FriJan 9

Quitters Day – January 9, 2026

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Quitter’s Day is held on the second Friday in January. This year, it falls on January 9. The tradition of setting New Year’s resolutions began some 4,000 years ago with the ancient Babylonians. For them, the year did not begin in January but in mid-March — on the first moon after the spring equinox. Quitter’s Day is set aside to recognize those who set new year goals and fail to achieve them — and to encourage and equip them to try again and ultimately succeed. Research has shown that people quit their resolutions for the year by the second Friday of January.

History of Quitters Day

In 2019, extensive research was conducted by Strava — a social network for athletes — and it was found that approximately 80% of people who made New Year’s resolutions have tapped out by the second week of January. Making deductions from the available 800 million user-logged activities in that year, Strava even went on to predict that the second Friday of January was the fateful day when the motivations of most quitters begin to decline. The main areas of focus for resolutions involve exercise, eating habits, and weight loss.

New studies have found that about two-thirds of people abandon their New Year’s resolution within a month. One of the major problems with achieving new year resolutions is that those who set them are over-ambitious. People usually start with high levels of motivation, but as time progresses, the drive begins to wane. The key in achieving goals is to set short, medium, and long-term goals as opposed to one large unrealistic stretch goal. Starting small and staying consistent, and also pairing up with someone else to remain accountable and motivated, will lead to good results. The day is not one to make fun of those who set goals and quit, but one to ultimately inspire them to eventually achieve their goals despite all odds.

The key to not quitting something you started is to not just decide to do something but to be totally devoted to doing it. The second key is persistence, and the third is to get in with a group/club doing the same thing. According to research, these three things are winning recipes to keep going.

Quitters Day timeline

Time and Habit

Dr. Maltz publishes a book where he shows it requires a minimum of about 21 days for an old mental image to dissolve and a new one to form.

Study Results

The University of Scranton publishes a study that shows only 19% of individuals who make resolutions stick with them and reach their goals within two years.

Behavioral changes

Dr. Larry concludes from a study that it takes an average of 66 days for a new behavior to become automatic.

Further Study Results

The University of Scranton publishes a study that predicts only 8% of the Americans who make New Year’s resolutions will stick to them.

Quitters Day FAQs

What percentage of New Year’s resolutions fail by February?

Research shows that up to 80% of the goals set for the year are not met or followed up by the end of February.

How do I make my resolution last?

You can achieve your New Year’s resolution by writing down your specific goals, starting with small steps, putting time into planning, getting support, and reviewing the goals periodically.

How long do most New Year’s resolutions last?

According to studies, resolutions made for the year last for 36 days on average — a little more than a month.

Quitters Day Activities

  1. Celebrate your past achievements

    Even though you quit on some goals, that doesn’t make you a failure. You’ve got some things done in the past, and you should value that. So, organize some form of celebration with friends and colleagues, to be encouraged to do better in the future.

  2. Revise your set goals

    This is a perfect time to sit and take an in-depth look into the goals you previously set. Doing this will help recognize the lapses and loopholes in them and to create a better, more effective plan.

  3. Teach others

    After learning and practicing effective techniques for achieving your set goals, help others to learn to do likewise. They’ll definitely be grateful, and you’ll be helping lots of people.

5 Facts About New Year’s Resolutions That Will Fascinate You

  1. Westerners practice it more

    It is most common in the Western world but also can be found in Eastern countries.

  2. It was common after the Great Depression

    About a quarter of American adults who formed New Year’s resolutions formed them at the end of the Great Depression.

  3. It’s a good time

    Studies have shown that those who make common New Year’s resolutions are 10 times more likely to succeed than those who decide to make life changes at other times of the year.

  4. It is achieved with goal-setting

    According to studies, the most effective way to achieve a New Year’s resolution is by setting specific goals.

  5. It has religious origins

    The Romans began each year by making promises to the god Janus, and in modern times, many Christians prepare for the year ahead by praying and making these resolutions.

Why We Love Quitters Day

  1. The day provides mutual support

    Having a day set aside specifically to recognize people who quit pursuing their year goals, helps to understand the reasons behind the quitting. The day further provides a platform for these people to learn and encourage one another in terms of how to better achieve their goals.

  2. It helps us recognize our limitations

    Quitter’s Day reminds us that we are still human, and we will fail at times. This helps promote more understanding and empathetic societies.

  3. We grow

    This day goes a long way in helping every involved person become better versions of themselves — once the lessons are taken and put to use. As they do, we ultimately have a better world.

Quitters Day dates

Year Date Day
2022 January 14 Friday
2023 January 13 Friday
2024 January 12 Friday
2025 January 10 Friday
2026 January 9 Friday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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