
Crop Over – August 4-11, 2025

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Crop Over will begin from August 4 to August 11. Crop Over is an old tradition dating back centuries, and is a celebration of Barbados’ rich culture, and harvest. Barbados was once the most important producer of sugar in the world. At the end of every sugar season, a huge celebration would take place to mark the successful harvest. This is how the Crop Over celebration started. Today, the summer festival attracts people from all over the world. Crop Over features music, singing, dancing, colorful costumes, and more!

History of Crop Over

The colorful and fun-filled festival of Crop Over has roots in the 1680s but became popular in the 1780s when Barbados was the largest producer of sugar in the world.

The tradition of Crop Over started in 1687 to mark the end of the harvest season with a celebration. The original tradition was widespread throughout the region back then, including Trinidad, St. Vincent, and Jamaica. This is why the Crop Over festival hosted today is similar to the carnivals in Trinidad and Brazil. The original celebration was organized by planters, who used liquor and food as incentives to continue the enslavement of the labor. However, the workers often had their own celebrations, with singing, dancing, and ancestral traditions. Over time, other traditions were added including drinking competitions and climbing a greased pole.

Annual celebrations came to an end due to the severe effects of World War II, and the Crop Over Festival was not celebrated again until June 1, 1970. The new festival was updated and celebrations became bigger and better, with other elements of their culture incorporated into the festival to create the extravaganza we love today.

Thousands of people from around the world attend the Crop Over festival every year. The festival increases tourism in the island country, while also keeping true to the folk culture and old traditions of Barbados. Celebrations begin near the end of the harvest season, and the carnival concludes with the finale, The Grand Kadooment.

Crop Over timeline

The Original Crop Over

Crop Over celebrations are organized by plantation slaves to mark the end of the annual sugar cane harvest.

End of Crop Over

Harvest celebrations die out post World War II.

Crop Over Reborn

The festival is reborn, this time with culinary art, music, and competitions.

Back With A Bang

After a two-year hiatus, Barbados welcomes people back for Crop Over 2022.

Crop Over FAQs

Which country celebrates Crop Over?

The Crop Over summer festival takes place in Barbados every year, and it is celebrated by people from around the world who attend it.

What date is Crop Over in Barbados?

Crop Over is from July 27 to August 3 in 2022.

What events won’t take place in Crop Over 2022?

This year’s Crop Over festival will see a couple of changes to two of its most popular events — Grand Kadooment and Foreday Morning.

Crop Over Activities

  1. Get ready for the theme

    The Crop Over festival is full of bright colors and creative costumes. Get ready for the festivities by donning vivid makeup and elaborate costumes.

  2. Participate in the Pic-O-De Crop competition

    Got a great voice? Sign up for this singing competition!

  3. Strike a pose

    The Crop Over festival will give you some of the most Instagrammable photos ever! Take photos against the backdrop of the vivid festival and share them on social media.

5 Fun Facts About Crop Over

  1. Eternal Harvests

    Crop Over is one of the oldest festivals in the area, dating back centuries!

  2. The festival’s roots

    Crop Over has its roots in the African Yam Festival and the English Harvest Home festival.:

  3. The Kings and Queens

    Every year, a King and Queen of the Crop are crowned.

  4. The festival’s conclusion

    Kadooment is the Grand Finale of Crop Over.

  5. Unique festival route

    Unlike other festivals, Crop Over’s route for the masquerades goes one way.

Why We Love Crop Over

  1. One of the oldest-surviving festivals

    Amazingly, Crop Over started centuries ago and despite evolving over time, the true essence of the celebration remains the same. It’s a deeply important cultural festival that reminds people of their history and allows them to celebrate it.

  2. The best of Barbados

    There is no better way to experience the best of Barbados’ culture, food, and heritage, than by attending the Crop Over festival. It’s the perfect opportunity to learn more while having fun doing so.

  3. We just love carnivals

    We love carnivals and are always up for grand celebrations! Spending a day with friends is always a good time.

Crop Over dates

Year Date Day
2022 July 27 Wednesday
2023 August 7 Monday
2024 July 31 Wednesday
2025 August 4 Monday
2026 August 3 Monday