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WedMay 7

Bladder Cancer Awareness Day – May 7, 2025

Bladder Cancer Awareness Day is observed annually on May 7. On the day, awareness programs are organized to educate the public about the symptoms, causes, and treatment of this type of cancer. Bladder cancer is the 10th most common cancer globally. In the U.S., around 57,000 men and 18,000 women are diagnosed with the disease every year. Needless to say, bladder cancer is a serious concern, and there’s a dedicated effort to improve the lives of patients suffering from it.

History of Bladder Cancer Awareness Day

Bladder cancer often starts in the urothelial cells that line the inside of our bladder. Most tumors develop on the inner layer of the bladder while some may grow into the deeper layers of the organ. Cancer becomes harder to treat as it grows through the layers of the muscle wall. Urothelial cells are also found in the kidneys and ureters, and the tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder. This means that the cancer may spread to the kidneys and ureters. However, this doesn’t happen as frequently.

Although radiological tests provide important information about the kidneys and ureters, cystoscopy is the best method of determining whether you have bladder cancer. Today, these diagnostic procedures are performed in a urologist’s clinic with little or no discomfort. During the cystoscopy, the urologist looks through the cystoscope and keeps an eye out for anything in the bladder that may be abnormal.

When diagnosed at an early stage, bladder cancer is highly treatable. It’s wise to keep an eye out for symptoms. Symptoms of bladder cancer may include and are not limited to, blood in the urine, painful urination, always an urgent need to urinate, trouble with passing urine, abdominal pain, fatigue, lower back pain, and a loss in appetite. Some individuals may be at a greater risk of developing bladder cancer. Smoking, chemical exposure, Caucasians, old age, family history, and chronic bladder infection are all factors that play a role when it comes to bladder cancer. Men are at greater risk of bladder cancer, however, it is on the rise among women too.

Bladder Cancer Awareness Day timeline

3000 B.C.
The First Description of Cancer

Descriptions of a cancer-like disease are found in Egypt.

The First Autopsy

Giovanni Morgagni conducts the first cancer autopsy.

19th Century
Cellular Pathology Theory is Developed

This theory enables the modern pathological study of cancer.

The First Mammography Machine

The first mammography machine is developed by Jean Bens and Emile Gabbay.

Bladder Cancer Awareness Day FAQs

How do you get bladder cancer?

Smoking is the single biggest risk factor for bladder cancer. Tobacco contains carcinogens that pass into your bloodstream and are filtered by the kidneys into your urine.

What symptoms do you experience with bladder cancer?

Blood or blood clots in the urine, pain or a burning sensation during urination, frequent urination, feeling the need to urinate many times throughout the night, and trouble passing urine.

Does bladder cancer have stages?

There are five stages: stage 0 (zero) and stages I through IV (one through four).

How to Observe Bladder Cancer Awareness Day

  1. Schedule a cystoscopy

    Observe Bladder Cancer Awareness Day by scheduling a cystoscopy for yourself and your loved ones. This is particularly important if you’ve noticed any abnormalities or belong to a high-risk group.

  2. Quit smoking

    Smoking often leads to bladder cancer. The best way to observe Bladder Cancer Awareness Day is by quitting smoking and other habits that may cause abnormalities in the cells.

  3. Share your story

    If you or someone you know has survived bladder cancer, share your stories on Bladder Cancer Awareness Day. Educate others about the illness and encourage patients and caregivers to cooperate.

5 Important Facts About Bladder Cancer

  1. Men are more susceptible

    Men are four times more likely than women to get bladder cancer.

  2. It occurs mainly in older people

    Nine out of 10 patients with bladder cancer are 60 years and older.

  3. It has the highest chances of returning

    The chances of returning are 50% to 80%.

  4. Smoking is the greatest risk factor

    Smokers are twice as likely to get bladder cancer.

  5. Not all races are affected equally

    Asians are least likely to be affected by bladder cancer.

Why Bladder Cancer Awareness Day is Important

  1. It removes misconceptions

    Initiatives such as Bladder Cancer Awareness Day help remove misunderstandings and stigmas surrounding bladder cancer. It also helps in creating awareness of the illness.

  2. It builds a community

    When caregivers and patients with bladder cancer share their stories during Bladder Cancer Awareness Day, they also build a community where they can talk about treatments and share resources.

  3. It raises awareness

    The main objective of Bladder Cancer Awareness Day is to educate people about the illness. Medical professionals come together to help laymen better understand cancer and what they can do to prevent and treat it.

Bladder Cancer Awareness Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 May 7 Wednesday
2026 May 7 Thursday
2027 May 7 Friday
2028 May 7 Sunday
2029 May 7 Monday