Coats and Toys for Kids Day
TueDec 3

Coats and Toys for Kids Day – December 3, 2024

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Coats and Toys for Kids Day (C.T.K.D.) is celebrated on the first Saturday in December every year. This day is about people coming together and creating a positive change in – what can sometimes seem – an indifferent world. On C.T.K.D., people donate cold-weather gear like coats, boots, gloves, as well as toys to eligible families. This keeps kids warm and happy during the winter.

History of Coats and Toys for Kids Day

Residents and surrounding businesses collaborate with the Salvation Army every year to lend a hand in keeping kids warm by donating winter coats and toys to families in need. In 1983, the Salvation Army launched the Coats for Kids initiative. The aim is that no child will be left without a coat during winter.

The Salvation Army partners with several local organizations to bring this holiday to different states. With the help of volunteers, they work tirelessly to collect and distribute coats and toys to spread joy during the holidays. Thousands of winter jackets have been collected and distributed to children in need for over 30 years. Local companies and groups participate in the campaign each year to keep children warm. Community members are asked to donate winter coats that they have outgrown or have otherwise not worn. Donation boxes and drop-off points are set up to encourage people to make donations. Donations are collected by the Salvation Army and distributed to the families who need them.

C.T.K.D. shows the power of community and what can be achieved when communities come together. This initiative has provided children with the confidence they need to succeed and socialize. The emotional benefits that come with knowing that there is a whole world out there ready to lend a hand are enough to fill their hearts with joy.

Coats and Toys for Kids Day timeline

William Booth Kick Starts His Ministry

Booth establishes his evangelical ministry in London’s East End.

The Salvation Army is Born

After founding mission stations to cater to the needy in several locations, Booth renames his organization the Salvation Army.

Ballington Establishes the Volunteers of America

Booth’s son, Ballington Booth, establishes the Volunteers of America.

The Coats for Kids Movement is Born

The Salvation Army launches the Coats for Kids initiative.

Coats and Toys for Kids Day FAQs

How can you help kids in need?

Establish a charitable giving program or employee volunteering scheme at your workplace, start a charitable giving initiative to help kids in your community, or harness the power of social media to create awareness for charitable programs and organizations. There are so many ways to help.

Can I donate a used coat?

Yes, you can donate used coats or toys. You should make sure that the items are clean and in good condition. 

Why is a coat drive important?

Although most people think of coat drives as a way to collect unwanted jackets, it goes beyond that. Getting a new coat fills children with excitement and boosts their self-esteem. 

How to Observe Coats and Toys for Kids Day

  1. Donate

    This holiday was created for one purpose: to help the needy. Be a part of this amazing initiative by donating winter wear and toys to those who cannot afford them.

  2. Volunteer

    Local organizations could always use an extra hand. Visit local centers and find out how you can contribute your time and effort to making the world a safer and warmer place for kids during the winter.

  3. Spread the word

    Be a voice for change. Tell as many people as you can about C.T.K.D. and encourage them to participate.

5 Facts About Giving That Will Blow Your Mind

  1. Volunteering saves lives

    Studies indicate that elderly people who worked as a volunteer for two or more groups were about 44% less likely to die during a five-year period than their non-volunteer counterparts.

  2. An extra incentive

    The Research Project on Gratitude and Thankfulness found that educating undergraduates to "count their blessings" and practice gratitude prompted them to exercise often, boosted optimism, and helped them to feel better about themselves.

  3. Bonding power

    According to a new study done by Nathaniel Lambert of Florida State University, demonstrating thanks to a close friend or love partner increases our bond with them.

  4. Building up good karma

    A report included in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science reveals that when someone acts generously, it motivates others to act generously.

  5. Hits the spot

    Giving has also been connected to the production of oxytocin; a hormone that produces emotions of warmth, happiness, and attachment to others.

Why Coats and Toys for Kids Day is Important

  1. Giving makes us happy

    It is an amazing feeling when you can make someone smile. Michael Norton, a professor at the Harvard Business school, conducted research that posited that giving out money influences happiness more than self-spending does.

  2. Giving boosts cooperation and social connectivity

    When you give to others, you are more likely to receive something back. We all love a little good karma now and again.

  3. Giving promotes gratitude

    Showing gratitude is the default reaction to receiving a gift. Whether you are giving or receiving a gift, it can trigger feelings of gratitude.

Coats and Toys for Kids Day dates

Year Date Day
2022 December 3 Saturday
2023 December 2 Saturday
2024 December 7 Saturday
2025 December 6 Saturday
2026 December 5 Saturday