ThuMay 22

National Boss Babe Day – May 22, 2025

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National Boss Babe Day takes place on May 22 every year. Women who wake up every day to face insurmountable odds, take a leap of faith, and manage to grab every opportunity by the horns, we see you! Boss babes see every obstacle as a tool for learning and growth. Most importantly, boss babes are not intimidated by the progress of their fellow women, and lift others, setting an example as a true boss babe!

History of National Boss Babe Day

National Boss Babe Day was created in June 2021 by Heather Schwendeman-Kincaid in loving memory of her mother, Donna Schwendeman. Like the original boss babe in her life, Schwendeman-Kincaid owes her success to her mother, who hustled and had a variety of ventures over the years.

From being a Girl Scout mom to a resident Avon lady, she had done it all! She also created shirts with iron-on details and puffy paint details. All of her memories of her mom shaped her values and work ethic, defining what a true boss babe really means. What was most special was that Mrs. Schwendeman faced all these tasks head-on with complete dedication, while balancing her duties as a mother to three children.

Whenever she was faced with a problem, Schwendeman-Kincaid would ask herself “what would mom do?” Her mother was an inspiration to women everywhere, encouraging them to be the best versions of themselves and to take every opportunity that comes their way. Based on these principles, Heather started her small business to pursue her dream of being her own boss and having the freedom to do what she loves. Another reason for creating National Boss Babes Day was for women to recognize their true potential — to unlock the boss babe within.

A fundraiser was held in honor of the conception of National Boss Babes Day and to help spread awareness of this day’s important message in 2021. To continue honoring Mrs. Schwendeman and her message, dedicate the energy today to work on your passions and the time to lend a hand to other women!

National Boss Babe Day timeline


Sophia Amoruso publishes her book “#GirlBoss.”

September 2017
When Boss Babes Meet

Danielle Canty and Natalie Ellis, creators of BossBabe, meet at a personal development seminar in San Diego.

A Boss Babe Idea

BossBabe is created as an online space for ambitious women.

June 2021
National Boss Babes Day

Heather Schwendeman-Kincaid celebrates the first-ever National Boss Babes Day.

National Boss Babe Day FAQs

What is boss babe culture?

Boss babe culture is a feminist movement that empowers other women to achieve their goals, and not be restricted by society’s norms of how a career should look like.

Is BossBabe a brand?

BossBabe is an online platform for career-driven women, as well as a consulting agency specializing in business and digital marketing services.

Who coined the term “boss babe?”

The term was originally coined by Sophia Amoruso.

National Boss Babe Day Activities

  1. Be a boss babe

    If you have been hiding your true potential, shy of what others will think, or just procrastinating, now is the time to unleash your inner boss babe! If you have a business idea, a venture, or any other idea, start working on it today!

  2. Listen to inspiring boss babes

    Listen to podcasts, watch YouTube videos, and read books by boss babes! There is so much that you can learn from them.

  3. Mentor someone

    If you are already a thriving boss babe, then it is time to pass on your knowledge and expertise to someone who can use it. Inspire another woman to see their potential to become a boss babe!

5 Ways To Become A Boss Babe

  1. The right attitude

    Boss babes know that they are the main character, and the world is theirs for the taking!

  2. They are self-starters

    There is an unquenchable drive that boss babes have to create things and execute their grand ideas.

  3. They are assertive

    Boss babes know when to be assertive and how to deal with others in the right settings.

  4. They are not jealous

    Boss babes know that the only person they are competing with is themselves, and to better and improve themselves every step of the way.

  5. They have a vision

    Boss babes have a larger-than-life vision, and they are determined to turn it into reality.

Why We Love National Boss Babe Day

  1. We are all for girl power!

    Any holiday that celebrates female empowerment and girl power gets our seal of approval! You go, girls!

  2. It helps women realize their potential

    National Boss Babes Day encourages women everywhere to pursue their careers and dreams. It revolves around the notion that no idea is too big to be executed.

  3. It inspires others

    National Boss Babes Day is also an opportunity for women with established careers to motivate and mentor other women. They, in turn, can work on their ideas and ambitions as well.

National Boss Babe Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 May 22 Thursday
2026 May 22 Friday
2027 May 22 Saturday
2028 May 22 Monday
2029 May 22 Tuesday