eating a Creamsicle in 11.81 seconds on July 7, 2014.

Why We Love National Creamsicle Day

  1. We love nostalgia

    Did you have a group of neighborhood friends who would listen out for the ringing bell of the ice cream trucks? Nostalgic visions of the ice cream man serving Creamsicles and every other ice pop imaginable is the point of today’s celebration and we can’t get enough of it!

  2. They help us keep our cool

    Just when you need to cool down in the middle of a hot summer day, your mind wanders to the very thing that could provide the most relief. Not only do Creamsicles provide a mom-approved hit of sugar, but they also cool us down on the scorching hottest of days.

  3. We love our local ice cream parlor

    Specialty ice cream shops and parlors owned by local moms and pops are where memories are made. You might meet your friends there or run into a neighbor you haven’t seen in years but visiting the ice cream parlor is a significant part of the experience in enjoying this cool treat.

National Creamsicle Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 August 14 Thursday
2026 August 14 Friday
2027 August 14 Saturday
2028 August 14 Monday
2029 August 14 Tuesday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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