ThuOct 16

Get Smart About Credit Day – October 16, 2025

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Get Smart About Credit Day is observed annually every third Thursday in October, falling on October 16 this year. This day is part of the Get Smart About Credit (G.S.A.C.) program where bankers volunteer to help guide the youth towards better credit habits. Learning about how to build credit, maintaining good credit, reducing loan costshow loans affect your credit score, and monitoring changes to your credit score is important. Being financially responsible is an important life skill to have and it is never too early to start.

History of Get Smart About Credit Day

The Get Smart About Credit program was launched by the American Bankers Association Foundation back in 2003. The aim is to start them young and promote not only positive credit habits but also positive financial management habits overall. This program focuses primarily on high school students and young adults, in order to help them get their finances in check as they first begin to earn and handle their own money.

The G.S.A.C program is free of cost as it is run by bankers who volunteer their time and services to educate the youth. All volunteers are provided with free resources to efficiently generate awareness about various topics covering personal financial skills such as banking careers, budgeting, credit scores, identity theft, and paying for college.

Every third Thursday in October has been dedicated to the education of the youth about the dos and don’ts of financial management and to equip them with the techniques that they will need in the long run. With an endless array of banks and bankers participating on this day, there are numerous events and webinars available to the youth — even online ones! With no hidden fees or costs to anyone, National Get Smart About Credit Day is purely for the financial betterment of the young ones, thanks to the bankers who are willing to help!

Get Smart About Credit Day timeline

The Credit Score Originates

Bill Fair and Earl Isaac create an impartial credit scoring system.

Turn Me into a FICO

The modern-day credit score — based on credit files of Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion — is launched.

It’s a FACT(A)

The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act is signed allowing every citizen to obtain a free credit report once a year.

Get Smart

National Get Smart About Credit Day is launched by the ABA Foundation.

Get Smart About Credit Day FAQs

How can my bank participate?

Registration is instant, easy and it opens up every January on the ABA Foundation’s platform.

What do I need to know to volunteer?

Any knowledge in personal finance skills is welcome. The G.S.A.C. program also hosts training webinars all year round.

Does checking your score have a negative impact?

No, checking your own score is considered a “soft” inquiry and does not affect your score.

Get Smart About Credit Day Activities

  1. Check your credit score

    If you haven’t done so already, get your free annual credit report. You can obtain it from one of the three credit bureaus (thanks FACTA) and check your credit score to see where you stand financially.

  2. Consult a financial advisor

    Show your current stats to a financial advisor of choice and ask them to help you with a financial plan for the future. Take this day to invest in your future self.

  3. Participate in the G.S.A.C. program

    If you are an eligible participant or banker, get involved in a G.S.A.C. activity. Whether it is volunteering your time, offering to consult, or attending a virtual seminar, there are so many options available!

5 Facts About Your Credit Score

  1. Payment history

    This accounts for 35% of your score and even one late payment can affect it negatively.

  2. Credit utilization

    The ratio of your credit card debt to your credit limits makes up 30% of your score.

  3. Credit history duration

    Referring to the age of accounts on your credit reports, this is 15% of your credit score.

  4. Credit mix

    This makes up 10% of your score and stands for the different types of credit you have.

  5. New credit

    Referring to the number of recently opened credit accounts, this accounts for 10% of your score.

Why We Love Get Smart About Credit Day

  1. It is a reminder to be financially responsible

    National Get Smart About Credit Day acts as an annual reminder for us to stay on top of our finances. Whether you are new to financial planning or have planned for the next 10 years, it is always a good idea to take a minute and align/realign your habits with your goals.

  2. It increases accessibility

    With free-of-cost events being held nationwide, National Get Smart About Credit Day gives you access to bankers and services that you may not have otherwise. Even if your local banks don’t participate, there are numerous online resources to turn to.

  3. It promotes responsibility and independence

    By teaching the youth the importance of personal financial management, this program inculcates financial responsibility and independence from a young age. It allows them to handle their own funds and plan for their future.

Get Smart About Credit Day dates

Year Date Day
2021 October 21 Thursday
2022 October 20 Thursday
2023 October 19 Thursday
2024 October 17 Thursday
2025 October 16 Thursday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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