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WedJun 11

Say Hi Day – June 11, 2025

Say Hi Day is an annual holiday celebrated on June 11 in memory of Joseph Anthony Cinotti, a special needs teen who died at the age of 15. Cinotti made it a habit to greet everyone he met throughout his life, and his upbeat personality endeared him to his neighborhood. Say Hi Day is a public awareness campaign that aims to remind people that one simple word can improve someone’s day, bring a smile to their face, or shift their mood. A simple welcome can start a chain reaction of positive contacts and make all the difference.

History of Say Hi Day

“Hi!” is an interjection used as a greeting exclamation. The earliest known reference to attract attention was in 1862. It became popular as a greeting word in the early 20th century. Joseph Anthony Cinotti, a 15-year-old young man, is the inspiration behind Say Hi Day. Cinotti spent his entire life saying hi to everyone he came across and always expected everyone to be kind, and humane, and to realize that everyone matters in this world. Sadly, he died in 2018. On June 11th, 2021, the first annual Say Hi Day was observed by the Say Hi Foundation.

Say Hi Day is intended to remind individuals that a simple word can improve someone’s day, bring a smile to their face, or change their mood. The National Day Archives officially accepted, recorded, and recognized this day. The Community Safety & Crime Prevention Council of Waterloo Region’s Say Hi Day today program began in 2004 as part of the Get Connected campaign, which aimed to enhance community engagement, particularly among young people.

For many individuals, making eye contact with strangers and greeting them might be scary, but once you get started, it becomes second nature and saying hello becomes a natural response. One of our most successful crime-prevention tactics is to build a strong, loving community. The initiative encourages individuals to say hello to their neighbors and fosters a sense of caring, belonging, and duty in our community.

Say Hi Day timeline

The Launch

Campaign Say Hi is launched.

Establishment of the Say Hi Foundation

In remembrance of Joseph Anthony Cinotti, the Say Hi Foundation Inc. gets established.

The First Observance

Say Hi Foundation observes Say Hi Day for the first time.

Say Hi Day

Summer Luciani establishes Say Hi Day in May.

Say Hi Day FAQs

Is ‘hi’ a scrabble word?

Yes, it is in the scrabble dictionary.

How did ‘hi’ come from ‘hello’?

Hello didn’t become ‘hi’ until the telephone was invented.

Is ‘hi’ short for ‘hello’?

It is a common greeting that is short for hello.

Say Hi Day Activities

  1. Say hi today

    We encourage you to say hello to as many people as possible today. This word isn't just for coworkers, colleagues, and family members; you can also say hi to someone you don't know.

  2. Reconnect with old friends

    If you haven't spoken to someone in a long time, send a simple Hey text or call. It might just be the key to resolving the conflict. It could also help rekindle the flames of your relationship with such ones.

  3. Show an act of kindness

    This day is commemorated to remind people of the importance of being kind. Make a difference in someone else's day, and by doing tiny acts of kindness throughout the day. You never know what someone is going through, and a simple hi could be all that is needed to acknowledge or encourage them positively.

5 Facts About The Word ‘Hello’

  1. Informal hello

    ‘Hi’ is the same as ‘hello,’ except it has a somewhat more informal tone.

  2. ‘Hi’ came before ‘hello’

    ‘Hi’ was recorded a long time before ‘hello.’

  3. English derivation

    ‘Hi’ is derived from the Middle English word ‘hy,’ which is similar to the words ‘hey’ and ‘ha.’

  4. The original use

    The word ‘hi’ was originally used as a call to attention.

  5. 107 ways to say ‘hi’

    In English, there are 107 different ways to say ‘hi.’

Why We Love Say Hi Day

  1. It honors Joseph Anthony Cinnoti’s memory

    Cinnoti, a 15-year-old, inspired Say Hi Day. Say Hi Day is a means to honor his memory and keep his spirit alive. There is no better way for him to be remembered than by having his own special day.

  2. It promotes bond building

    Say Hi Day is a day dedicated to promoting a sense of belonging, inclusiveness, respect, and kindness. It encourages people to get to know one another and build bonds, resulting in a safer neighborhood.

  3. It encourages us to be kind

    Say Hi Day encourages people to do good deeds. Saying hi to someone can brighten their day and improve their mood. Assist people who are in need around you and greet them with a friendly remark.

Say Hi Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 June 11 Wednesday
2026 June 11 Thursday
2027 June 11 Friday
2028 June 11 Sunday
2029 June 11 Monday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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