
Contact Lens Health Week – August 18-22, 2025

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Contact Lens Health Week falls in the third week of August, and this year it’s observed from August 18 to 22. It may just be one of the most undervalued national health weeks, and it may seem like a pretty small part of your life; you may not even need contact lenses, yet, but eye health and our ability to see is something no one should take for granted. Contact Lens Health Week is a call to action for all those who need assistance. With the creation of contact lenses and because they are so widely used, the need to draw attention to the proper use of and care for contact lenses is essential. The condition of your contact lens directly affects your ability to see, and further deterioration of your eyesight.

History of Contact Lens Health Week

Today, eye health and our ability to see are greatly taken for granted; the rise in technology and medical science means that most people should have the use of their eyes up until the day they die.

If they do suffer from any impairments, there are optics to help, surgeries, and transplants. Your eyes are replaceable now, but that wasn’t always the case and for this week you must understand just how far we’ve come and how valuable those precious sites are.

The first record of glasses for the improvement of one’s eyesight date back to the 1300s when very primitive lenses were crafted into frames. Salvino D’Armate is the most likely inventor. From there framed spectacles became more refined, handmade, and only available to the elite in society.

At about the time of the industrial revolution, glasses became quite accessible, and the common man could now enjoy improved vision at an affordable price. In the early 1800s, Thomas Young created the first contact lens prototype, using wax and waterfilled lenses, followed by another set of lenses to correct any light refracturing. Over the next 150 years, contact lenses were given some attention and by the 1940s, real progress had been made in creating a reliable replacement for everyday glasses. But it wasn’t until the introduction of soft lenses that people started to buy into the idea en masse.

From there the general public now opts between glasses and contact lenses, but most of the population does so without proper care and maintenance. Contact lenses come with two very important details: a replacement schedule, and a wear schedule. The most advanced contact lenses can be worn for a maximum of 30 days and nights, then they need to be replaced with fresh lenses.

National Contact Lens Health Week is a call to action for all those who wear contact lenses to be reminded of the importance of practicing regular care when using contact lenses. The nature of the lens makes it so that little oxygen penetrates the lens, while over extended periods can cause further deterioration of your vision.

Contact Lens Health Week timeline

The Idea is Formed

Leonardo da Vinci illustrates the concept of contact lenses and inspires future generations.

Plastic in the 30s

The versatile nature of plastic makes experimentation possible and the first contact lenses made from plastic arrive.

Looking For Comfort

After much work, the introduction of soft contact lenses to the public gets massive approval.

When You Need Them

Technology makes contact lenses more affordable and a new range of disposable soft contact lenses is introduced.

Contact Lens Health Week FAQs

Do you have to follow the optometrist's instructions?

Yes; no arguing.

What's the worst that could happen?

If you fail to follow the instructions set out by your optometrist you would be lucky to walk away with an irritated eye that is simply red and puffy, the worst could cause blindness.

How do I know if I need contact lenses?

A simple eye test at your nearest optometrist will help you.

How to Observe Contact Lens Health Week

  1. Go to a government-funded information talk

    The C.D.C. funds a host of initiatives to get people talking. You don’t have to travel far and can probably find them online.

  2. Get your eyes tested

    Contact Lens Health Week is about your eyes. Go and see if you need to have any corrections made to your current prescription or find out if you need one.

  3. Practice safe usage of contact lenses

    Learn from this week, and do what your optometrist wants you to do. Read the instructions on your contact lenses.

5 Facts About Contact Lenses

  1. People love them

    Around 125 million people worldwide wear contact lenses, and soft lenses are the industry leader among consumers.

  2. They’re for the gals

    Almost two-thirds of contact lens wearers are female, and the average age of wearers around the world is 31-years-old.

  3. It's Hollywood propaganda

    Modern contacts can’t pop out of your eye.

  4. Why we need it

    In a broad study, the U.S. National Library of Medicine found that between 40% to 90% of all contact lens wearers do not follow the proper instructions given by their optometrist.

  5. They’re safe to use

    Contact lenses are safe; only around one in 500 people receive a serious eye infection from them.

Why Contact Lens Health Week is Important

  1. It's an important government initiative

    Public Service Announcements are mostly a thing of the past. Today, we have a government looking out for its people, with a week-long health initiative.

  2. It creates awareness for an important industry problem

    Many people just couldn’t care less about the instructions or the consequences. This week forces people to talk about the issue and hopefully correct any irresponsible behaviors.

  3. Eyes are everything

    We take our eyes and our ability to see for granted. Not long ago, your ability to see was the difference between poverty and living a full life.

Contact Lens Health Week dates

Year Date Day
2022 August 22 Monday
2023 August 21 Monday
2024 August 19 Monday
2025 August 18 Monday
2026 August 17 Monday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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