July Holidays
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July 28th Holidays

We have 15 holidays listed for July 28.

July 28th is the 209th day in the Gregorian calendar. On this day in 1821, Peru declared independence from Spain. In 1941, the U.S. House approved plans for the Pentagon. In 1951, Walt Disney's Alice in Wonderland debuted. Sally Struthers, Richard Wright and Mike Bloomfield were born on this day. It marks National Hepatitis Day and National Milk Chocolate Day.

World Hepatitis Day

World Hepatitis Day raises awareness about hepatitis, a group of infectious diseases that attack the liver.


Anniversary of the Fall of Fascism and Freedom Day

All the information about the Anniversary of the Fall of Fascism and Freedom Day is here!


Baptism Day of Kyivan Rus

Everything that you need to know about Baptism Day of Kyivan Rus is here!


Buffalo Soldiers Day

The first peacetime all-Black army regiment is honored on Buffalo Soldiers Day.


Day of Cantabria Institutions

Discover the gem that is Cantabria and all its stories here at National Today!


Drukpa Tsheshi

Gain deep insight into life and discover more about Drukpa Tseshi right here.


First Sermon Of Lord Buddha

Join us this year as we celebrate the First Sermon Of Lord Buddha.


H.M. King's Birthday

Be ready to celebrate H.M. King’s day in a very special way here with us!


National Soccer Day

We’ve got some tips and tricks for celebrating and winning every match on National Soccer Day.



When summer arrives, it means only one thing: it’s time to visit a waterpark!


Peru Independence Day

Get ready for a historic journey through the pages of Peru here at National Today!


St. Olav’s Eve in Faroe Islands

Celebrate St Olav's Eve in the Faroe Islands with song and dance.


World Nature Conservation Day

World Nature Conservation Day is an annual event held on July 28. This day stresses the need for preserving a healthy environment and natural resources…
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