We observe International We Are Not Broken Day on January 17. The day creates awareness about the fact that, despite what society thinks of individuals with a history of physical and emotional trauma, mental illness, amputations, or disorders that seem invisible, they are human beings — and our neighbors.
The word ‘broken’ indicates something that is not working. Trauma and disease, however, should not define what or who we are. But if we give in to this ‘broken’ tag, it can easily lead to depression, isolation, and misplaced guilt. International We Are Not Broken Day seeks to put an end to this cycle, challenging societal norms.
History of International We Are Not Broken Day
According to authors Gilliland and James, ‘crisis’ refers to human perception of an event or situation as an intolerable difficulty beyond one’s coping skills. This event can manifest itself in many forms, but the crisis stems from the emotional reaction of the individual to the event or situation. This crisis may cause the individual to respond in a pathological manner if the crisis becomes too overwhelming. Some extreme reactions include both homicidal and suicidal tendencies. The crisis itself can cause serious damage to an individual’s cognitive, affective, and behavioral states.
Individuals in crisis are usually those who have suffered from psychological trauma. Trauma renders a person helpless and powerless as a result of the overwhelming force of the triggering event. The traumatic event triggering the crisis usually alters the victim’s psyche. This traumatic event or situation often destroys the individual’s sense of control, connection, and meaning. The individual’s response to this trauma is similar to the body responding to distress. The psychological trauma represents a condition of acute distress causing a disturbance in one’s balanced state, thereby creating psychological disequilibrium — a result of the failure of the individual’s regular coping skills to respond to the psychological trauma. As a result of this response, the individual will suffer from acute distress paired with functional impairment.
The degree to which trauma can cause functional impairment to the victim varies from mild to severe. Without any form of relief from the crisis, the individual may become more disturbed and his or her behavior may become more disruptive to normal. It is for this reason that people with these conditions are labeled as ‘broken.’ An organization called We Are Not Broken, however, has been established to correct these misconceptions, thus instituting the International We Are Not Broken Day in 2019.
International We Are Not Broken Day timeline
British psychologist Myers, who first diagnosed individuals plagued by physical trauma and mental issues, is born.
The book “Crisis Intervention Strategies” by Gilliland and James is published.
The We Are Not Broken organization is established in Georgetown by Nichola Cotto.
International We Are Not Broken Day is declared by the We Are Not Broken organization.
International We Are Not Broken Day FAQs
What is International We Are Not Broken Day?
International We Are Not Broken Day, observed on January 17, is an international holiday that remembers all victims of trauma or mental illness.
Who founded the We Are Not Broken organization?
Nichola Cotto founded the We Are Not Broken organization in 2019 to help change the narrative about trauma survivors and patients who are tagged as ‘broken.’
When was the holiday declared?
International We Are Not Broken Day was declared in 2019 by the We Are Not Broken organization.
How to Observe International We Are Not Broken Day
Read up on crisis intervention
Do some research on crisis, trauma, and their effects on human psychology. This is a good way to celebrate International We Are Not Broken Day.
Be kind
Be a little nicer to and more tolerant of those who are physically and emotionally struggling. A little kindness can go a long way.
Share your thoughts on social media
Join the conversation on social media. Use the #InternationalWeAreNotBrokenDay hashtag.
5 Important Facts About P.T.S.D.
Eight in 100 people will have P.T.S.D.
Studies show that approximately seven to eight out of 100 individuals will experience post-traumatic stress disorder (P.T.S.D.) in their lifetime.
Women vs. men
Women are usually more susceptible to P.T.S.D. than men.
Half of all P.T.S.D. patients generally recover without treatment in three months.
P.T.S.D. may become a social handicap
Individuals who suffer from P.T.S.D. may face challenges at work, in social gatherings, or places where they are required to interact with others.
Face-to-face therapy is best
Face-to-face therapy is considered the best form of direct therapy for those suffering from P.T.S.D.
Why International We Are Not Broken Day is Important
It’s an opportunity to show love and empathy
International We Are Not Broken Day helps us see trauma survivors and patients in a different light. It gives us an opportunity to be more compassionate.
It creates awareness about trauma
International We Are Not Broken Day helps generate awareness about how people are plagued by trauma in all its forms. Learn all there is to know.
It provides a community for trauma survivors
This day seeks to give trauma survivors a voice and a community. This enables them to feel a sense of belonging.
International We Are Not Broken Day dates
Year | Date | Day |
2026 | January 17 | Saturday |
2027 | January 17 | Sunday |
2028 | January 17 | Monday |
2029 | January 17 | Wednesday |
2030 | January 17 | Thursday |